Ive lost it

My motivation that is. I haven't blown it diet wise but I have been eating at maintenance for the last few days. Also because of a pulled muscle and a few illnesses I haven't been at the gym as often as I should have been.

How do I get my motivation back. Will eating at maintenance for a few weeks be a bad thing?


  • timbiden
    timbiden Posts: 21
    You're not alone. We all lose our motivation.

    When I lose mine, I strip down in from of a mirror and look at myself sideways. I think to myself "I didn't think I was that big. I need to lose that fat." This always has the same effect for me.

    Hope it helps.
  • caitlinlaura00
    Sometimes I'll have just one crappy day of eating,and feel completely BLAH.
    And I've felt unmotivated for SOOO long. But I recently started using this site with a friend, and having her to keep me accountable really helps! Maybe you just need an accountability buddy?
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    It is not bad. Not mean-spirited or hurting anyone.

    If you feel that eating more will make you happier, do that! And be happy doing it.

    You can always re-lose whatever you gain back. It's more work, later, if you decide you want to lose weight again, but you can deal with that then.

    The only way to be happy is to do what you want to do.

    Figure out what you want more - the losing or the increased eating. Then do it and be happy with your choice!