

  • I have/have had the same problem. At first, I was worried about thyroid problems, but my blood test came back okay. It seems that the loss comes and goes - lately, it's been okay. Make sure that you're getting enough calories and the right nutrients. I'm contemplating a multivitamin to cover my bases and to see if that…
  • I don't have the urge to pee (although sometimes on longer runs, the trots get me), but one of my running partners has this issue. She's older than I am and has had kids, so we know this plays a part. The only thing she does is makes sure she goes right before we head out, and then when the urge hits, she runs through it.…
  • I have the PB2 brand, and it has a different texture from regular peanut butter. It mixes into something that has a similar consistency...it's hard to describe. It tastes like peanut butter, and is nice when I am craving a PB&J, but don't want a "full strength" one. :) The fat in peanut butter is good fat, so I try to keep…
  • I am training for one on May 7th. :) Ran a 5 mile race on Thanksgiving, and started training for this one February 22nd. Nervous and excited!
  • I'm on level 2, and burn anywhere from 275-325 calories. Today was 300 on the nose. Thinking I'll be bumping up to level 3 soon, as I'm burning less calories each time I do this one. :)
  • Congrats - you look wonderful!! That was what I needed to see - I'm plateaued or something at 57 pounds. :mad: Your post boosted motivation big time! :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you everyone for your words of advice and wisdom! I'm going to be taking a closer look at my nutrient intake, investigating vitamins, and calling the doctor. Hopefully this is something that can be easily remedied. :smile: