Breast Cancer Survivor

:smile: In 12/10 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and subsequently went through 16 weeks of chemo and a double mastectomy with an immediate rebuild, using the free tram flap procedure.. That was a long journey and now I begin the long road nof getting into the best physical shape of my life. Although I only have 20 lbs to be at the lowest weight possible for my size, I have been at a standstill for a while and need to be logging my food and exercise as a weigh (hee hee) to be accountable. My goal is to log in for 365 days... Day one is over..


  • NicholeMT
    NicholeMT Posts: 3 Member
    Marti~I am so glad to see you on here and you inspire me. I hope we can enjoy this journey together!
  • Melylu
    Melylu Posts: 10
    :smile: In 12/10 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and subsequently went through 16 weeks of chemo and a double mastectomy with an immediate rebuild, using the free tram flap procedure.. That was a long journey and now I begin the long road nof getting into the best physical shape of my life. Although I only have 20 lbs to be at the lowest weight possible for my size, I have been at a standstill for a while and need to be logging my food and exercise as a weigh (hee hee) to be accountable. My goal is to log in for 365 days... Day one is over..

    Hello! I am also a breast cancer survivor. I was stage 2b Triple Negative. Partial mastectomy, chemo... radiation the works. Now I have been cancer free for 4 years!. I am trying so hard to be a healthier person and my journey has just begun as well. Please add me as a friend if you wish! Welcome.
  • Melylu
    Melylu Posts: 10
    Marti~I am so glad to see you on here and you inspire me. I hope we can enjoy this journey together!
  • this is a great place to help us as we continue on the journey of life!!!!!!
    i too am a cancer survivor..... I had Endometrial cancer 4 years ago...continuing on my journey, albeit a lot more healthy than before, this site has been fab for support/motivation/ideas/suggestions.
    feel free to add me as a friend too.
    it is such a step to take to progress in a 'healthier' way of life.
  • RCadence
    RCadence Posts: 79
    Your stories are truly inspiring! I wish you all the luck in your missions on here and you can add me as a friend if you want? Either way you'll have folk cheering you's on! :-)
  • lax75
    lax75 Posts: 118 Member
    Diagnosed with Stage 2B ER+/PR+/H- in May 2011, and by the middle of Jan 2012 had finished surgery/chemo/radiation. I joined MFB less for weight loss purposes than for a way to see how healthy my diet really is. With many years of drug therapy ahead of me, and the various side effects to deal with, I needed a way to follow my consumption of calcium, iron, and vitamins and also saturated fat. I'd rather get the "good stuff" from food than from supplements so it is important to see just what and how much I'm actually getting, and MFP lets me do that. And I also want keep myself honest on the amount of weight-bearing exercise (also key to deal with the SE) I really get. I like the MFP emphasis on good health, which we all want regardless of our size.

    Of course even though I have managed to get rid of the weight I gained from all those steroids during chemo, I still wouldn't mind losing 5-10 more! :-)

    {{hugs}} to the other BC survivors on here!
  • I too am a triple negative, had a lumpectomy, chemo and was supposed to do radiation but my hubby and I chose to be more aggressive and go for the mastectomy.. How long have you been on MFP? Have you read The Cancer Lifeline book? Congratulations on 4 year mark!
  • camid01
    camid01 Posts: 2
    I'm new to this group. I was diagnosed with stage 1 triple neg breast cancer in March of 2011. I had a double masectomy & 6 months of chemo. I'm still going through the reconstruction part of it & hope to be done be the end of the summer. I've been overweight for 20 years. Last year I lost 20lbs on weight watchers & then was diagnosed & that brought my weightloss efforts to a screaming halt. I was just released in January to start trying again. I need to lose aout 60 lbs. I tried weight watchers again for 6 weeks, but couldn't get into it. I am now doing a 6 week weightloss challange through a local nutrition club. I lost 4.6 lbs the first week. Last week I gained .4 oz but my clothes are looser. My next weigh-in is on Thursday. I feel great & my energy level is higher than before the chemo..
  • netter43
    netter43 Posts: 110 Member
    I don't know if this is the proper topic to post this on but I'm looking for HELP!!! - I was diagnosed with left breast cancer - stage 1, hormone receptor positive - just had my lumpectomy and lymph node biopsy (4) - everything came back clean margins and negative. All I can say is thank God for yearly mammograms - my tumor was 9 mm and not even palpable....

    Anyway - started Tamoxifen just this week (I am 45 and premenopausal even though I had a partial hysterectomy at 29)....I haven't been exercising yet since I'm just one week out of surgery and still pretty sore - need to at least start walking, ok, question is i'm gaining weight like someone is pumping lead in me....WTF?!! - I already weigh 281 (my scale) - unfortunately when I was diagnosed I did nothing but emotional eating, especially while waiting for the genetic testing (family history) - which would have changed my surgery (double mastectomy and both ovaries removed at same time) - so needless to say things were pretty tense for a couple of weeks...

    Now I will be doing radiation - there again - I have a choice to make as they are just starting a study so I can choose the traditional 32-33 treatments (6-1/2 weeks) or do the study and be chosen randomly for 3 weeks of double dose radiation or 4.5 weeks of a little less radiation, but more than traditional...

    I have no room to complain - yes, I was diagnosed with cancer, BUT - it was caught extremely early and my natural breast was preserved - Sure now I have to take the Tamoxifen for the next 5 years and get through radiation - but many woman have had it much worse....I will survive this!!

    My question is even though they say Tamoxifen does not cause weight gain, obviously it does not help - any tips from any other survivors out there would be so greatly appreciated - I do not want to gain another 30-50 pounds -my body cannot afford it!!!

    The said thing - a year ago - I had lost 50 pounds with the help of MFP only to let many other things get in my way and I quit smoking at that time but also quit excercising and tracking my food.....

    Just looking where to start and how to do it now that I have these new hurdles in my face!!!

    Thanks to everyone and God bless (please excuse the ramblings) - my boyfriend and I also feel that tamoxifen has caused my brain to take a vacation!!!
  • BcozIcan
    BcozIcan Posts: 12 Member
    Congratulations to everyone for fighting the good fight!
    I'm a breast cancer survivor from what I like to call the 'Class of 2010'. I was 4 months pregnant when diagnosed with stage 3, 4.5 months pregnant when they took the lump and all my lymph nodes. When the did the extensive testing on the nodes they found that I also have leukemia, but that's at stage zero.
    I absolutely ballooned during chemotherapy and radio-therapy. Largely, because I felt sorry for myself and the metalic taste in my mouth (and the mouth ulcers) meant I only really enjoyed sweets -and, boy, did I enjoy them!
    Anyway, thanks for listening. I've made the decision that I will continue to cheat the Grim Reaper for at least 40 more years and stay around to torment my little girl and husband. That means getting to my healthiest weight and healthiest lifestyle possible.
    I no longer 'advertise' openly that I am a cancer survivor -or that I actually still have a cancer in my blood and bones- I just prefer to be plain old me now and get on with it. But If anyone would like to friend me so we can go along the path that focuses on life rather than ancient history, I'm always happy to lend an ear, shoulder or just some tough love!
  • BcozIcan
    BcozIcan Posts: 12 Member
  • BcozIcan
    BcozIcan Posts: 12 Member
    How's everyone doing? Haven't seen any posts in a while.
    I'm wondering if anyone else who went through radio-therapy has trouble with chest/respiratory infections. Seems like every time I get a cold it goes that way. Just wondered.
  • dkrieger
    dkrieger Posts: 2 Member
    You will live another 40 years look to God take care of yourself. And be determine to see your grandkids your going to have one day.