Gardeners out there? Tomatoes?

I LOVE love love the smell of the leaves on the tomato plant.

Can you eat them? I was thinking of adding to a sauce or mixed into salad...oddly I couldn't find anything on google.


  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to garden. BUT, OMG, I HATE the smell of tomato leaves!!!! LOL!!!! I read in a gardeners site somewhere they have cologne that smells like tomato leaves. LOL!!!
  • Moonblood
    Moonblood Posts: 199 Member
    Like many other nightshades, tomato leaves and stems contain atropine and other tropane alkaloids that are toxic if ingested. Ripened fruit does not contain these compounds. Leaves, stems, and green unripe fruit of the tomato plant contain small amounts of the poisonous alkaloid tomatine.Use of tomato leaves in tea (tisane) has been responsible for at least one death. However, levels of tomatine are generally too small to be dangerous.

    Tomato plants can be toxic to dogs if they eat large amounts of the fruit, or chew plant material.
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    Sadness...guess I'll have to get the cologne! Thanks.
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I love the smell of tomato plants too. My husband hates it.
  • laureneva15
    Kind of off topic - is there a gardeners group or something on here? I want to start a herb and veggie garden.
    Would like people I can ask for advice cos I'm sure I have no idea what I'm doing! Lol
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    Like many other nightshades, tomato leaves and stems contain atropine and other tropane alkaloids that are toxic if ingested. Ripened fruit does not contain these compounds. Leaves, stems, and green unripe fruit of the tomato plant contain small amounts of the poisonous alkaloid tomatine.Use of tomato leaves in tea (tisane) has been responsible for at least one death. However, levels of tomatine are generally too small to be dangerous.

    Tomato plants can be toxic to dogs if they eat large amounts of the fruit, or chew plant material.

    This, I'm glad someone beat me to it :)
  • lanamilo
    lanamilo Posts: 15
    I keep my garden fenced off so my pups can't get in there.
    They like to steal baby melons. I think they think they are a ball or some kind of toy.

    I don't care for the smell of tomato plants either. I was out there earlier picking tomatoes, cukes, jalapenos, and serranos. I have a nice lunch ready for tomorrow at work.

    I grow tomatoes, cucumbers, serrano peppers, jalapeno peppers, new mexico green chile, habaneros, honeydew, watermelon, corn, pinto beans, radishes, carrots, basil, thyme, sage, and parsley. I have a huge rosemary bush out front that I use. Earlier in the year I had lettuce and spinach. Too hot for it now. Something ate my strawberry plants.

    I have wild sunflowers in my garden. The first one was from a bird dropping a seed. Now they reseed themselves and I get more every year. I just leave it for the birds.

    This fall I will plant more lettuce.