Deleted someone who said we could be friends but he might not be very active friend to me because his wife gets jealous if he posts on girls' walls. If I wanted that kind of drama I would be on Facebook!
He sounds sleazy and untrustworthy and has already shown a COMPLETE lack of respect to you and this other lady. You deserve better than this.
Thanks everyone. I might experiment with these and see which one works best in my area etc.
Jessica, like a darker haired version of the cheerleader from heroes
Woops skipped one SWC Anna Faris
@onegonzogarba Daffy Duck! (Only because I can't actually see your face!)
Sweat is just fat crying
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey macarena! AAAAII!
Well done! This is amazing
This whole thread has made me laugh so hard a little wee came out (not 10lbs worth tho unfortunately, or I would have a solution to suggest!) But I do hope the OP has got the message that this isn't possible in a healthy way?
try the zen labs apps called exercise for pink. They are basically aimed at run/walkers. You start off running one minute, walking one minute to catch breath, and eventually going up to 3 or 4 mins running max. I completed a half marathon using this technique of running 4 mins walking 1 min because I too can't run for long…
I didn't specifically target the lils but as I lost weight they went from G to manageable DD. I feel your pain. When I used to lie on my back, they used to strangle me! However now they look like spaniel's ears. Are you trying to lose weight generally? As this will probably help with the lady lumps. If you are just trying…
Someone told me he would be my friend on here, but I shouldnt get offended if he isn't active on my wall because his wife gets angry if he is friends with pretty ladies on here. I told him to save us both the drama and not be friends
YES! WTF? FOr the first time in your life you are treating your body with respect, and all your friends are acting like you have developed an eating disorder The other day one friend was concerned because I wasn't drinking enough. Enough alcohol!
My boobs are now like spaniel's ears. Like pound coins in socks.
wow and I thought I was in largest bikram class yesterday. 72 ppl in small room. It was pretty intimate!
I don't even know if you are joking about the gun?!
I have an amazing free app called exercise for pink by zen labs. Great for starting running because it trains u to run walk. Eventually u run 4 mins walk 1 min and repeat. I think this makes it a good starter one. Also they have the app for various distances. 5k 10k half marathon. It also has a great motivational quote…
I live in the UK where 1 in 4 adults are obese, so it is getting way more common. I'm originally Arab and back home my body type is considered desirable! They love a bit of T&A, good birthing hips, etc. I think there is also some of the old fashioned views that having a fat wife shows wealth! Why oh why can't I live there!
Are you taking measurements of your hips, waist etc? Sometimes when your weight hasn't changed, these have decreased, so it helps you stay motivated. It's not all about the number on the scales
My shoe size has gone down. That was an unexpected one. Also, my boobs have stopped trying to kill me in my sleep. When I used to lie down, they would flop back and rest on my neck and I couldn't breathe properly. I still have T&A but they are less fatal now.
Great Post. Unfortunately/fortunately pepper spray is illegal in the UK so I can't bring that, but I always run on a popular route (lots of people) and I do listen to music, but just in one ear so I can still hear what's going on a bit. I agree always god to bring phone (I use it for music as well as my run tracker so less…
Although OP looking at your goals, unless you are 3 ft 2in they seem really low weights?
To the OP ignore all the meanies here saying u should move out or buy your own food. I havent lived w my mum in over a decade and I STILL have the same problem w her. Every time I visit her she offers me chocolates and cakes etc. she has never struggled w her weight and doesn't understand that I don't have the self control…
I think I might dress like a slut for a while. I'm going to look like mutton dressed as lamb but I don't think I will care. I will probably get drunk and naked sometimes. Maybe do spartan sprint again but this time do ALL the obstacles, or even spartan beast
Can I recommend bikram yoga? I always thought yoga was for hippies but bikram is a serious workout. Because of the heat it is a cardio workout as well that burns as much or more calories than running, it improves core muscles and flexibility and you leave feeling like you have had a proper workout. I rarely love exercising…
Num num bump
Im so all over this! I have a family of enablers. They serve up the food and when you say 'that's enough' they ladle about 3 more huge servings on top, then get mad at you that you can't finish. The food you don't finish isn't going to be sent to any starving orphans in Africa, and I have had to retrain my thinking that I…
I have gone down a shoe size (I guess even my feet are skinnier) And yesterday the guy at the cafe I go to a lot literally didn't recognise me
my colleagues are going to think I am crazy but ok!