gfbrummer Member


  • In school I absolutely hated running. And I mean HATED it. Didn't matter what sport I was doing at the time i loathed the running. fast forward 8 years. I decided to jog around the block for some fitness. I found that I actually enjoy it and have actually ran 2 5k races. Give it a try, you might just like it.
  • I love my Nike Free Trainers for crossfit. I also have some Reeboks I use that I wasnt all that impressed (cant remember the name).
  • I had that problem as well. it also affected me on the snatch squat as well. I widened my stand slightly and turned my toes out a little. I also had to experiment with my hand placement on the bar. If they were too close it would drift forward. If it was too wide it seemed to go back on me.
  • Last time I did it I thought it was pretty good. I last did it in Aug 2012. Shoulder Press 165 Deadlift 305 Squat 225 Total 695 But here is the deal. I could of got more weight on the squat. I think I could get 305 at least (the most weight I have) I was held back on the squat because I dont have a squat stand. So I had to…
  • Nice! What about when you see random objects in stores/schools/etc and think "I bet I can snatch that..." Or see a low hanging branch and jump to try and pull up on it.
  • I would say the most accurate count would be from a heart rate monitor. But picking between the bike, websites, and MFP I would probably go with the bike since it is more than likely has the sensors and can get closest (as long as your info is input). As for the amount you burn in 30 minutes it depends on your current…
  • Yesterday I did the bear complex for 3 rounds instead of 5. Moved up from 30# to 75#. Pretty awesome. here is a link if your not familiar with it. I then worked on various form and flexibility things. I especially am trying to improve my front rack position. I did front squats, snatches,…
    in WOD Comment by gfbrummer April 2012
  • Some of the people got some good prices on their CF box. I myself can relate to the original post. I really cant do the $100-$125 per month for one of the 2 boxes in my area. I have a barbell, 200 pounds in weight, dumbells, jump rope, and pullup bar. I do the mainsite workouts ever day religiously and use that. i also…
  • I would definitely say the heart rate monitor is going to do it. You might do some crazy AMRAP that will leave you dead one day and then do 7 sets of 1 deadlift the next day. They wont burn the same amount so you cant just use boxing or circuit training.
    in CrossFit Comment by gfbrummer April 2012
  • Here is my 2/2 weigh in. 1. Starting weight 283.4 2. Current weight 280.4 3. Goal weight 270.4
  • I would like to join. My plan is running 2-3 times per week and doing the menshealth Spartacus workout this month 3 times per week. As for food I am eating when I'm hungry and eating the best foods available to me at the time. I'm trying to take my time and stop eating when I'm not hungry. I'm counting calories on MFP.…
  • I try for 3-5 days a week. But lately it's been like 1-3.
  • My fav five probably are: 1. Daft punk-Hharder, Better, Faster, Stronger 2. Lupe Fiasco - Show Goes On 3. Rise Against - Give It All 4. Linkin Park - Bleed It Out 5. Lostprophets - Last Train Hine
  • As for flat level surface I actually am a little OCD on this. It is in my bathroom and I place it on the same level tile every time. I make sure i step on it the same way every time as well. I have had it for over 6 months now. As for the variance, today i stepped on I should be somewhere around 284. I got a range from…
  • Although a lot of times you are limited in terms of equipment, I difinitely prefer home workouts over a gym workout. All I have are some dumbells, jump rope, resistance bands, push up handles, an iron gym pull up bar, and a homemade suspension trainer(like the TRX). Between that and running I get some good workouts through…
  • I know its probably in the wrong forum too.
  • I would say that if you workout regularly 6x a week you would be fine. The couch to 5k routine is really for beginners who have little to no experience running. It's designed to get you running 30-45 minutes straight to complete a 5k race. If you are working out for an hour each workout you could handle doing them more.
  • So if I understand this is 100 squats per day for 100 days?
  • Your going to have t just tough it out probably. Maybe gets some advil for the headaches. I wouldn't switch to the diet sodas. There have been many articles lately saying that they are just as bad for you as regular soda if not worse. I had to just stop one day and choose not to do them again. 3 years later I believe…
  • I have Oregon scientific HRM and love it so far. It goes for about $35-40 on amazon. I have had it over a year now and wouldn't work out without it. I am currently looking to upgrade to one without a chest strap. Hopefully for Christmas.
  • I use a Oregon scientific one that I love. I have had it for about a year now. Polar and bar in make good ones as well with harming being on the upper end price wise.