MandyAnnV Member


  • Fresh, Frozen, and then if you absolutely must, canned. Think about the kind of preservatives that go in to a canned vegetable to make it be able to not spoil for a year or two, or more?? Sodium is definitely something that sneaks up on you big time. I intake less than MFP recommends for personal health reasons, but when I…
  • I have started mixing in chia seeds with my peanut butter that I spread on my toast. I don't hardly even notice them.
  • I do not do cheat days. If anything I do a "splurge" meal. This doesn't mean that I am going to go have a pizza or run through fast food. It may even an extra serving of something that is healthy, but that I love. It has worked for me so far, in 3 months I am down 50. I do not even really have a craving for all the things…
  • I understand though. Migraines are no joke. I suffer from them also, although they are getting farther in between. Which I am sure as you know is nice!
  • That actually sounds quite delicious! I wish my kids were adventurous eaters. My husband loves to cook, and loves to cook from scratch, and although they are delicious, they are not the lighter options. I am slowly trying to introduce them to a healthier, cleaner way of eating. I would LOVE not to have to cook 2 meals :) I…
  • Sweets were my downfall when I was pregnant with my son. In my weakest moments pregnant with him you could find me with a container of frosting, and a spoon! (I cannot believe I just admitted that in a public forum)
  • It is a challenge, and I have been horrible lately . . .which I think is part of the cause of my plateau and my bad number at my Dr appointment. I want to lose the weight, but I really want to make sure I am putting quality into my body (but I by no means am judging others who do not).
  • Although I have never tried it, I would not see why not. When I reconstitute it to dip apples in, or use on my Ezekial Bread, I just use a fork to mix it.
  • It sounds like you are not adding enough calories. It all depends on what your eating too. It isn't just about quanity, it's also about quality.
  • Did you check Bell Planation site? There was quite a bit on there the last time I checked.
  • I should have said mix them in a blender . . .I swear I am losing my mind, lol. It gives much more of the effect of actual pancakes if you do it that way :)
  • You could make pancakes out of them. Try mixing in a banana, 1/2 cup oatmeal dry, and a couple of egg whites. You can add cinnamon or vanilla too if you want. It's actually quite good.
  • I would love to join! If I could lose 40 by Christmas I would be a happy girl :) Even another 11 to put me at 199 would be the best Christmas present. What better gift to give myself and my family than a healthier me?
  • I do this one tonight after my kiddos go to bed. Scared out of my mind but looking forward to it :)
  • Last week I was 262. This morning I weighed in at 258.4. I am really hoping to take my exercise up a notch this week, I was HORRIBLE last week. I plan on starting to train for a 5k, and I should be getting INSANITY in the mail next week. No excuses now!!
  • I did double check. It is under Bob Harper Live, Think Well Live Well, and Calorie Balancing Video. (It is 9.95 a month for access to the site, but it is so worth it. There are recipes, videos, workouts, and circuits on there.) He does say don't eat your way out of your work outs. In my personal opinion, I do think that it…
    in Exercise Comment by MandyAnnV July 2012
  • I have seen something on his website where he does not recommend eating the calories you burn when you exercise.
    in Exercise Comment by MandyAnnV July 2012
  • I have 7, each with very special meaning to me. For instance, on top of each of my feet, I have the footprints from their birth certificates, names, and DOB of my two children. The cross on my left ankle is one I got from a retreat I attended, and what my grandfather was holding when he died. I could keep going on. I don't…
  • 262.00 . . .Not as much as in the past, but I am happy. It was my TOM, I have been sick all week, and last saturday I indulged in some very high calorie/fat italian food at a restaurant. This next week is a new week!
  • Last Week: 268.6 Today: 264.6 Goal for this next week is to be consistent with my workouts. . . .wish me luck, that is my big issue.
  • I don't believe they are interchangeable. Rolled oats are more processed than steel cut. I use flaxseed, and even add it to my oatmeal sometimes, or to my yogurt, and sometimes even a protein drink. Flaxseed is a good way to get some extra fiber in your diet.
  • Thanks! I actually meant to type 268.6 (thank you to the wonderful help from my 2 year old in typing my numbers, lol)
  • Starting weight last week: 273.8 I weighed in this morning at: 268.8 I am only the second week on my diet, but I think I can attribute the weight loss to eating as clean as possible and really limiting my sodium as much as possible (do to health issues). We will see how this week goes! Have a great weekend everyone :happy:
  • Goals for today: Workout on my Gazelle for the entire duration of a BL episode on Hulu + Get a Zumba Fitness Party Workout in **Get up at 4 tomorrow morning to go to the Gym
  • Mini Goals for Today: Drink more water Get at least a Wii workout in (feeling under the weather big time)
  • I had started on them this spring, but ended going off them. Although they are some of the best tasting shakes I have every had as far as protein goes, I could not "drink" two meals out of the day. I stay so much more full with my oatmeal (and sometimes egg whites) than I ever did with the shakes. I still use them as a…
  • I know I could be so much better! I have done ok with my food choices, but I have been HORRIBLE with my exercising. I am hoping to make that change tonight. Once my husband gets home from work, we are going to storage to pick up some of my exercise equipment. That way, even on days that I can't make it to the gym (or in…
  • Goal for today: Stick to the no animal protein for the day (one suggestion in thee Skinny Rules). Will see how this goes, I at one time had thought about becoming a vegitarian, but never followed through (so proves the countless books in my Kindle app :)
  • I have the opossite problem, I have no problem getting in my fruit, its the veggies I struggle with somedays. Just pick up, and start again, it is a new day!
  • My mini goal for today, stay under on my daily sodium and get to the gym to workout!