

  • This is what I miss about living in Colorado.... All the beautiful seasons.
  • Hahaha your blog was humorous! Very true also. Like everyone else had mentioned, you can do work out DVDs from teambeachbody. I am a HUGE fan of Insanity and I even use it during the warmer seasons also.
  • Ohhhh my favorite topic! Let's see, this is where I have my battle between fitness & health vs. holiday food & cold weather. My body naturally wants to puff up on the layers and by that, I don't mean clothing either. Plus, it always seem easier to just stay snuggled up and eat comfort food. I read that on average a human…
  • Thank you for the insight!! I love the cheesecake factory but you just proved more of a reason to love it. I must admit that I am more ecstatic about the pumpkin cheesecake... Oh boyyyy.
  • I agree! Plus, you shouldn't view this as a "diet" but rather eating with a healthier lifestyle. Focus on your macro nutrients: protien, carbs and healthy fats. Drink plenty of water also! Another thing that you shouldn't do is rely on what the numbers say on the scale. It's hard to differentiate the weight between fat,…
  • Hello! You're not alone. I am still on my first week of logging in after what it seems to be months... This whole year I would get into shape but I would also fall out of shape. Like yourself, I had even indulged into glutony and ate as if I had nothing to worry about. Hopefully MFP will keep us in line of not falling into…
  • I have the same HRM and I love it also!
  • You are doing an amazing job if you reached week seven and yes, you are a runner! Don't let the unmotivation bring you down and remember that your mind is stronger than your body. It's easier to form a bad habit rather than keeping up with a good one. I have been a culprit when it comes into falling into a funk... Though,…
  • I bought mine for $120 boooooooo. Hahahaha. Anyways, I love it. It's walks you through steps and the booklet is really simple. I never work out with it and it's definitely motivating when see your results. I would suggest getting it before it's gone!
  • I debated between P90X or Insanity and I decided to take the Insanity Challenge. There is a tremedous amount of jumping and I have terrible knees. Though, I found that it doesn't effect my knees as much as I thought it would. If anything, it feels like it's strengthening them. I really don't look forward to jumping but…
  • Ladies, I absolutely LOVE Zumba!!
  • Giiiiirl you better stick to it! ;)
  • As the saying goes, "Tomorrow is a NEW day!" :)
  • I suppose it depends on the individual and their own bowel movements.
  • I myself have encountered that problem a few months ago. To this day, it still comes on occasion. I have consulted my doctor about my problem of being "backed up" and he prescribed me Natural Fiber Therapy and it's the equivalence to Metamucil. You should at least consume 25 grams of fiber and liquids like water add fluid…
  • I miss you Ms Sunbrella! One month and we are work out buddies again!!