Frustrated!! Not Losing Weight!

I'm at a loss and totally frustrated about my weight loss. I started tracking again in July. According to my goals and results, I should have lost almost 10 lbs. Actual results are 3 lbs. I was recently diagnosed with Severe Growth Hormone Deficiency and it is not under control (insurance hasn't approved Injections). I really don't know what I'm doing wrong. Any advice or suggestions??

Background: Been overweight about 15 yrs, went from 140 to 250 in about 2yrs. Lost 50 lbs in 2010 and gained 25 back in a few mths. Then gained another 25 in about 2 mths in 2012. I track everything and use measuring cups and scale.


  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Not sure what the hormone situation means to weight loss, but you consume a ridiculous amount of sodium and you're probably toting around an extra ~8lbs of water.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I looked up your diagnosis and it looks like it has a serious impact on your metabolism. You need to talk to your doctor about this.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    I agree with very high sodium.

    It also doesn't look like you use a food scale to weigh your portions which is a HUGE part of coming in under your goal. (See here:'re+probably+eating+more+than+you+think&page=1)

    If you have a medical issue, the doctor is the best person to talk to.
  • A_Rene86
    A_Rene86 Posts: 141 Member
    I was going to say the same thing about the sodium. Also, on your diary today for example, you've almost hit or surpassed all of your numbers and you haven't had dinner yet. I don't say any of that to be unkind, I struggle with the same things (I imagine we all do or we wouldn't be here) but I would try to eat less processed ready to go kind of food.

    Also, what type of exercise are you doing to reach that 500 or so calories MFP says you're earning for the day?
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I'm at a loss and totally frustrated about my weight loss. I started tracking again in July. According to my goals and results, I should have lost almost 10 lbs. Actual results are 3 lbs. I was recently diagnosed with Severe Growth Hormone Deficiency and it is not under control (insurance hasn't approved Injections). I really don't know what I'm doing wrong. Any advice or suggestions??

    Background: Been overweight about 15 yrs, went from 140 to 250 in about 2yrs. Lost 50 lbs in 2010 and gained 25 back in a few mths. Then gained another 25 in about 2 mths in 2012. I track everything and use measuring cups and scale.

    i'm sorry i can't offer help with your deficiency however i too think your sodium is out of control. every day i looked at you were WAY over. if you cut back on your sodium and drank tons of water you will probably lose a bit more weight just from this little fix. you may also want to think about cutting back on the processed foods. chef boy r dee food, etc is not very healthy yes low in fat but healthy no not really. whole wheat pasta and if you must jarred sauce (look for one that has the least amount of sodium) is much better for you then pasta in a can.

    a food scale is going to be much more accurate then measuring cups.
  • txrane1973
    txrane1973 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes...I use a food scale. I do low impact aerobics at home. I am still narrowing down the target pulse rate, but today's was 120. I know about the sodium, but have been focusing on the carbs and calories. I'm still narrowing down percentages.
  • violasmith85
    violasmith85 Posts: 274 Member
    Are you measuring yourself? Today I seen a drop of 2 inches off my waist, and 3 from my chest without dropping a single pound. I don't take the scale that seriously.
  • A_Rene86
    A_Rene86 Posts: 141 Member
    Okay, but the calories are still pretty high a lot of days too. Again, I don't mean to come off as insensitive, but it seems like you're going over most of your numbers every day and I imagine that's slowing down your loss quite a bit.

    Maybe try eating back just some of your exercise calories? I don't trust their calculations for calories burned and so don't ever eat back everything they say I can...personally I'd rather take the larger deficit. Either way, best of luck to you...God knows it's a struggle!
  • Darlene6464

    I completely understand how you feel. It is very frustrating trying to lose weight. I have tried diets, pills, exercise programs, name it. I am learning that it comes down to how my body processes foods that I consume. Our bodies have gotten trained and are used to the habits that have gotten us where we are. In my frustration, I set out on a journey to learn what I can do to lose weight and keep it off...essentially, retrain my body to process foods that I love to eat in a more efficient manner. I have found this article to be helpful and looking forward to updating my weight loss goals in the upcoming weeks. Check it out here

    I look forward to hearing your good news too!
  • A_Rene86
    A_Rene86 Posts: 141 Member
    I'm sorry, but that kind of attitude is what frustrates me! You're frustrated that you never lose the weight and you've tried pills, etc. but how about just plain eating better and moving more? There is no magic cure! Hard work, commitment, a desire to change, those are the things that will get you to your goal, not some ridiculous plan that includes all the junk you love.

