orangekeeper Member


  • Dude, I lost all hope/will of fitting back into medium T-Shirts and 32" jeans early last year and threw them all out (Most still new)... After finally getting my finger out a couple of months ago, I'm now having to buy more... Still, silver linings and all that :bigsmile:
  • Thanks folks!!! And yeah Noni, there's not many of us around who can say that ha ha... So you too :drinker:
  • ^^^ This. There are plenty more people on here who know much more than I do, but when I was trying to figure stuff out I generally looked into how to perform each exercise that I was planning to do and also good form... Would videos like these help?
  • Blackberry Server Technical support for Business
  • My weight varies +/- 2lbs depending on the day/time of day. It was a bit of a shock at first, but the scales are still generally going in the right direction....
  • I 'met' another guitarist on a forum for posting music ideas etc and we got to chatting. I added some drums to a track of his and we got to chatting. Turned out he lived on the opposite side of Glasgow (Around 45min away). About 3 or 4 months later he asked if I'd be up for meeting up with one of his friends for a jam in…
  • Excellent! Definitely NSV and an awesome story for the day :-)
  • Fantastic post. Inspiring :-)
  • ^^^ Agreed, I wouldn't call that obsessing either. If you can get yourself into a routine I would think it would make it easier to stick to your eating habits....
  • Man, reading this thread is killing me.... Burgers are definitely a weakness of mine (Along with chocolate, cakes, crisps etc)... Has to be a mix for me... Double Whopper, no onioins, extra ketchup/Large Mcdonalds Fries/Any fizzy drink to be honest/Whatever McFlurry is on the go at the time... Oh dear, I think I'm slipping…
  • I don't know if this is strange or not, thinking about it it doesn't seem normal but I've always done it since I was little... I can't/won't finish a cup of tea. There always has to be some left in the cup which I'll pour down the sink, regardless of how much there was to start with....
  • I must be saving a whack load of cash now because I'm not buying random breakfasts, lunches and snacks at my work. I could easily spend £5-10 per day in work just on food (depending on what was on offer) and that was also having a breakfast before leaving the house and a dinner when I got back home in the evening (And more…
  • Guitar Legend?? Generally bumming about not doing much, being awesome at guitar and letting the £££ roll in :-) A guy can dream... ***sighs***