Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead



  • BMW6Series
    BMW6Series Posts: 124
    Oh Yeah, "The Lupus Recovery Diet" which is a book available on Amazon also recommends juicing to start its program. If you Grandma is suffering from Lupus, she may very well want to give it a try if she reads the book and sees the video.

    The drugs that guys where on for their auto-immune diseases in Fat Sick and Nearly Dead are the same one prescribed for Lupus patients and those drugs SUCKS. Side effects galore. I had to drop one because it was destroying my kidneys. I don't take them anymore. But I still have pain. I am hoping that going in whole hog on the juicing will help over being just vegan.

    Unfortunately one can be vegan and still not eat good food. If one is juicing, they are having fresh produce.

  • scarletfever2005
    scarletfever2005 Posts: 141 Member
    Watched it last night It is streaming for free on Netflix right now. Great movie very motivational. Made me want to get a juicer. I don't think I would do the fast or go to a vegetarian diet but I could see myself supplementing my current diet with juices.
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    I hope it's on Canadian Netflix! I'd love to watch that
  • sweebeesmom
    sweebeesmom Posts: 148
    I just watched this film. At first I thought it was sort of lame.. maybe the first 5-10 minutes. Bad animation and a lot of repetition. It's a little unbalanced as a documentary, and I was confused why netflix recommended it to me so highly. It was Phil's journey at the end that's truly inspiring. I totally forgot about the australian guy at that point, I just wanted to see him wear that yellow shirt!! Really inspiring stuff. I just asked to borrow my mom's juicer.. autoimmune diseases are common in my family. I can't wait to start!
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    I just watched this film. At first I thought it was sort of lame.. maybe the first 5-10 minutes. Bad animation and a lot of repetition. It's a little unbalanced as a documentary, and I was confused why netflix recommended it to me so highly. It was Phil's journey at the end that's truly inspiring. I totally forgot about the australian guy at that point, I just wanted to see him wear that yellow shirt!! Really inspiring stuff. I just asked to borrow my mom's juicer.. autoimmune diseases are common in my family. I can't wait to start!

    I agree! I was totally touched by Phil! His transformation was AMAZING! He had such a glow about him & he seemed so much happier! I plan to start juicing tomorrow! I've weaned myself off of caffeine & started drinking more water this week... Good luck to you!
  • BMW6Series
    BMW6Series Posts: 124
    I am in day two. Struggling with not eating food and just drinking. I think that I must eat for entertainment and drinking juice is not that entertaining.

    Lost two more pounds.
  • sweebeesmom
    sweebeesmom Posts: 148
    I am in day two. Struggling with not eating food and just drinking. I think that I must eat for entertainment and drinking juice is not that entertaining.

    Lost two more pounds.

    What recipe are your using??? They said the first couple days are the worst. I think I'm going to start on a weekend.
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    Just got done watching this, it was really inspiring...though I dont know if a juice fast is in my near future.
  • BMW6Series
    BMW6Series Posts: 124
    I started with 10 bottles of Odwalla juice, but they were just too small. Felt so HUNGRY with just 36 ounces of juice a day.

    My beautiful wife got me a Breville 850 watt juicer today and 50 dollars worth of produce this morning.

    First juice that I had with the juicer had apples, beets and celery in it. We added a few berries and that made it better.

    I also did one with celery, cucumber, carrot, spinach and apple. It was pretty good as well.

    I think that I am already starting to feel better off the juice. How crazy is that?

    I am looking forward to sharing my progress with you all. Want to hear your stories as well.

  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    I started with 10 bottles of Odwalla juice, but they were just too small. Felt so HUNGRY with just 36 ounces of juice a day.

    My beautiful wife got me a Breville 850 watt juicer today and 50 dollars worth of produce this morning.

    First juice that I had with the juicer had apples, beets and celery in it. We added a few berries and that made it better.

    I also did one with celery, cucumber, carrot, spinach and apple. It was pretty good as well.

    I think that I am already starting to feel better off the juice. How crazy is that?

    I am looking forward to sharing my progress with you all. Want to hear your stories as well.


    Thanks for sharing! My husband & I started our juice fast today....so we're on Day 1. He's dragging...he didn't wean himself from caffeine so he has had an awful headache since lunch time today. He's been in bed since he got home from work at 5:30ish! I weaned myself during the week so no caffeine withdrawals for me! I am dragging though. I think you're right about eating for entertainment.... Keep us posted on your progress! I'm hoping the scale will reflect my efforts when I weigh myself in the morning!
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    I've never heard of this documentary, but when you said "start juicing" I thought it was encouraging roids. lol
  • BMW6Series
    BMW6Series Posts: 124
    I am liking having the juicer. I feel better now than I did this morning. This is my day three. I did cheat a little on days 1 and 2. But didn't cheat at all today, now that I have a fancy new juicer. I might juice a little more as a snack tonight. My wife wants me to make her something with pineapple and mango. I think that with a little ginger and maybe some kale to add some green-ness to it, it might be good.

  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I am liking having the juicer. I feel better now than I did this morning. This is my day three. I did cheat a little on days 1 and 2. But didn't cheat at all today, now that I have a fancy new juicer. I might juice a little more as a snack tonight. My wife wants me to make her something with pineapple and mango. I think that with a little ginger and maybe some kale to add some green-ness to it, it might be good.


    I would love to hear how this affects your Lupus. My running buddy has Lupus and she says there are some days that it's almost unbearable. Keep us posted on your progress!
  • BMW6Series
    BMW6Series Posts: 124
    I am losing weight and feeling better. My stomach was doing funny things yesterday as it has never had this much fruit and vegetables before.
  • I just saw this documentary and I'm curious how it went with you BMW guy. I was really glad to read that you switched from store bought to making your own juice. There really is no substitute to fresh! We're thinking of trying it for just 3 days. I'm already a vegetarian and don't eat anything processed or drink soda or caffeine. I'm thinking I'll love it, but my meat eating sugar loving husband may have a harder time.

    How'd it go for those who tried it? What was your favorite juice?

    I was glad to see ginger mentioned. It's great for your gut!
  • squishyjenn
    squishyjenn Posts: 245 Member
    I just watched it and it's amazing! I plan to buy a juicer soon and try it for 2 weeks.
  • charmednz
    charmednz Posts: 49 Member
    "The Juice Man" Cured his cancer juicing...

    It also allows you to get in more veggies that way too,

    I LOVE it

    My favorite lemonade is made with Granny smith apples and a lemon or two... YUMMM.

    Its true! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jay_Kordich
  • BMW6Series
    BMW6Series Posts: 124
    Been juicing two to three meals a day for over 45 days now. In general I feel a lot better and have more energy than my younger and healthier co-workers. (I have Lupus). What I need to do it rein in my third meal, that is where I have not been eating good. I need to realize that eating good for 2 meals a day, doesn't mean that I can splurge everyday on my third.

    I am on my third 25 pound bag of juicing carrots. I love juicing. Nothing health wise has made me feel better.
