

  • I'd guess water weight is most of it- probably from excess sodium consumed. Just be good for a few days, drink extra water and I'll bet you see the pounds come off again quickly.
  • I really love Shiratake noodles too. Drain, rinse thoroughly, drain again. Throw in a hot skillet and "fry" them in the skillet to cook some of the water out. I don't add anything to the nonstick skillet. I add a little soy sauce, cut up sirloin steak, tomatoes and other veg. Makes a great stir fry. The noodles absorb the…
  • I keep my garden fenced off so my pups can't get in there. They like to steal baby melons. I think they think they are a ball or some kind of toy. I don't care for the smell of tomato plants either. I was out there earlier picking tomatoes, cukes, jalapenos, and serranos. I have a nice lunch ready for tomorrow at work. I…
  • WOW!! You look phenomenal. Great work and great pics. I also wanted to be Mrs Donnie when I was in 7th grade!
  • I'm glad the Fiber One Bars don't have that effect on me. However, sugar alcohols do. The Atkins bars kill me!!!
  • 1 small egg and 1-2 egg whites. (my SO's Brother has chickens, so I get fresh eggs from him. The size varies a lot) 1/2 slice of turkey bacon cooked with the eggs. 3 JD turkey sausage links. Lots of protein. Probably too much sodium. I like it and it keeps me full until 12-1pm when lunch time comes around at work. I rarely…
  • I like that. I'm gonna have to try and build up to that.
    in Planks... Comment by lanamilo July 2011
  • I can do 2-3 of the chin up style ones on my door frame pull up bar. Took me a long time to get there. I still practice a few times a week to get my form better and better. I was so happy the first time I did one all by myself!!
  • Peanut butter on pancakes IS the only way to eat them. I can barely gag them down without it. I worked at a hospital for a few years and I had a pancake- fresh made every day. I always asked for a little container of PB- everyday. The pancake lady made sure she kept some around for me.
  • I love the little grape tomatoes. I buy the big box at Costco every week and eat them all week long. I eat them plain most of the time. No salt, no nuthin'. I have a garden, but it has been such a dry year that I haven't gotten too much that has ripened. We just got rain yesterday for the first time in 4 months, so I'm…
  • Hmm. I will have to investigate this. It is sold at the market 2 blocks from here.
  • Maybe you lost more fat from other places on your body? Legs, hips, chest, back?
  • I had a roommate in college who had a very large chest. She would wear her regular bra and then a tight sports bra over top. For running, sometimes 2 sports bras over her regular bra, Good luck!
  • I have been doing my own made up as I go along TF/P90X hybrid. I do the weight training in P90X (this is my 3rd round (not consecutive) of P90X) and then instead of Ply/Yoga/Kenpo I do TF instead. I have been doing 4 weeks in each workout, then a recovery week, and then 4 weeks on again. I am in my 6th week, so I did the…