smokeatr9 Member


  • Chocolate protein shake mixed with 8 oz. Unsweetened almond/cashew milk.
  • The biggest pain in my butt regarding cooking at home is cooking a healthy meal that my other half will also eat. The man rarely eats chicken, only if it's fried or I've forced him to. Turkey is even worse. And he LOVES rolls. The drawback for me? It's just the 2 of us at home and I REFUSE to cook an entire meal for him as…
  • I work rotating day/night shifts and I am struggling to be consistent with logging. It doesn't help that when I'm on nights for 2 months, I still try to live a "normal" schedule on my days off. @elphie754, I'm curious - how did you change the labels for your meals? I think that may be of great help to me!
  • Boy aren't you just full of questions tonight???
  • How many hours are in a day?? I work 2nd shift technically since I'm on nights and we only have 2 shifts of 12. 3rd shift would put us over the allotted number of hours in a day. :D
  • only if I can go home too??
  • Well in that case it's definitely my sugary sweet carbohydrate top!!! lol
  • I disagree -- problem just hidden. Next thing you know you're 20, 30, 50+ lbs heavier because you're just hiding the issues. By wearing pants that fit - not skin tight, but not hanging like a sack either - I realized one day when I saw a reflection of myself in a window that something had to give. My own personal…
  • best post i've read all night!!!! LOVE IT! If only i could go to the store and just buy a salad six pack....oh well :D
  • ^^^^ Yup - what she said! I like men who look! :D Rugged, furry....kinda cave-man-ish. :D So my DH gives me "the look" whenever I start talking again about joining a gym because that's not something that would ever appeal to him. I would never ask him to join me because I would be wasting my breath. He's…
  • MYNE TWO!!!
  • AMEN to that! And you ARE prettier than you give yourself credit for. :D
  • @sugabutrfly -- I LOVE your red hair! That is stunning!! @ myself - I kick @$$ and take names -- or at least that's what my friends tell me. :D
  • 1. @ christynek -- your smile is radiant!!! 2. @ myself - I like that I have the courage to do what's best for my family even if it means leaving.
  • It is possible to go from barely making it to 6 figures in a blink -- without hitting the lotto. I'm living proof. It may not be possible to do it in the comfort of an office or even in the good ol' US of A but it is still possible. I went to Iraq as a contractor and made that kind of money. And 2 years later I was…
  • How You Remind Me - Nickelback -- "I've been wrong, I've been down, into the bottom of every bottle" (first song on the radio when I saw this lol )
  • We have no 1st, 2nd, 3rd shifts -- we work 12's. I find I really like it. Although if push came to shove I couldn't tell you which I liked more -- days or nights. I can come up with pro's and con's for both of them.
  • And I should also mention that I had this thought BEFORE I read any of the other posts save for the first. Just so you don't think I'm trying to copy anyone on here. :D
  • ROFLMAO!!! so not what I was expecting this thread to be about. Call me a newbie (my first thoughts don't turn to eating healthy quite yet) but the first thing that came to mind when I read the topic title was....wait for it..... SHOTGUN!! And 2nd behind that was the AR-15 for distance and rapid-fire accuracy. Oops!! :D
  • thanks!! I'm going to fix these for DH and accidentally forget to tell him they're vegan. Oops!! :D
  • Some of the gazillion pics I have of my furbabies. All of the dogs and Kitty (who thinks he's a dog) Helping mommy fold laundry grrr!
    in Furbabies! Comment by smokeatr9 May 2012
  • I'm really curious -- what exactly is a "vegan" cinnamon roll? That thing looks delish!!
  • BUT ....have you ever eaten a doughnut on shift?? LOF :laugh:
  • that's OK. When my shift officially started (I had already been here for 4 hours) my co-worker went to the fridge and busted out the birthday cake I was trying SO HARD to forget was in there. Sadly to say, I fell off of the ladder I was using to get on the wagon and ate a piece. It was yummy but it didn't help me at all.
  • Workin a 16 hr midnight shift = a LOT of time to kill on here tonight. I'm on the opposite end of the radio from all you LEO's out there working tonight. Have fun stay safe and dont cave in to that 2 AM convenience store hot dog craving!! lol
  • Another night owl here :) This is my first post on the boards - I'm dipping my toes into the water a little bit. I just signed up at the encouragement of my trainer. I'm in the same general weight vacinity (185) but I'm just a bit taller at 5'10" lol Couldn't agree more with you about the last few hours of a shift. That…