netter43 Member


  • Congratulations!!! - what a perfect time to read this - I just did Jessicasmithtv interval workout on youtube - my sister wants to start training for a 5K by doing the c25k program but have to wait until spring breaks in central Wisconsin so in the meantime I am doing what training I can to get ready for it - Thank heavens…
  • jessicasmithtv - tons of different workouts you can play on your computer and watch something on tv at the same time - although I usually pay such attention to her I don't even know what I have on the tv and never feel like I'm working out for 30+ minutes.
  • jessicasmithtv - I recommend strength and stride episode 1 (hand weights) or episode 2 (resistance band), but her disco walk is fun to - I have been trying a lot of her different ones and more out there I haven't even tried yet - all different levels of activity but the episode 1 and 2 have been really keeping me…
  • stride and strength episode I (with hand weights) and episode II (with resistance band) - my new favorites - feel stronger every day - episode 1 kicked my butt today - but in a great way!!! - She is not boring to listen to at all....the moves are doable and she does her workouts in very small…
  • Don't think of it as the number on the scale, although believe me I'm the same way! - I have to keep in my mind that each day I'm working out I am getting stronger and clothes are fitting better....give yourself a month and see where you are from the beginning of that month and then do the same for the next…
  • I was prescribed compression hose (20-30 mmHg compression) by my doctor - but heard you can buy them like at walmart - mine are knee high and I have been wearing them about 1-1/2 months daily for swelling in my legs/feet - I cannot explain what a difference they have made - I used to have pain in my legs daily - I'm sure…
  • I can only speak of my own experience - but when I started focusing on less sodium and more protein it has seemed a lot easier and less frustrating - and I make sure I drink at least 64+ ounces of water a day.....I run to the bathroom a lot, but I look at it as getting rid of the junk in my body - and it has even helped…
  • You should be proud of you - don't wait for someone else to validate that you are doing a good thing - I had lost at least 50 pounds in the past using MFP and exercising - it was not until I lost my mojo - quit smoking (which I did not get praise for) - but starting gaining the weight back that my long time boyfriend said…
  • I started back with MFP this week Tuesday - I worked out for 4 days in a row - even when I barely wanted to get out of bed!!! I chose grapes versus chips last night and I chose eating at home versus running through drive through as I was home by myself - that made me proud of me as previously the choice would have been so…
  • congratulations!! - Keep up the great work - I cannot wait until my first 10 pounds is gone!!! - Thanks for the inspiration and motivation!!! :)
  • THANK YOU ALL AND CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR PROGRESS!! I am back and I need to get serious - I have done this in the past - 2-1/2 to 3 years ago I got down to 239 pounds by using MFP - but for some reason I lost my mojo - quit smoking then and quit exercising - was feeling better than I ever had in my life that I could…
  • I'm definitely no expert as I'm still trying to figure out what works for me, but I have a desk job - totally sedentary except for my 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week...I find if I totally up the water, watch out for sodium as best I can and up the protein foods - I do way better, just a thought. Also, my brother who…
  • Central Wisconsin - currently -23 degrees. With windchill -46. School has been cancelled for 2 days. Bring on the Spring!!!
  • YOU ARE ONE AWESOME "YOUNG LADY!!!" - Thanks so much for sharing YOUR story and inspiring all of us, young, old and in between....we may be moms, sisters, daughters, aunts, cousins, or what have you, but in the end we are all woman and your last post made me laugh out loud and nod in agreement - can't wait till I hit that…
  • I've just started back with Leslie this week - I love her DVD's!!! - I'm currently starting with the one that has 5 miles, but I did the 1 mile the last 2 days - Yes, I'm starting out slow - but even those 12-13 minutes makes me sweat - I've been so sedintary for so long it is ridiculous - Spring is right around the corner…
  • I have started back wholeheartedly on MFP since 9/17/2012....I get up every morning and do Leslie - at least 30 minutes of any of her videos/strive for 45 minutes and I tend to not work out on Sunday...Anyway, thus far I have lost 12 miles and my core is getting stronger, my arms, legs etc, energy level is…
  • Hello Survivor - WELCOME and I wish you nothing but God's good grace during all of this process...It definitely is a mind blowing experience and it is amazing the things that we think of!! - I will pray for you and your son and hope that all goes well....Stay strong and don't miss your appointments!!!! - You can do this!!!…
  • Being diagnosed with breast cancer and surviving lumpectomy and radiation, done at the end of May 2012. then doctoring for every ache and pain I had since then and having every ultrasound imaginable - lastly was my gallbladder - it was fine, but they found spots on my liver - well, it turned out to be fatty liver and they…
  • I wish I had all the answers!! - I have started working out 30-45 minutes daily using Leslie Sasone Walk Away the Pounds DVD's - I actually gained 8 pounds since starting to workout faithfully, but in 3 weeks I'm starting to see a difference in my waistline...I'm also tracking my food faithfully and drinking water like…
  • I would be interested in hearing others reply as well - I do the exact same 3 miles and I log it as 3.5 MPH for 38 minutes.....I too need to save my pennies to invest in a heart rate monitor - hopefully others will chime in as obviously we are miles apart :)
  • OK people - I have been missing in action and I am sorry - I have 7 treatments left (started with 32) - it seemed so daunting and now I am amazed I have only 7 treatments left - I am burnt of course and my skin is peeling like crazy but overall I have had one melt down day where the staff at my cancer treatment center…
  • Well I actually called the radiaton therapist yesterday as I have not even started treatment yet, but feel like a big fat blob and wanted to know if I can workout/try to lose weight again since I'm now 3 weeks out from surgery.... She suggested no, that I should work on maintaining my weight....because I'm all marked and…
  • Thank you Gorger - No one has ever just spelled it all out - really does sound simple doesn't it - Unfortunately guess what sorts of foods I hate - vegetables - I'm not kidding - well as an adult I've learned to eat more of them and obviously need to keep at it - I just want to thank you for such a detailed response - it…
  • Thanks Gorger for the info - I still have not made up my mind and really hope to get ahold of one of the nurses today - being the study is so new, I don't know if they have even started treating anyone with the extra strong doses of radiation - I do know that they said that is the way Canada supposedly does their…
  • First let me say - HOLY CRAP!!! - I am amazed by each and every one of your stories - I'm almost embarrased to join this group but I have a lot of questions. My name is Danette and I am 45 years old - Was just diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer, hormone positive in my left breast February 2012. I had my mastectomy March…
  • I don't know if this is the proper topic to post this on but I'm looking for HELP!!! - I was diagnosed with left breast cancer - stage 1, hormone receptor positive - just had my lumpectomy and lymph node biopsy (4) - everything came back clean margins and negative. All I can say is thank God for yearly mammograms - my…
  • The smile says it all!!! - - Keep on doing whatever you are doing because it is definitely making you smile a whole lot more!~!!! Hugs to you my friend!!! :)
  • I do walk away the pounds DVD workouts by Leslie Sansone - typically 2-3 miles in the morning and every other day I use 2 pound hand weights during the workout - I also bought a 10 pound kettle bell and started doing that at night, but only for 10-15 minutes right now - I'm just frustrated because I literally feel like I…
  • Count me ALL IN!!! - This will be just what I need to jump start the NEW YEAR and THE NEW ME!!!
  • First of all let me say, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY - and I would never guess in a million years that you are 60 (not that that is old in my standards) - but you look PHENOMENAL!!! - Thank you for explaining how you got to where you want to be!!! - So many of us want instant gratification (me, me, me) and it just does not…