TDEE issues, change of circumstances

**Note: this post is not meant to be attention seeking in any way whatsoever. I appreciate constructive criticism but if you have something negative to say please do so with tact as I'm already struggling to cope with this**

Like many, I started off trying to lose weight in a healthy way. It very quickly spiralled into an obsession and, eventually, an eating disorder. According to the doctors, that's where I'm at right now. I'm not ready to gain yet (the thought terrifies me) but for the sake of my family I'm trying to maintain my current weight.

My problem is calculating my TDEE since my circumstances changed. A kind MFP member worked it all out of me when I was healthy and active but now I weight a lot less, I have no job and I am currently banned from any form of exercise bar walking. I try so hard to spend as much of the day on my feet as I can, doing housework and such. I also walk my dog anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes a day. I admit on most days I'm undereating out of fear of OVER eating and therefore I'm still losing weight. This morning I weighed in at 97lbs (at 5ft 4).

I honestly don't know what to do. I worry that if I start seeing the numbers on the scales rise, it's going to push me off track again. Yet if they keep going down, I'm in for a really rough ride. This is really getting me down. I've tried to calculate a new TDEE using various methods but I don't trust myself to pick the right one.


  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    How much do the TDEEs vary by? Maybe pick an average of them?

    At the very least, you know right now that you are using too low of an estimate.

    You need to get used to the idea that you will need to gain weight. How to do that, I have no idea, but for now it's good that you are at least maintaining.
  • Numptcakes
    Numptcakes Posts: 145 Member
    It depends on what category I fall into. Sedentary or lightly active. I'm busting my *kitten* to stay in the lightly category but there's only so much I can do.

    If I'm sedentary the three TDEEs are 1368, 1425 and 1524
    If I'm lightly active the three TDEEs are 1567, 1539 and 1746
  • LindsayHowlett
    Firstly, well done for recognizing you need to make a change. I understand it must be scary to think of the scales rising but remember you need to over eat by about 3500 cals to gain a lb so a few extra calories really shouldn't make too much of a difference.
    I did a quick calculation for you on ScoobyWorkshop (which is the calculator I was told to use) and based on your height and weight and 3-5 hours of moderate exercise a week you need 2008 calories a day to maintain.
    As well as needing to over eat by 3500 cals to gain you would need a deficit of this to lose as well. If you work to around 2000 cals you should definitely maintain your weight - perhaps by upping it (if you are a long way below this) you might find you gain a bit at first but it should even out!
    I hope you find a calorie allowance you are happy with x
  • Numptcakes
    Numptcakes Posts: 145 Member
    Thank you so much for your kind words, Lindsay. I guess it really is a case of trial and error. I think I'm just fearful of overestimating my activity level. I want to exercise but I'm not allowed until my test results are back - and even then it's not guaranteed.
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Oh dear, I'm so sorry! You know you need to change your mindset and that's a huge step. Just try to think that you are in control, not your illness... so allow yourself to experiment. You know from experience that you can lose weight so it's hardly a disaster if you don't get your maintenance calories quite right. Set your level at lightly active (you clearly are at least that), don't weigh yourself more than once a week, and do that consistently for a month. Worst case your not going to gain or lose more than 3-4 lb, and you can then adjust accordingly.

    Add me as a freind if you like - sounds like you need some support and for lord's sake stay away from the pro - ana types on these forums.

    My best wishes for your journey.
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    Have you considered incrementally increasing your calorie allowance each week until you find the right one for you? Then you can have an idea of what your body will respond to at a slow pace.

    Best wishes to you!
  • Numptcakes
    Numptcakes Posts: 145 Member
    SuffolkSally, that means a great deal to me - thank you. I'm going to try hard to eat at least 1450 cals every day for now, and see where that takes me. I have fallen into the habit of obsessing over the scales multiple times a day and am currently trying to cut that down to weighing every few days. The doctor will weigh me at my appointment on Wednesday and I'm already panicking because I know my appointment isn't going to be first thing in the morning, therefore I'm not going to be at my lightest.

    I will definitely steer clear of any pro ana/mia profiles. It's a horrid thing to have to go through - I can't fathom why people would glamorise it. I hate living in fear. I hate every minute.
  • Numptcakes
    Numptcakes Posts: 145 Member
    Spaingirl, that's exactly what I have been doing so far :) Went from 1200 to 1400 to 1500, but am too frightened to eat 1500. Slowly slowly, I guess - this developed gradually, and (fingers crossed) will disappear in the same manner. Thank you for your well wishes!
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Also - since you're signed up to this site - think about the getting fit side a bit more. Being very thin isn't being either strong or healthy, perhaps you could think about channeling your fears and obsessions into more positive targets, so maybe rather than the number on the scale something like sensible protein/fibre/healthy fats intake? And later on when you've got the all clear re exercise, consider something like looking at being able to run with time/distance targets, or weightlifting, again thinking about your health and strength rather than just burning calories?
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Good idea to start at 1450. I have a friend who suffers the same. I try to get her to increase by 50 cals, when I see she's doing it comfortably I ask for 50 more and support her. I'm guessing the2000 estimate is about correct. Do it in small installments if you need to. Make sure you log everyday as to not go off track! Good luck!