Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
Watched a documentary called Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead on Netflix yesterday.

It's inspired me to start juicing to loose my last 15 lbs!

You should check it out: http://www.fatsickandnearlydead.com/ & I joined: http://jointhereboot.com/members/mrsgina/ It's not a quick fix, it's about retraining your body to crave veggies & fruits...I think this is what I need to get over this awful plateau I've been stuck on!! Who's with me?!

I'm really excited & am seriously considering going vegetarian (not vegan though) as I've never been much of a meat eater. If you're a vegetarian....please share! If you're a nay-sayer...please keep the negativity to yourself.



  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    vegan here. feel free to friend me.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    "The Juice Man" Cured his cancer juicing...

    It also allows you to get in more veggies that way too,

    I LOVE it

    My favorite lemonade is made with Granny smith apples and a lemon or two... YUMMM.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good luck to you! I admire anyone's ability to be a vegetarian.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Juicing is fine as long as you are eating at least as much veggies as you are juicing otherwise you are forgoing all of the fiber, which is important for a healthy digestive system. Also watch your sugar intake by juicing, usually sugar from fruit is fine as it is pared with fiber, but in the juice there is very little fiber and the sugar will cause your blood sugars to spike and a sugar crash may follow after.

    My point it that juicing should be used to supplement your diet, but only be a small portion of your overall caloric intake.
  • ypena78
    ypena78 Posts: 236 Member
    Thankx, I am going to check it out..
  • aclark6818
    aclark6818 Posts: 209 Member
    I think it sounds great--really good way to get all of your veggies & you know exactly what's in it.
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    I was a vegetarian for a few years in high school. I did not watch my protein intake (or any intake for that matter). I ended up in the hospital 3 times in 3 months, which is less of a reflection on a vegetarian diet and more of a reflection of a "eat nothing" diet. It's taken me the better part of a decade to feel like I was in control of myself enough to go back to being a vegetarian. I'm doing it healthily this time, and things couldn't be better!

    I live with a meat-n-taters guy. His mom wasn't adventurous in the kitchen, so he pretty much ate like 10-15 meals his whole life before we started dating. For Lent this year, we gave up meat together. He was able to experience a vegetarian diet and gained respect for that lifestyle decision. Once Easter came, he went back to eating meat occasionally, whereas I stayed with a vegetarian diet.

    I've never really had a taste of meat. A steak is a steak is a steak - it all just tastes like meat. I figured that there wasn't really a reason to keep eating something I didn't honestly enjoy. I've got quite a few reasons why I don't eat meat. Some are personal health reasons, some are philosophical and ethical. I will say that if you decide to become vegetarian, be prepared to be accosted for that decision. I'm not saying that every omnivore is going to preach at you, but it'll happen. I don't go around telling everyone "Meat is murder" and stuff like that. I just get my lunch and go to the break room. But I've had people notice that I don't put add the chicken to my chicken ceasar salad. When they ask why, I'll tell them that I don't eat meat. Simple as that. But for some reason that makes them angry and I get to listen to them go on and on about why being a vegetarian is stupid or unnatural or whatever. I thought I was just trying to eat lunch, but I guess not adding meat means I'm making some political statement.

    Not everybody does that. But it does happen. I've started just giving them off the wall, random answers to "Why don't you eat meat?" if I can tell that they're gonna be all crazy about it. "Oh, I don't eat meat because my grandpa married a chicken, so they're related to me by marriage. You don't eat family, man!"
  • ypena78
    ypena78 Posts: 236 Member
    OMG!! Just finished watching this movie & it is truely inspirational, I am definately going o give it a go, but going to see the doctor first to be on the safe side. cant wait to start this.. let's see how it goes...
  • numejak
    numejak Posts: 43 Member
    watched this last night also! pretty amazing transformations!
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Just watched the trailer. Looks really good.
    I am a vegetarian 9 years now but do not juice much.
    If you like juicing


    Is good for tips etc
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    Juicing is fine as long as you are eating at least as much veggies as you are juicing otherwise you are forgoing all of the fiber, which is important for a healthy digestive system. Also watch your sugar intake by juicing, usually sugar from fruit is fine as it is pared with fiber, but in the juice there is very little fiber and the sugar will cause your blood sugars to spike and a sugar crash may follow after.

