


  • TigerBlood72
    TigerBlood72 Posts: 88 Member
    I just watched the movie on Netflix last night too. What kind of juicer did they use?
  • leftymac
    leftymac Posts: 169 Member
    He used a Breville Juice Fountain Plus (850 horsepower).
  • sweebeesmom
    sweebeesmom Posts: 148
    I was looking into buying a juicer as well. The juicer they use is expensive!!! Anyone know of a cheaper alternative, that will last??
  • leftymac
    leftymac Posts: 169 Member
    That's the problem...cheap juicers usually don't last. How much are you looking to spend?

    The one they used in the movie is $149, and if you use a 20% off coupon from Bed, Bath & Beyond, it's even better. The $149 is cheaper than Amazon, as well.

    My roommate got a Jack Lalane juicer from Best Buy for $99, and it works pretty well so far. I don't have another juicer to compare it to, though.
  • TigerBlood72
    TigerBlood72 Posts: 88 Member
    How do you get the coupon?
  • leftymac
    leftymac Posts: 169 Member
    I get one in the mail every two weeks or so. They accept expired ones too. I think they have one on their website too if you sign up for their mailing list.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    That's the problem...cheap juicers usually don't last. How much are you looking to spend?

    The one they used in the movie is $149, and if you use a 20% off coupon from Bed, Bath & Beyond, it's even better. The $149 is cheaper than Amazon, as well.

    My roommate got a Jack Lalane juicer from Best Buy for $99, and it works pretty well so far. I don't have another juicer to compare it to, though.

    I might just have to join their mailing list...I want coupons!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Just signed up for the BBB mailing list and DID get a 20% off coupon!!
  • 52wingman
    52wingman Posts: 4 Member
    Is anybody actually going to do this? My juicer is delivered tomorrow. I'm going to experiment for a week and then go for the 10 day challenge. I've read so many things about this process, some good, some bad... I'm going to do this unless I notice crazy side effects. Farmer's market is going to love me this Saturday.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I'm very seriously considering it...just doing some extra research first.
  • jienelle
    jienelle Posts: 29
    I started my phase 1 of my quasi-juice fast yesterday. I've been drinking nothing but fruit/veggie juice all day, then I have one meal in the evening that is 90% veggie, with only 2 Tbsp of olive oil (used to cook for me and my hubbie), and 10% fish. I am hoping this will help me ease into phase 2 of my plan.

    After 7 days of phase 1, I plan to go to just juice and water for another 7 days...don't know what I'll do from there.

    So far - it's been pretty easy. I do not think I'll have a hard time going to 100% juice - so long as I use fruits and veggies that are filling.

    As far as the pulp - I juice oranges first, then save the pulp...then put it back in my finished veggie/fruit juice. I could probably do the same with the cantelope and apple pulp. But as far as the veggies (kale, carrots, beets, celery) - that stuff stinks wayyyy to much to want to save and eat.
  • BMW6Series
    BMW6Series Posts: 124
    That's the problem...cheap juicers usually don't last. How much are you looking to spend?

    The one they used in the movie is $149, and if you use a 20% off coupon from Bed, Bath & Beyond, it's even better. The $149 is cheaper than Amazon, as well.

    My roommate got a Jack Lalane juicer from Best Buy for $99, and it works pretty well so far. I don't have another juicer to compare it to, though.
    Thank is exactly what my wife did was get out Juicer and Bed Bath and Beyond and they took at twenty percent off coupon that she pulled up on here iPhone.

    Been juicing for days now. I am doing it to see if it will clear up my autoimmune problems like it did for Joe and Phil.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    I'd rather eat food! for some reason a juice just doesnt satisfy me
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    That's the problem...cheap juicers usually don't last. How much are you looking to spend?

    The one they used in the movie is $149, and if you use a 20% off coupon from Bed, Bath & Beyond, it's even better. The $149 is cheaper than Amazon, as well.

    My roommate got a Jack Lalane juicer from Best Buy for $99, and it works pretty well so far. I don't have another juicer to compare it to, though.
    Thank is exactly what my wife did was get out Juicer and Bed Bath and Beyond and they took at twenty percent off coupon that she pulled up on here iPhone.

    Been juicing for days now. I am doing it to see if it will clear up my autoimmune problems like it did for Joe and Phil.

    I so hope this works for you. I told my friend Kim about "meeting" you and that you were trying it for Lupus, but she didn't seem super thrilled about the no food idea. She did act pretty interested in the book you recommended, though.
  • BMW6Series
    BMW6Series Posts: 124
    I have more energy juicing and less fatigue. I know that I am getting great nutrients as well that are going to pay off over time.
  • BMW6Series
    BMW6Series Posts: 124
    Have felt really good the last two days. Lots more energy. Looking forward to it clearing up my pain.
  • 4KidFather
    4KidFather Posts: 134
    btw I'm from Scotland and we ate the skin on oranges as a kid - how the hell were we to know? Now I just stick to marmalade:)
    This is so funny. I've lived in scotland all of my life and don't know anyone who eats the skin of oranges. We know not to because they've not been a rare exotic fruit here for quite some time.

    The juicing thing is interesting, I've fancied getting one myself and having one meal a day this way.

    In Arbroath we ate crab shells too, along with fish head soup. But hell maybe that was just us ?!?
    Anyways go to the thrift store and get an old juicer, hundereds of volts for a couple bucks, give it a try. Yes they have Jack Lalannes at goodwill too for about 10 bucks.
    OR you can get your hands on a VITAMIXER. A massive motored beast that explodes tough plant cells for simple digestion in the human gut. I'm sure with that thing one could eat MAHOGANY!
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    For those of you that can't throw the pulp away, I use it in different ways. If I juice a courgette (zuccinni) I save the pulp and freeze it. Once I have enough I make muffins using the pulp. There are lots of different ways to utilize it. Unless going on a straight juice fast, you can use it. For those of you interested in more recipes see juicefeasting.com. They promote a long juice feast (100 days I think). I couldn't imagine living on juice for that long but have done 10 day ones and once you get through the first few days (expect headaches, cravings etc) it becomes a lot easier.
  • I have been using this Philips Juicer for the past 4 years with great results:

    I love juicing and my kids love it too as they will never eat raw spinach, carrots, celery, ginger, avocado, etc but they don't mind drinking it. When I started using fresh made vegetables juice I have lost weight and felt wonderful it's really worth it trust me!