I sweat a ton and would cramp when I ran, but I just couldn't drink any of the gatorades. I stared using the NUUN tablets and I really like them and no cramping.
Wow are you sure you have to be able to run 12 miles per hour? Because that is really fast. Or did you mean a 12 minute mile?
Yes this. I tried the handheld one. I just couldn't get comfortable I tried the one with the one water bottle in the small of my back - I think it just didn't fit me appropriately because it moved too much Currently I have a fuel belt with 3 small water bottles for my long runs. It's ok. But I think I am going to try a…
I have a hydration belt. It's by Fuel Belt, it has 3 bottles. Two of them have NUUN in it and one has just plain water. I find that this seems to be working for me. Of course I will re-evaluate as my runs creep to over 10 miles and as the temperature increases.
I call it my runners headache. The one thing that has worked for me is to drink something with electrolytes after and then also a ton of water. It took me a while to figure out what worked for me.
There is no secret tip for getting up to work out. Your determination will get you up. I'm sorry to say, but if you want to work out then you plan it.
Oh wow! That is scary and obviously I am a complete chicken because I would have turned around. I haven't encountered anything like that in Northern Virginia. The trail I run on we always have deer that run across it. I have to keep my eyes focused not to get knocked down.
^^^^THIS!!! Drives me crazy when I hear people say muscle weighs more than fat!
The points are based on your height and weight. The more you weigh (or how tall you are) you get more points. The way the new point system is set up is based on Carbs/Fat/Protein/Fiber. It is no longer 50ish calories = a point. I have recently set up MFP while counting points and according to WW I would only get about 1200…
Only 45 miles. Slowly building back up.
42........May wasn't a good month at all.
See if you can get a pass to try it out. I think the main thing is to see if it fits your fitness personality.
In order to gain a stone you would have to eat 49,000 calories ABOVE what your normal calorie intake in order to gain that much. Don't worry there is no way.
I started with a Polar HRM but when I decided to actually get serious about running outside I bought a Garmin 410. It's pretty awesome. It has a chest strap to calculate my heart rate and on the display it tells me my pace. An added plus it has a virtual partner to pace against.
Count me in!
Thanks guys for the responses. I have only ever done half marathon distances. But of the course the goal is to get better and stronger and hopefully one day a Marathon :)
Hmm that is pretty big for me too. I have to eat something salty or I have a headache the rest of the day (I'm a huge sweater)
I wish I could do that :wink: Thanks for the response
I'm 6'0 and my goal is 180. My body tends to get stuck at 185 but want to try for a little lower then we will see. I am a true pear so it is so hard to tell when I even lose 20lbs
I am interested too. I had an abdominal myomectomy to remove fibroids (Like a c-section but no baby) and the surgery completely changed my stomach.
Awesome post!
Thank you everyone. FYI it's calf cramps....and it BLOWS
Thanks! I drink a ton of water so I knew also it wasn't dehydration. I have been doing more bananas as well. This time around I want to enjoy running and end in pain half way through.
Ladies Ladies! You do NOT have to be black to be part of BGR. But you do have to be a woman. BGR was actually created to help fight obesity with black woman but ALL women are welcome to come out. If I'm not mistaken the BGR in Baton Rouge has a non black leader. I am in the lovely nations capital and that was my first…
You can search facebook for the BGR-ATL group and see if anyone is on here.
I trained for a half marathon with Team in Training (The Penguin came and talked to us) and the coach used to always correct me when I said I was jogging he said NO you are a runner
If you run, you are a runner. It doesn’t matter how fast or how far. It doesn’t matter if today is your first day or if you’ve been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run.” - John Bingham
I would totally do the half. I started just doing 5K's last year and did a half marathon in March. It was very mentally challenging for a person that has never run that distance. Even after I ran that distance I don't want to go any further than the 13.1 miles