    My point it that juicing should be used to supplement your diet, but only be a small portion of your overall caloric intake.

    I'm not going to be doing it permanently...just temporarily as a cleanse...I'm thinking the 15 day cleanse... :)
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    Thanks for the input, guys! :wink:
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    I was a vegetarian for a few years in high school. I did not watch my protein intake (or any intake for that matter). I ended up in the hospital 3 times in 3 months, which is less of a reflection on a vegetarian diet and more of a reflection of a "eat nothing" diet. It's taken me the better part of a decade to feel like I was in control of myself enough to go back to being a vegetarian. I'm doing it healthily this time, and things couldn't be better!

    I live with a meat-n-taters guy. His mom wasn't adventurous in the kitchen, so he pretty much ate like 10-15 meals his whole life before we started dating. For Lent this year, we gave up meat together. He was able to experience a vegetarian diet and gained respect for that lifestyle decision. Once Easter came, he went back to eating meat occasionally, whereas I stayed with a vegetarian diet.

    I've never really had a taste of meat. A steak is a steak is a steak - it all just tastes like meat. I figured that there wasn't really a reason to keep eating something I didn't honestly enjoy. I've got quite a few reasons why I don't eat meat. Some are personal health reasons, some are philosophical and ethical. I will say that if you decide to become vegetarian, be prepared to be accosted for that decision. I'm not saying that every omnivore is going to preach at you, but it'll happen. I don't go around telling everyone "Meat is murder" and stuff like that. I just get my lunch and go to the break room. But I've had people notice that I don't put add the chicken to my chicken ceasar salad. When they ask why, I'll tell them that I don't eat meat. Simple as that. But for some reason that makes them angry and I get to listen to them go on and on about why being a vegetarian is stupid or unnatural or whatever. I thought I was just trying to eat lunch, but I guess not adding meat means I'm making some political statement.

    Not everybody does that. But it does happen. I've started just giving them off the wall, random answers to "Why don't you eat meat?" if I can tell that they're gonna be all crazy about it. "Oh, I don't eat meat because my grandpa married a chicken, so they're related to me by marriage. You don't eat family, man!"

    Thanks for the "heads up" & insight! I've never been much of a beef eater...steak isn't really that great to me. I know I'll miss grilled chicken or turkey...but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. I'm making the decision from a health perspective & I AM nervous about the responses I'll get...especially from family. Thanks for your input! I greatly appreciate it! :happy:
  • I was vegetarian for many may years, and vegan for a few. For the past 4 years, I've added fish back to my diet, although most of my meals are still vegetarian.

    Always accepting of friend adds, ad we're all working toward the same goal.
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member

    Thanks for the "heads up" & insight! I've never been much of a beef eater...steak isn't really that great to me. I know I'll miss grilled chicken or turkey...but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. I'm making the decision from a health perspective & I AM nervous about the responses I'll get...especially from family. Thanks for your input! I greatly appreciate it! :happy:

    I'll be honest. I miss Polish sausage with kraut and real bacon. But those two things aren't enough to sway me back into omnivoreland. My family's reaction was mild. I had done this before. They were pleased to hear that I'm being smart about it this time. My boyfriend's family, otoh, are not supportive at all. But we hardly eat at their house. When we do, I just don't eat the meat. Or if we cook out (like we did this past weekend) I bring myself a few Boca burgers & grill them alongside their burgers and hot dogs.

    Most of my strife comes from people at work that only kinda-sorta know me. But I just tell myself that they're not mad at me - they're mad at themselves. I just keep eating my salad :)

    Good luck on your vegetarian journey. It gets easier and easier once you become familiar with what kinds of foods you eat. I've found that by removing meat, I've added so many new and delicious veggies and flavors that I wouldn't have tried otherwise.
  • smex14
    smex14 Posts: 48
    I was a vegetarian for a few years in high school. I did not watch my protein intake (or any intake for that matter). I ended up in the hospital 3 times in 3 months, which is less of a reflection on a vegetarian diet and more of a reflection of a "eat nothing" diet. It's taken me the better part of a decade to feel like I was in control of myself enough to go back to being a vegetarian. I'm doing it healthily this time, and things couldn't be better!

