Anyone tried powdered peanut butter?

I am just trying to look for a substitute and seen someone mention the powdered peanut butter (PB2).
Has anyone tried it?
Is it good?


  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member

    I was wondering the same thing--and how do you eat it? Do you mix it with water to make a paste???
  • amarie35
    amarie35 Posts: 338 Member
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    I tried some a few years ago and it was ok.. I am a real peanut butter addict and it didn't cure my need for Peanut butter. If I remember right it did taste sorta like peanut butter. Hopefully someone else will be able to interject some more experiences with it!
  • Rebjones612
    Rebjones612 Posts: 408
    Well.....I am making a special trip to a Health food store tomorrow to buy some.
    I will post after I try it and let everyone know.
  • DisneyAddict23
    I have the PB2 brand, and it has a different texture from regular peanut butter. It mixes into something that has a similar's hard to describe. It tastes like peanut butter, and is nice when I am craving a PB&J, but don't want a "full strength" one. :) The fat in peanut butter is good fat, so I try to keep that in mind as well.
  • Rebjones612
    Rebjones612 Posts: 408

    I was wondering the same thing--and how do you eat it? Do you mix it with water to make a paste???
    You mix it with water.
    Here is the website I found it on if you want to check it out. It also tells the nutrition for it.
  • tellybelle
    tellybelle Posts: 144
    I use the powdered peanut butter almost daily and really like it. It comes in regular and chocolate and is all natural.
    You mix 2tbs of the powder with 1 tbs of water or more if you prefer to make it a little thinner. 2tbs of the powder is 45 calories. I have also mixed it with sugar free preserves and used less water for toast sometimes. It is made by bell plantation
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    looooooooooooooooooooove PB2!
  • chris0912
    chris0912 Posts: 242 Member
    i'm not a big fan of peanut butter, but we always have it in the house cuz hubby loves it. i started eating more of it upon starting my healthier lifestyle as a better alternative to other sweets, but hated the amount of fat in it. got intrigued by pb2 after reading all the other posts on here. wanted to incorporate it into smoothies for different flavor combos. bought some and i absolutely love it! i like that it doesn't have the greasiness of normal pb. i've had some daily since getting it. haven't even made it to the smoothie stage yet. fyi, you can also buy it from with lower shipping costs than the bell plantation site. i got mine on sale cuz it expires at end of june (like it's gonna last that long).
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I am a huge, huge peanut butter addict and PB2 is like a gift from heaven. I grew up on natural peanut butter, so this seems a bit like my childhood in the flavor and texture. If you are only used to Jiff or Skippy like peanut butters, it may take you a bit to get used to.

    But I love the freedom to mix it a little thicker or thinner depending on what I'm using it for. Mixing it super thin and using it as a sauce is also amazing. (pour it into a 100 calorie bag of popcorn and give it a shake and you're have an amazing 145 calorie snack that can nearly be called decadent)

    I personally like making it with warm water, I don't know why, it just seems that much more yummy and comforting when it's a little warm. And I also like using combos of the regular and chocolate, as well as each of them straight. I think it tastes absolutely amazing and, as long you mix it well, it mixes up smoothly and is just overall a wonderful experience.

    I had tried Better'n Peanut Butter and it was okay. But I didn't like that it had to be frozen and I hated the bizarre list of ingredients. Plus it had a bit of an off taste to it to me. But PB2 is perfection from top to bottom. And I love that the ingredients are just peanuts, sugar and salt or peanuts, sugar, cocoa and salt. It's probably better that no place around me locally carries it, otherwise I'd be burning through it like candy. Having to pay a bit more to order it online keeps me rationing it a bit more slowly. lol
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    along the same vein has anyone tried calorie free peanut butter? i saw some in the "diabetic" section of the grocery store... was curious about whether or not it was good. cant remember the brand...
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i wish you could get it in the UK
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    along the same vein has anyone tried calorie free peanut butter? i saw some in the "diabetic" section of the grocery store... was curious about whether or not it was good. cant remember the brand...

    If you're talking about the Walden Farms one I'd say run screaming from it. Their ingredients list are not only terrifying chemical laundry lists their products smell and taste revolting. One of my local shops was having a sale on all of their products so I decided to see if they were even viable to use in case of a lack of calories emergency.

    The smell alone made me gag. It took me more than three days to brave opening the jar again to taste and I was instantly horrified at what I had put in my mouth. It was spit immediately back out and the jars thrown out.
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I wanted to like it SOOOOOOOOOO BAD!!

    But, it just wasn't the same as my regular Natural PB....

    I think it was too sweet or something....