TexasGirl92 Member


  • I have to agree with those that said try different shoes. Your best bet is to find a running store near you that can analyze you gait and help you select a shoe that will work best for you. It's not a certain brand or style some one can suggest for you with out seeing how you walk. I live in a small town and had to drive 2…
  • Good luck on you half. Just stick with your pace and don't get carried away in the beginning. It was a great experience for me hope yours is the same :)
  • Yeah I'm still kicking around the idea of a full. I found one in November and I just need to decide. I really enjoyed the half and think I will do one again. I think I just want to do the marathon just to check it off as done but I don't see myself have the time to train for than on of those. The half training didn't take…
  • Eric I highly recommend the Couch to 5K program. I know at fist running for 60 seconds might seem silly if you are doing more but easing into it really works. http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml Also when we started training for the half marathon we used the Galloway method where you basically alternate…
  • Ok it got here today. I'm ready to give it a go tomorrow morning :) I might be doing in on a weird schedule because I'm also training 3 days a week for a half marathon the first weekend in March.
  • Just got the email that mine shipped :happy:
  • From what the site says they are 30 minutes. This is directly from the page "Jillian Michaels Body Revolution contains compact, super-effective workouts that will completely overhaul your entire physique in just 30 minutes a day, over the 90 day program. The workouts are split into three progressive Phases, each lasting…
  • I like the GNC Banana Cream and the GNC Cookies and Cream (my current favorite) Oh and you might verify with you local store but I think GNC will let you return if you don't like the flavor.
  • “Yesterday is a canceled check; tomorrow is a promissory note; today is the only cash you have - so spend it wisely”
  • There is also Ripped in 30 by Jillan Michales. It's a nice follow up the 30 Day Shred. http://www.amazon.com/Jillian-Michaels-Ripped-30/dp/B004CRR9IS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1317217211&sr=8-1
  • Our local place has a healthy section on the menu with lots of steamed options and sauces on the side. I usually opt for the steamed shrimp and broccoli with the sauce being on the side I just dip my shrimp and broccoli in to it vs pouring it all over the meal and end up using very little of the sauce that they give me.
  • Mine from amazon.com arrived today. Going to give it a try in the morning. Wish me luck :wink:
  • I found this article about BMI a while back Top 10 Reasons Why The BMI Is Bogus by Keith Devlin http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=106268439 Americans keep putting on the pounds — at least according to a report released this week from the Trust for America's Health. The study found that nearly two-thirds…
  • I have the Mizuno Women's Wave Inspire 7 I really like them. I highly recommend the fitting. My friend and I both were having the similar shin pain but when they filmed us she only needed mild correction, while I need moderate correction. The store we found had a great return policy so we felt we had options if we got home…
  • I say take the advise of those that suggested getting fitted at a running store. A friend and I went a few weeks back and what worked for me and what worked for her were completely different. I ended up with Mizunos, she ended up with Nikes. What works for one person may not work for others. My sister also wears Mizunos…
  • There is also the Bridge to 10K program if you want to try training for a 10K http://blog.c25kapp.com/about-bridge-to-10k/
  • Had that problem too just got fitted for running shoes and it seems to have helped so far.
  • I seriously think this was a bigger mental pick me up than hitting the 40lbs lost mark. Just something about seeing size 8 on my jeans that make me smile
  • Pretty good article on soy and the problems it can cause men. http://www.menshealth.com/nutrition/soys-negative-effects
  • 5'-2.5" my goal is 130 as of right now. I figure I can decide how I feel once I reach it an go from there. CW=161
  • WOW that is a great price with the subscribe and save!!!! I thought I did well getting at GNC for $23 this past weekend.
  • Just something else I thought of my sister gave me a Nike SportBand and it allows me to get all the info on my run: Time, Pace, Calories Burned, etc. One of the things I like about it is the fact that I can post my runs to Nikerunning.com and my Facebook page. It allows me to have Virtual Running Buddies, my sister and…
  • It can and most likely will happen. I have NEVER liked to run, I was in sports my whole school life (not at star or anything just loved to compete) I always hated to run. My sister on the other hand has always been a runner, cross county, track, etc. She talked me in to trying running back in April I also used C25K. I did…
  • Thanks for the link. Just starting to use whey protein and have tried a few but not sure how to pick the best one.
  • From our local place they have a healthy menu I get the Steamed Shrimp w/ Broccoli and they put the sauce on the side not on the dish so I use very little of the sauce.
  • One day at home I was about to make a sandwich and for some reason thought that it had been a while since I had purchased bread. Look at the best by date on the loaf we had and realized it was 6 weeks past. Upon inspecting the bread I realized there was not a bit of mold to be found on it anywhere. I saved it to show my…
  • I found this article the other day. http://www.nutritionexpress.com/article+index/protein/whey+protein/showarticle.aspx?articleid=787
  • I'm no expert but I started using the Whey protein recently too and had a really helpful girl at GNC answer some questions for me. She suggested the Whey for me since I was drinking it post workout. She said the Casein was a slow digesting protein and was usually best used if taken before bed. If I remember correctly it…
  • Sometimes I take a banana put in in the freezer with some magic shell on it. Hummm I haven't done that in a while may need to stop a the grocery store and pick up some magic shell on the way home :wink:
  • My husband and I like almond milk. I would be careful with soy products there is still debate but some men have problems with them. Here is a link to a Men' s Health article. http://www.menshealth.com/nutrition/soys-negative-effects