

  • Been juicing two to three meals a day for over 45 days now. In general I feel a lot better and have more energy than my younger and healthier co-workers. (I have Lupus). What I need to do it rein in my third meal, that is where I have not been eating good. I need to realize that eating good for 2 meals a day, doesn't mean…
  • Been juicing since the 6th of July. I have really been enjoying it. I wake up thinking, what combinations of fruit and veggies I am going to try in the juicer next.
  • Have felt really good the last two days. Lots more energy. Looking forward to it clearing up my pain.
    in Juicing Comment by BMW6Series July 2011
  • Kale, Strawberries, Celery and some lemon. I am feeling good today at work.
  • Juiced strawberries, 2 apples and 12 oz of Kale. If it was not for juicing I would never get the nutrients of Kale in my system. Been juicing for over a week now with two to three meals a day of juice and a healthy vegan snack.
  • I have more energy juicing and less fatigue. I know that I am getting great nutrients as well that are going to pay off over time.
    in Juicing Comment by BMW6Series July 2011
  • I an hoping to get my health back with it and use juicing to fight off nasty diseases. I recommend looking up the health benefits on google for the different plants you are juicing. That will motivate you to do even more veggies and fruits. Juiced enough for breakfast and lunch at work. I am hoping that it will provide me…
  • There is almond milk and similarly there is hazelnut milk. I liked hazelnut milk in my coffee.
    in coffee!! Comment by BMW6Series July 2011
  • Thank is exactly what my wife did was get out Juicer and Bed Bath and Beyond and they took at twenty percent off coupon that she pulled up on here iPhone. Been juicing for days now. I am doing it to see if it will clear up my autoimmune problems like it did for Joe and Phil.
    in Juicing Comment by BMW6Series July 2011
  • I had kale, one apple, one tangelo, one green pepper and one cucumber with the skin on for my juice this morning. It was really quite yummy.
  • The website was recommending a 15 day juice fast for me. I have auto immune problem that I think will be helped by this cleaner, more raw approach. I am enjoying my fruits and veggies.
  • Remember the Juice Fast is just a reboot. Getting good micro-nutrients into your system and helping you develop a taste for fresh fruits and vegetables. Usually people don't eat enough fruits and veggies, and if you they do, they were usually over-cooked. It is not a juice only diet for life. It is short term, but having…
  • lost like 6 pounds so far.
  • I am losing weight and feeling better. My stomach was doing funny things yesterday as it has never had this much fruit and vegetables before.
  • I am liking having the juicer. I feel better now than I did this morning. This is my day three. I did cheat a little on days 1 and 2. But didn't cheat at all today, now that I have a fancy new juicer. I might juice a little more as a snack tonight. My wife wants me to make her something with pineapple and mango. I think…
  • My wife got me a Breville 850 watt juicer and 50 dollars of fresh produce this morning. So I started today. It was fun, and I think that I am already feeling a little better. I can't say that I had a whole beet, a cup of spinach and half a cucumber for breakfast before (along with all sorts of other fruit and vegetables).…
  • I started with 10 bottles of Odwalla juice, but they were just too small. Felt so HUNGRY with just 36 ounces of juice a day. My beautiful wife got me a Breville 850 watt juicer today and 50 dollars worth of produce this morning. First juice that I had with the juicer had apples, beets and celery in it. We added a few…
  • My second day of Juice fast. Waiting for my juicer. I think that will be way more fun that just drinking Odwalla or Naked juice. (even though, those are yummy)
  • I am in day two. Struggling with not eating food and just drinking. I think that I must eat for entertainment and drinking juice is not that entertaining. Lost two more pounds.
  • Oh Yeah, "The Lupus Recovery Diet" which is a book available on Amazon also recommends juicing to start its program. If you Grandma is suffering from Lupus, she may very well want to give it a try if she reads the book and sees the video. The drugs that guys where on for their auto-immune diseases in Fat Sick and Nearly…
  • Prepping huh? I missed that part. You got a link? I couldn't get some of the pages at the site to load. Will try again.
  • Getting a Breville Juicer off of Amazon for 83.00 on Friday. Breville is the brand of juicer that the guy used in the Documentary on "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead". It comes very highly rated by owners. I started a juice fast today using Odwalla and Naked Juice juices until my juicer arrives. I already love carrot juice.
  • I watched "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" on Netflix a couple of days ago. Getting a Breville juicer off of Amazon this Friday. I started my juice fast today though using Odwalla and Naked Juice juices. I didn't want to wait. What impressed me most was not the weight loss, but the health from the autoimmune disease. I have…
  • You also have baked potatoes at Wendy's as well. Yum!
  • I took a pedometer to work. In a 6 hour shift, I walked 9812 steps. Too bad I don't know how to figure that into calories burned. But obviously that is more than if I had a job sitting in front of a computer. Bmw6Series
  • Indian food tonight. The rice is 4 or 5 grain rice with wild and red rice.
  • I got put on it again Friday. Figured that I was going to gain a lot of weight. But I lost a pound so far, and broke through a plateau.
  • I make Potato skins tonight. Vegetarian for the family with cheese, mushrooms and chives. I had 2 kinds. (a) Mushrooms with Bulgogi (Korean with lots of ginger) Marinade and (b) Olive Oil and Zatar Mediterranean spice blend. It was all yummy and good.
  • Wow, no beans either? That would be very very difficult for me to do. Hmmm. Trying to think of a bean/meat substitute. I will be back later if I can think of anything. What are your favorite fruits and veggies that you can eat? Bmw6Series