

  • 100% Bosnian
  • Yes you can add protein powder just about anything you want to examples: pancake mix, coffee, cake batter, ice cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.
  • Its the Fat Free/Sugar Free JELL-O powdered packet not the pre-made jello in plastic cups. 1/4 of the box is one serving size.
  • Try Neura-Core (Grape) it tastes like kool-aid and really gives you focus and pumps you need to push yourself harder at the GYM. I took Jack3d for three weeks and it was good but i like the neura-core stuff better and i think it tast better as well not chalky aftertaste like jack3d. just my two cents.
  • Vanilla Cinnabon Shake/Calories: 1 Scoop of Whey= 140 Calories 2g fat 3g Carb 26g Protein 1 teaspoon of Cinnamon= 18 Calories 0g Fat 0g Carb 0g Protein 8oz. of Milk= 122 Calories 5g Fat 11g Carb 8g Protein Total= 280 Calories 7g Fat 14g Carb 34g Protein
  • Chicken shish-kabobs (however you spell it): 1-2 Chicken Breast (no skin/no bone) 1 Red/Green/Yellow Bell Pepper 1 Pack of Baby Bell Mushrooms 1/2 Onion 1/4 teaspoon of meat Tenderizer 1/2 teaspoon of dried oregano 1/2 teaspoon of steak seasoning or Mr. Dash 1-4 shish-kabob sticks (depends on amount you are preparing) Cut…
  • Here are a few that I use: Chocolate Peanut-Butter Banana Shake: 1 Scoop of Chocolate Whey 1 Tablespoon of PB ¼ Banana Jello Fat Free/Sugar Free pudding mix (powder) 8oz of 2% Milk (Almond milk, soy milk etc.) Breakfast Meal-replacement shake (VERY THICK): 2 Scoops of Whey ½-1 Cup of Oats 1 table spoon of honey 1 teaspoon…
  • Meal timing is irrelavant as long as you consume your macros (fat, protein, carbs) in a 24 hour period.
  • Chocolate-Banana-PB Shake: 1 Scoop of Whey (Body Fortress Chocolate) 1 Tablespoon of PB (JIF or any brand) 8oz. of 2% Milk 1/4 of Fat free/sugar free banana pudding Mix all in blender and serve. Calories: 377 Protein: 38g Fat: 15g Carbs: 29g
  • I personally take jack3d before workouts and see a major difference in focus, lifts, and energy. I have never felt a crash afterwards and have been using it as directed on label for 3 weeks no side-effects what-so-ever. We have random drug-tests here at my work never had a problem. Just my two cents.
  • A good multi-vitamin and fish oil.
    in Vitamins? Comment by Adnan5224 May 2012
  • Protein Bars are a great idea less than $3 a bar get 2 and you have 50+g of protein depending on the bar.
  • Oh ok, b/c a lot of people always say late night eating is the worst!!! Thanks. [/quote] There is not right or wrong time to eat as long as you are hitting your macros and calories.
  • As long as its not giving you any obvious side-effects (jitters, crash, lack of focus, dizziness, etc.) and it fits in your daily macros then i dont see a problem with it.
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