Hair Loss

Hello all! I love reading the boards and seeing the wonderful advice and wisdom here. I have a question for those of you with more knowledge than me.

Since joining MFP in September/October, I've lost 32 pounds, for a total weight loss of 59 pounds in 14 months. In the past month or so, I've noticed I'm losing a lot of hair. I started running in October, and did a 5 mile Turkey Trot. After the Trot, ran 2-4 days per week until 2 weeks ago when I began training for a half-marathon.

I had mentioned my worries about my hair to my mom, because let's face it - I would not make a cute bald woman - and saw her today for the first time since mentioning it. My hair used to be very thick, and's bordering on thin/fine. She was shocked by the changes, and said I should get in to see a/my doctor (more on that in a bit) as both my brother and she have hypothyroidism.

When I arrived home, I did some research on the condition and my worry level has definitely increased. Some of the symptoms are things I've been experiencing, but didn't pay much attention to, blaming it on the weather, time of the year, life, etc. Specific things I've been dealing with: dry skin (worse than usual), fatigue/exhaustion, constantly being cold, and the hair loss.

Monday I'll be putting a call in to "my" doctor's office. The reason my is in quotes: I just moved to where I live and made my first appointment with said doctor for June. I don't want to wait that long.

Which brings me to my questions. Have any of you experienced hair loss as a result of losing weight? Am I completely blowing this out of proportion? Any words of advice/wisdom will be greatly appreciated!


  • YourFriendBecky
    I lost hair the first time I lost weight, because I was eating too few calories and not enough oil/fat. This time I'm making sure to get more oil and I'm also taking biotin supplements.

  • alazarus
    alazarus Posts: 80 Member
    It sounds like you're not getting enough calories or nutrition, especially considering the amount you're running. Try adding in some extra calories in your day, like an extra protein-filled snack (like peanut-butter and bananas-- my fave). Also, if you're not already, try taking a daily multivitamin.
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    Hair loss in relation to diet is usually a deficiency in protein. I had a friend who was a vegetarian whose hair started to fall out after a while because she wasn't get her protein.

    Definitely call you doctor and see if you can set up an appointment.
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    You are not blowing things out of proportion, given your family history. Definitely see your doc.

    That said, how much protein do you get each day? If you aren't in the 80 grams per day range or above, that could cause hair loss.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I have a friend who experienced similar issues (though she was dropping weight also and not trying too) and she found out she was diabetic. She waited til the point that she passed out from weakness to go in. She is on insulin because of having waited so long to be tested. Don't wait!! Go see your doctor asap. When your body gives you obvious signs that something is off kilter they should not be ignored. Good luck to you and hopefully it is something minor and easily correctable.
  • Ningymouse
    I experienced if in June 2010. I had weight loss but also surgery. The dermatologist I work next to told me I was under stress and not enough nutrients. My hair is better now but I was scared of balding too.
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Well...yes and no. Both my daughter and I experienced hair loss after hospitalization and some pretty serious illnesses. So, I would say that in both of our cases it was a result of the stress of illness on our bodies. I do know that if you try to lose weight too quickly you can lose your hair. Also, in both of our cases the hair grew back. My daughter's stylist recommended cutting her hair shorter to stop it from falling out. It made a huge difference immediately. My daughter's hair is back to it's luscious, thick old self!
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    I started losing hair about 3-4 months after doing the HCG diet. I had lost 20 pounds in 30 days. I started using the Nioxin system (shampoo, conditiner, and spray) as well as taking Biotin supplements by mouth. New hair starting coming in about 14 days after use.

    But with that said, I would definitely still see a doctor -- they may find that your levels of nutrients are low. But if all of the tests come back o.k. then it is worth a try.

    *When using the spray, put a towel around your neck to avoid getting it on your skin. If it drips on my neck it irritates the skin and gets red/blotchy for about 30 minutes.

    Also, Nature's Gate makes a shampoo and conditioner with Biotin in it as well.

    Best wishes :flowerforyou:
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    :flowerforyou: For one, I'm sorry... because I truely know how it feels to lose hair in a massive way and I know how damaging to ones self esteem to have it happen. Second, I have hair unloss unrelated to weight loss but to unknown reasons. I don't have alopilicia (sp?), a thyroid prob, or even Lupus ( I had a bioposy done because I fit into a number of the criteria for having Lupus and thankfully it came back negative), but I think it might be hormonal.

    Here's the thing. I've known people (an ex-sister in law) that lost a lot of hair (no bald spots but very noticable thinning) after have Gastric bypass surgery. I don't know if you have, but if so then I would talk to a doc. Also, it could be a vitamin defenciency in which your not getting enough biotin, vitamin A and B, vitamin D, etc...again talk to a doc. Lastly, it could be a sign of a bigger prob so the best advice I could give you is to see a doc/dermatologist as soon as you can. I have had two biopsies done (one on my scalp and one on my arm cuz I had a rash and other symptoms which made my doctor truely believe I had lupus) and unfortantly I still don't know what's up. I personally think that for myself that it's a hormonal thing; however, please go see a doc because it could make a huge difference in your life and make all the difference. I'm hopeing for you that just with some vitamins that you will get your beautiful locks back; but, regardless you need to try and find out what is going on through a doc because it could be a number of things.

    Best wishes!
  • hnwebb82
    hnwebb82 Posts: 16 Member
    I have no thyroid (take replacement) and have had all of the symptoms that you talked about at one time or another, and many opposite extremes.

    Make sure you tell the Dr. your family history. I have several close relatives that have had thyroid issues in additon to my own, even though we have all had very different issues.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I lost 30lbs and somehow developed hypothyroidism.. I was tested for it in 2009 and my levels were normal, but somehow is 2010 after losing 30lbs, I was retested in December and my levels were up, not super high but enough to classify me as hypothyrodism and I am on a low dose of Synthroid 62mcg...

    Also I started taking Biotin 3000mcg and I have seen a HUGE improvement in my hair and where it looked as though I was getting male pattern baldness.. and I mean HUGE difference!!
  • Ningymouse
    I did cut my hair as well and it helped.
  • jessicajoy87
    I would definitely see a doctor. There are many things that could cause hairloss. I know thyroid issues will cause that. What kind of dieting are you doing? When I did low carb my hair fell out. I hope you get it figured out.
  • DisneyAddict23
    Thank you everyone for your words of advice and wisdom! I'm going to be taking a closer look at my nutrient intake, investigating vitamins, and calling the doctor. Hopefully this is something that can be easily remedied. :smile: