

  • Ghostbusters
  • 8.46pm and 642 calories!!! I've had a busy day gardening (making the most of rare UK sun!!) and haven't really eaten properly as a result! I'm netting in negatives at the minute so I need to find something tasty to bump them up!!!!
  • I am pretty sure it's over estimated, I swim a lot (pre-injury) and I always thought it was very high. I'd do 1.5 hours and burn over a 1000 calories doing breaststroke. I haven't invested in a heart rate monitor but I don't do the whole eating back your exercise cals so I'm less concerned about accuracy in terms of how…
  • I'm 5'6 so in terms of how we look at height vs weight it should be fairly similar. I have a typical hour glass figure and long legs so I am lucky that I carry weight evenly and quite well (with my clothes on LOL!!!) When I started my journey (at the beginning of April) I was 12st 9lbs and as a rule a UK size 16 all over.…
  • Thanks everyone for the responses. My BMR was around about what I thought I should be eating but I just wanted some reassurance. To those that said about not cutting calories, I absolutely agree and if I didn't have the time pressure of this wedding then I would probably chill out about it a bit, but unfortunately I do and…
  • Gotta love a man in a uniform..... That's a comfortable 9 for me!!! Pwitwicki was overlooked and that's not on so I'd say a strong 8!! :-)
  • I log it if it really gets my heart rate up. So I clean my house every day for probably an hour or so but it's a potter around and it doesn't elevate my heart rate so I don't log it, every so often though (probably once a week or fortnight) I clean like a demon, and I mean 2-3 hours of non stop hard core cleaning where I…
  • Done :-) Can't resist a challenge!!!!
  • If you want something that takes the same time as the 30DS but is less intense why not try the Davina DVD - My Three 30 Minute Workouts - they aren't so hard on your body, but will get you working and ready for 30DS. You don't need anything, but a pair of hand weights might be a good investment for when you get further…
  • At a guess I'd say you're possibly running too fast. It probably doesn't seem it but if you are pushing yourself to the max you will be exhausted in 10 minutes!!!! Slow down, work on your endurance and build speed later. This is a different kind of exercise to what you have been working on so uses different muscle groups,…
  • It's really hard to know if what you are describing is shin splints or not, if the pain has gone already my guess would be possibly not - I know with me it sticks around for a couple of days, feels like an ache in the bone (best way I can describe it!!) If the pain has gone try again, make you stretch well after your warm…
  • I suffer with this too, read a lot about, some of what I read talks about if it's very mild strapping it and running through it, some says ice it and rest. Only you can decide as you know the severity of the pain, personally I can run through it, it's very mild and goes quickly once a run progresses. If its anything more…
  • Haha! Gotta love it when that happens ;-)
  • That's Primark for ya... They have to keep their costs down so they scrimp massively on material! Buy the jeans, cut the size label out! Wear them and look fab!!!!!
  • There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to cheese; Omitted, all the brie & camembert of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full fat cheddar are we now afloat, And we must take the mozzarella when it serves, Or lose our cheese Julius Cheeser: Act 4, Scene 3 ;-)
  • This sounds like it could be helpful to me as well as the OP but can you help me out a bit, what are chins and body weight squats? Might be a slight language barrier here. I'm English, guessing this post was by an American and think we possibly call them different things!! :-)) Thanks!! Also, as for the walking cardio/not…
  • WOW!!! Check you out, you look awesome!! Nice work!!
  • Eggs are good!!!! I guess if you have high cholesterol then you should maybe lose the yolks, but I wouldn't have thought that 1 a day would have negative effects!! Thanks for the post though - I was struggling to decide on what to have for dinner tonight, decision made: omelette!!!
  • How about long lost Quadruplets?? Age: 31 Height: 5'6 SW: 177 CW: 168 GW: 140 :-)
  • Firstly, well done for recognizing you need to make a change. I understand it must be scary to think of the scales rising but remember you need to over eat by about 3500 cals to gain a lb so a few extra calories really shouldn't make too much of a difference. I did a quick calculation for you on ScoobyWorkshop (which is…
  • WTG! You look fab! Even just the fact that you now look like you're brimming with self-confidence!! Amazing!!!
  • ^This^ Moderation truly is the key! I don't deprive myself, I generally have a small (snack size) choc bar most days because chocolate is my weakness and if I didn't have it I'd crave it. But I do it in my calorie limit! I *know* they are empty cals and all the rest of it but I enjoy every one of the 101 calories in my…
  • Hi Berry, Sorry to hear you're struggling at the moment! I've been in a bit of a slump for a couple of weeks, pulled muscle, father in law in hospital & then a cold and tonsillitis all taking their toll so I have a bit of an insight as to how you might be feeling. Is your injury preventing you from getting back to the…
  • I love them, I used to have them delivered to the office one or two days a week. They would usually either substitute a meal for me or last two or three days just for snacks. They are expensive and now, as a stay at home mum, I wouldn't consider them because I can do the same myself much cheaper, but if the cost isn't an…
  • How many k's is this at now?? Well done you but I fear you might live to regret it! Lol
  • It might be worth checking out your calories requirements using this website: 1400 + exercise cals sounds a lot more like it, I did a quick calculation for you (based on an age of 25 - it wa a shot in the dark, I'm terrible at guessing ages so please don't be offended!!) and…
  • I've not read all of the replies on this so probably duplicating!! Yep, she's prob a bit overweight, she also talks with a really strong Essex accent (meaning she gets termed quite chavvy)! So what? She is stunning, independent, strong and talented. Everything she has achieved she has done on her own merit and IMHO she's a…
  • Fab!! Thank you do much!! The name of the muscle is all I need to let google wok it's magic... You just don't get the right response when you type "muscle from below hip to knee on outside of thigh"... Lol!! Thanks again!
  • Hi, Where did you go on Hols? We had 3 weeks in the states in March and my god the americans can eat!!!!!!! Anyway, UK here, Cambridgeshire. Only really just starting out, about 5 weeks in and 9lbs down. Another 2 stone to go!! :-( Feel free to add me! Lindsay x
  • 1966 - England won the football world cup!