    (OP-that was not directed towards you)
  • weightlosstk

    No frustration

    Hello friends,
    you wrote to give you some tips about weight loss.I can say about myself. 2 month ago my weight were about 85kg but Now my weight is 56kg.I followed of of my friends suggestion.I will suggest you the same suggestion about weight loss that is just go there and check it out.Wish you will get a slim figure very within short time
  • lisahenneberry83
    lisahenneberry83 Posts: 37 Member
    stop eating processed foods, move more..I have struggled with my weight for years too. I did the whole weight loss classes, pills ect...they don't work!! I know I am still learning about foods etc.. watch the movie " Food Inc " It's on me when I say you will never look at food the same again...
  • netter43
    netter43 Posts: 110 Member
    I can only speak of my own experience - but when I started focusing on less sodium and more protein it has seemed a lot easier and less frustrating - and I make sure I drink at least 64+ ounces of water a day.....I run to the bathroom a lot, but I look at it as getting rid of the junk in my body - and it has even helped decrease swelling in my feet and legs. I wish you all the luck with your health issues.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I peaked at your diary and whoa man eat lots of unhealthy foods (sausage, bacon, real butter, bisque soup...). Keep an eye on your macros. Watch your sodium, calories, fat, etc. and try to stick with the MFP recommendations.

    You might want to get your cholesterol checked...
  • lisahenneberry83
    lisahenneberry83 Posts: 37 Member
    Options really need to stop all the processed foods! Your sodium is out of control! That will play a MAJOR part in your weight loss. Please watch the movie " Food Inc " it's on netflex, you will look at the foods you eat in a whole different way. You are killing your body by eating things like country crock, chef-boy-r-d!! That crap turns into plastic! Stop worrying about low fat, fat free crap and eat whole foods. I have struggled myself for years after I had my kids and had back surgery. I will never be 125lbs again...however I am healthier now that I ever was! I have to work hard everyday to keep myself in check and it's not easy. You are the only one who can make the change...
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    Hang in there! I know its hard. I struggle with my weight as well. For me the key has been forcing myself (and it was hard!) to stop eating anything processed (with a few exceptions). I eliminated pasta, dairy, canned foods, eating out and pre-packaged freezer meals. I now eat chicken, fish, steak and lots and lots of steamed green veggies.I also eat protein bars and shakes my doctor recommended. (You can probably see them in my food diary if you want to know what kind) I also drink about 1gal of water a day. This has always helped me to push past the plateaus.

    I know it sounds awful to make these changes. I've been there. If you can jump in full force though and motivate yourself to cut out all processed foods and eating out for just 90 days you'll feel sooo much better about this kind of eating as a lifestyle change and by this time you'll have gathered a whole list of recipes that will break up the monotony. You'll start feeling better and enjoying foods you didn't like before. :)

    I'm not saying you have to be perfect all the time. Try to limit yourself to 1-2 cheat meals a week. Its worked well for me to keep me from going off the wagon too far for too long.

    Also if you are under a lot of stress find things that help you least for me stress contributes to weight gain and to eating things I shouldn't.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    Based on your diagnosis, I'd talk to your endocrinologist about your frustrations and ask them to refer you to a registered dietitian that can handle what lack of hgh does to your metabolism. I have a feeling (just a feeling) they may say to try lower carb diet may help in this type of hormonal medical issue. Also, I agree with the others about the processed foods and sodium levels. Make small changes, and try to switch over to home made dishes instead of buying pre-made and canned items. It actually seems to me that your choices are pretty good, other than they are pre-packaged. I think if you made all of the items in your diary from scratch, your sodium level would come down some. You can also choose low sodium items like deli meats and bacon.

    Oh, and do your best to keep up with the injections when they are approved and prescribed.

    Good luck to you.
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    Yes...I use a food scale. I do low impact aerobics at home. I am still narrowing down the target pulse rate, but today's was 120. I know about the sodium, but have been focusing on the carbs and calories. I'm still narrowing down percentages.

    While carbs and calories are no more or less important thant sodium (depending on your situation, some might have certain health restrictions), it's an overall balance to maintain.

    I am not sure exactly what your normal schedule is like, but I would eat more home cooked food. For example, soup (especially Campbells) is jam packed with sodium and it's really not good for you.

