

  • non-scale victory. anything good that happens because you're losing weight that isn't tied to a number on the scale
  • mostly same! i used to have really bad heartburn that would wake me up in the middle of the night and i'd be up for a half hour because i couldn't lay back down i get heartburn pretty infrequently now! i had some today but it wasn't too bad, i took two tums and it went away for the rest of the day.
  • my running shorts were sliding down a little while i ran :> i won't be able to afford new shorts for a few weeks so i'll be pulling them up for a while, but i'm happy nonetheless! i also ran a bit faster today and still had energy to sprint at the end of my run. i also realized that despite the fact i'm running in the same…
  • I saw a magazine with "Be bikini ready in seven days!" written on it yesterday and just kind of laughed. Yeah, I'm literally only a week away from being small enough to wear a bikini.
  • i think my answer would have to be trans* rights, with mental health awareness at a close second
  • Hey there! Another tabletop gamer??? c: I've just started recently! I've played D&D I think... three times now? It's so fun omg. I don't know how people knock that kinda thing, it's seriously fun and it's not even that nerdy, I mean, it's not like you need to know a lot going in (as long as you have a kind and patient DM!).
  • completely unrelated but i just wanted to ask you if it was okay if i added "holy hannah montana" to my repertoire of surprise phrases because holy hannah montana is that ever funny
  • YES we do. one of the pharmacists joked last week he should start watching it so he knows what patients are talking about. i wish we sold a lot less weight loss stuff etc but it's not my decision or even the pharmacists'. stupid walmart.
  • i'm not a ~super environmentalist~ but i try! i take public transit and walk when i can, i guess. i'm mostly off of red meat and considering being mostly off of poultry as well. the things i really care about: trans rights, gay rights, womens rights, public health (banning hfcs and trans fats in restaurants, etc), body…
  • my biggest reason is health right now! i'm a health major and after listening all year to how bad being overweight/obese is i decided it was finally time to get my **** together (it's not that i didn't know how bad it was before, but something about this being my MAJOR made me realize i really need to do something about…
  • eeee homestuck :D!! i haven't cosplayed in a while (last time i did was 2010) but when i did it was a bunch of stuff from ace attorney and pokemon. if i was gonna cosplay right now (pref. at my goal weight) it'd probably be snowman! she's so pretty. and yes, you can use a treadmill! treadmill running is a little different…
    in Yo :u Comment by jamonthelam June 2012
  • Or, if you feel up to it, C25K is great! I just finished week 3 day 3 yesterday and I'm really excited to keep going. It's a running/walking program that starts off super easy but builds up to being able to run for 5k straight with no walking after 9 weeks. The first week alternates 60 seconds jogging and 90 seconds…
    in Yo :u Comment by jamonthelam June 2012
  • Welcome!! What kinda stuff do you cosplay? c:
    in Yo :u Comment by jamonthelam June 2012
  • Your body doesn't want to lose weight. People can be come psychologically dependent on certain types of food, and kicking the habit absolutely sucks. Of course you're going to be miserable. Losing weight isn't easy. The best thing to do would be to find ways to make you less miserable -- if you're miserable because you're…
  • Hahaha I was at Anime North!! I wasn't dressed up or anything but yeess there sure were a lot of them! And yeah I went to DW, it was awesome. :)
  • This is how I felt for a while. Recently I've gotten I guess a little into shipping (I don't seek anything out, but I follow a lot of Homestuck fans on tumblr and there are some ships I like more than others). And that's so ****ty! People should be allowed to enjoy things however they want without being chewed out about…
  • if anyone's still looking for feminist/progressive mfp budz i'm a queer, trans-positive feminist o:
  • Congratulations!! You're an inspiration to us all :)