Play At Your Own Risk - Planet Patrol Newcleus - Jam on It
Some of you are naming some legit non-horrible movies, but I guess that's subjective. I loved Pluto Nash.
1-10. Michael Jackson
I like older men. Daddy issues? Maybe.
Fat loser. Literally had no friends. Ugh the painnnn.
8oz is the generally accepted glass of water.
Teach English in Japan vs. I WORK AT GAMESTOP. *CRIES*
I miss Trigger Happy TV. :(
All I can make out in the bottom is Chen Liou if that helps any. Tried my best using my google-fu but found nothing.
Whataburger. As a Californian I thought the world of In-N-Out but then I came to Texas and yup, Whataburger is just tastier.
Tommy Salami LMFAOOOOO.
Belle with her hair down?
Just finished Stephen King's Christine (after seeing the movie so very long ago). I started "IT" a few days ago. Anybody wanna recommend some good *kitten* horror books?
I like what I heard. This also made me remember Petey Pablo. How could I forget the wonderful message of "Freek-A-Leek"?!
I did when I was younger. I was crazy over it. Then as I got older, I realized it was terrible. It's like literally 13 episodes of someone charging up an attack. Or when they do fight it's like recycled animation. The same kick punch kick sequence played 20 times in a row real fast. Never really liked Akira Toriyama's…
Well I like A Tribe Called Quest (if you couldn't tell from the username, hehe) and De La Soul. Not much into Drake or... well, anything out nowadays. Edit: As far as top 5 goes; De La Soul ATCQ LL Cool J (lol) Missy Elliot (her 90s stuff) Bone Thugs N Harmony
Batman? Of course. I'd like to check out Bruce's bedroom.
Grilled cheese sandwiches. It's my pathetic specialty. It will be damn good though. Imagine us sitting there, at a candlelit table eating gooey grilled cheese sandwiches. Makes your heart skip a beat, don't it?
Anyone here got Steam? I'd love to add ya'll and maybe play some Left 4 Dead 2!
My gym sadly does not have Wi-fi. I only own an ipod and not an iphone so Wi-fi would be great to pick up pandora, youtube, etc.
Really REALLY likes country music.
I started watching a few months back but I stopped because other shows got my attention. I just recently picked it up again. I'm on the clown episode of the 2nd season (I think?). By the way, best Supernatural .gif ever.
Here let me edumacate you.
Fishsticks Lentils BONE MARROW Peas
Any old sweats/shorts and old shirt I can find. I don't find that workout clothes really enhance my workout so I'm not gonna spend extra money on clothes I already got laying around. The one definite thing I DO buy is sports bras. Can't have the girls jumping around like House of Pain.
It's that good. :bigsmile:
Hey she's getting better at it!
He listens to indie pop. Like uh, Faust. Or maybe Animal Collective.
Oh well hello there.