    In looking at your intake, you are taking in a lot of carbs. For example, one day you had one slice of white bread for breakfast and then 2 at lunch. From bread, that's a lot of carbs and starches which will turn to sugar in your body if you don't use the energy. Have you ever researched clean eating? I follow an 80/20 rule: 80% of my food comes in the form of clean eating while 20% does not; this is so I don't go nuts. But if an item of food got from it's original state (IE - field, tree, etc) to your mouth in 5 steps or less then it's good. The more refining and processing food has to go through, the more perservatives and (usually) sodium it will contain. And if it's completly man-made (say like Campbell's soup) then well, you know. I am not saying to cut carbs (I don't think cutting any specific macro or food group is especially helpful) but just to watch how many grams of carbs you consume because your body will use the carbs you consume daily for energy and if you run out of those carbs your body will essentially start to use fat stores for that energy, which is how you lose fat when doing a lot of cardio because you're burning energy like no body's business.

    If you're watching your carbs, I can't imagine how many you consumed before starting this. Not to sound mean, but a package of Chef Boy R D (sp??) that you logged had 74 g of carbs in it and like 1,400 mg of sodium. I know they're cheap and easy but just because they are low in calories doesn't mean they're doing your body any good. That's a TON of stuff your body (or anyone's body) doesn't really need. Making home made pasta with low-sodium tomato sauce would be better (and you could probably have a slightly bigger serving). The point is: processed, ready to go food are not good and they're probably contributing greatly to your stall in weight loss. Carbs (energy) that aren't used will turn to sugar in your body and then your body is digesting sugar, basically.

    I would say, from my experience (and this has nothing to do with your condition) one of two things is happening: a) you aren't burning as much from your exercise as you think you are [MFP grossly over estimates calorie burn] or b) you're consuming more than you think you are - and with the amount of ready-to-go, processed foods you log I think that's the more likely situation.

    And (finally - I know this is long) there aren't really any fruits or veggies in your meals - most of your calories come from foods that are not so great for you; eat an apple or some cut up peppers with lite ranch dip with your sandwhich instead of Tostitos and Chili Cheese dip. If you were able to have one pop a week (start with every other day or something) I bet you'd see a different really quickly. And if you're doing low-impact exercises, how did you burn 1,000+ calories? I know some low impact exercises can burn that much like spin for example but if you're just starting out, I think this may be an over-estimate on caloric burn. And buy some whole grain bread if you're going to eat that much bread - at least you can get some fiber in it. Although if you can cut down on the amount of bread products you eat, it'll probably help a lot too.

    Feel free to add me - I'd be more than happy to provide support, motivation, good receipes for meal prep, and so on.

    Good Luck!
  • txrane1973
    txrane1973 Posts: 4 Member
    I really appreciate all the responses. I guess I eat more processed than I realize. I thought I was doing good with buying organic stuff and stuff that had fewer chemicals and ingredients. I have been focusing on the low carb and working towards 100 g per day, but noticed that I feel sick with less than 1500 cal per day. I'm trying to figure it all out. I was raised on processed and fast foods and it has taken a long time just to get to this point. I don't know how to cook very well (trying to make homemade pasta would def be a miracle right now haha). I had stopped the fruits cause of the carbs, but I will add those back in and go back to making my salads. Is the frozen chicken breasts highly processed? Any recommendations on resources for simple meals I can make from scratch? What about frozen veggies or fruits?

    Incidentally, a lot of people mentioned the chef stuff. It's not part of normal diet, I tried it cause it had potassium and fiber. It doesn't taste good though. Neither did that kettle soup I tried...I could taste the salt in it. I haven't found a bread that I like that is low carb and/cal. However, I haven't been focusing on less processed kinds yet. I guess I have to sacrifice calories for less processed carbs??
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I really appreciate all the responses. I guess I eat more processed than I realize. I thought I was doing good with buying organic stuff and stuff that had fewer chemicals and ingredients. I have been focusing on the low carb and working towards 100 g per day, but noticed that I feel sick with less than 1500 cal per day. I'm trying to figure it all out. I was raised on processed and fast foods and it has taken a long time just to get to this point. I don't know how to cook very well (trying to make homemade pasta would def be a miracle right now haha). I had stopped the fruits cause of the carbs, but I will add those back in and go back to making my salads. Is the frozen chicken breasts highly processed? Any recommendations on resources for simple meals I can make from scratch? What about frozen veggies or fruits?

    Incidentally, a lot of people mentioned the chef stuff. It's not part of normal diet, I tried it cause it had potassium and fiber. It doesn't taste good though. Neither did that kettle soup I tried...I could taste the salt in it. I haven't found a bread that I like that is low carb and/cal. However, I haven't been focusing on less processed kinds yet. I guess I have to sacrifice calories for less processed carbs??

    You can eat processed/packaged foods and lose weight. You may have issues with water retention, but when it comes to losing actual's about the calories. Nothing wrong with frozen chicken breasts, fruits and veggies.