P90X Hybrids



  • lanamilo
    lanamilo Posts: 15
    I have been doing my own made up as I go along TF/P90X hybrid.

    I do the weight training in P90X (this is my 3rd round (not consecutive) of P90X) and then instead of Ply/Yoga/Kenpo I do TF instead.

    I have been doing 4 weeks in each workout, then a recovery week, and then 4 weeks on again. I am in my 6th week, so I did the Back, shoulders, Arms (or whatever it is called with the clap and one armed pushups) on Sunday (my first week on these workouts). Yesterday I did TF Fire 60.

    If I only have time for a short workout, I may do JM 30DS. Sometimes after doing the lifting, I do the HIIT 15 or hit the treadmill. Just depends on how late I get home from work and what I have to do when I get home.

    I actually haven't lost much weight scale wise, but I definitely have lost body fat. My clothes are looser thru the tummy, hip, and legs. I have never taken measurements, but I know they are changing for sure.

    I haven't gotten to read all of the posts in this thread, but will go back and do so when I get a chance- maybe at lunch.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Day 1 (Round 3) with Legs & Back and I'm surprised ... I've only been running the past few months yet my pullups managed to go up, lol. I use 40lb bands and was able to manage 10 or more reps (was only doing 6-8 my last round).

    In any case, I don't know how long I'll be keeping Legs & Back or how safe it is to do while I'm building up mileage for my half-marathon. But it's my favorite workout so I'm trying to keep it for now.

    I tweaked my hybrid a bit to only build up to 15 miles instead of 20. I figure if I go above 15 I should do it when I'm NOT doing P90X!
  • johncowart
    johncowart Posts: 40 Member
    What round are you on? Im on my last week. Then going into a mass building hybrid.

    I'm about to re-start Round 3 (the P90X/Half-Marathon hybrid).

    And thanks! What's your mass building hybrid?

    I am spending the next three weeks on the planning but have some rough ideas here:

    1. Mass/Toning/Sculpting is goal
    2. Cardio Conditioning is not the goal
    3. Diet Is Key - minimize processed foods, sugars, etc.
    4. High Fiber Nutrition
    5. All Cardio will be routines from beginer phases of different programs(Turbo Fire, Rev Abs, P90x)
    6. Sugars low but not crazy
    7. Processed foods minimum or none at all
    8. Nutrition is key - offsets cardio
    9. P90X Weight Routines Foundation
    10. Weight repetitions and sets will change depending on the phase.
    11. Muscle confusion will apply but so will intensity
    12. Some additional weight routines will be subbed in
    13. Ab Routines will come from various programs or modified ABX and weighted for the most part
    14. Advanced/Middle/Beginners routines (maybe - maybe just guidance than structure)
    15. Advanced/Middle/Beginners nutrition (maybe - maybe just guidance than structure)
    16. P90X is the foundation program but you don't have to have the other programs to do this hybrid. There will be alternate routines/techniques available.
    17. No rest week. Sculpting (not sure about this just yet.) The previous three week routines will help determine a rest week.