    I live with a meat-n-taters guy. His mom wasn't adventurous in the kitchen, so he pretty much ate like 10-15 meals his whole life before we started dating. For Lent this year, we gave up meat together. He was able to experience a vegetarian diet and gained respect for that lifestyle decision. Once Easter came, he went back to eating meat occasionally, whereas I stayed with a vegetarian diet.

    I've never really had a taste of meat. A steak is a steak is a steak - it all just tastes like meat. I figured that there wasn't really a reason to keep eating something I didn't honestly enjoy. I've got quite a few reasons why I don't eat meat. Some are personal health reasons, some are philosophical and ethical. I will say that if you decide to become vegetarian, be prepared to be accosted for that decision. I'm not saying that every omnivore is going to preach at you, but it'll happen. I don't go around telling everyone "Meat is murder" and stuff like that. I just get my lunch and go to the break room. But I've had people notice that I don't put add the chicken to my chicken ceasar salad. When they ask why, I'll tell them that I don't eat meat. Simple as that. But for some reason that makes them angry and I get to listen to them go on and on about why being a vegetarian is stupid or unnatural or whatever. I thought I was just trying to eat lunch, but I guess not adding meat means I'm making some political statement.

    Not everybody does that. But it does happen. I've started just giving them off the wall, random answers to "Why don't you eat meat?" if I can tell that they're gonna be all crazy about it. "Oh, I don't eat meat because my grandpa married a chicken, so they're related to me by marriage. You don't eat family, man!"

    This made me smile so much at the end because since we got pet chickens I don't eat the meat anymore, only because it makes me feel a bit weird and guilty! I don't go on about other people eating it but people seem to find it hard just to accept that I DONT WANT TO EAT it. My chickens ARE family haha!
  • rlmiller73190
    rlmiller73190 Posts: 342 Member
    i'm a vegetarian! I occasionally eat fish but I have almost cut that completely out. I've been vegetarian for two and a half years.. I love it! I'm never going back as long as I'm healthy!
  • BMW6Series
    BMW6Series Posts: 124
    I watched "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" on Netflix a couple of days ago. Getting a Breville juicer off of Amazon this Friday. I started my juice fast today though using Odwalla and Naked Juice juices. I didn't want to wait.

    What impressed me most was not the weight loss, but the health from the autoimmune disease. I have Lupus which is an autoimmune disease and am dreadfully tired of the pain and fatigue.

    I just went through a bout with cancer, and fell off the vegan wagon for a while. But now it it time to get back on and regain my life. I feel like I have a new lease on life and am going to juice for a while and get healthy and balanced and move forward.

  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    I watched "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" on Netflix a couple of days ago. Getting a Breville juicer off of Amazon this Friday. I started my juice fast today though using Odwalla and Naked Juice juices. I didn't want to wait.

    What impressed me most was not the weight loss, but the health from the autoimmune disease. I have Lupus which is an autoimmune disease and am dreadfully tired of the pain and fatigue.

    I just went through a bout with cancer, and fell off the vegan wagon for a while. But now it it time to get back on and regain my life. I feel like I have a new lease on life and am going to juice for a while and get healthy and balanced and move forward.


    I hadn't even thought of it for those who have Lupus! My grandmother has Lupus, but I doubt I could get her to try it…she’s 73. I was most impressed that it helped him with his autoimmune disease as well…and the fact that we’re not dumping chemicals or pills into our system, but all natural fruits & veggies…that the body needs anyway.

    I'm still in the "prepping" mode to get my body ready for it. I'm on day 2 of prepping & day 2 of no caffeine & more water! I plan to start juicing completely on Friday...I plan to go for at least 15 days. I'm dragging a little today with no caffeine, but I hear that once I get beyond the 3rd day or so it'll get better. I might have to invest in another juicer soon too...ours is ridiculously loud! HAHA! Good luck to you!!!
  • BMW6Series
    BMW6Series Posts: 124
    Prepping huh? I missed that part. You got a link?

    I couldn't get some of the pages at the site to load. Will try again.