Margiewar Member


  • I know how you feel. I ,also take a low dose of meds. for this condition. I felt the same way you do. I asked my doc to recheck and they said the dose was fine. Then I read an article from an specialist and they said that they numbers might vary for different people. Research for articles and go to the specialist. There is…
  • Try stir frying bok choy, celery, and onions and than make a chow mein sauce with sherry, cornstarch, a little garlic and ginger to taste, a little chicken broth and it's delicious.
  • I have been over 100lbs overweight for the last 43 years. My biggest regret is not sticking to a diet in my twenties. I am married and have been for 41 years. I've tried diets but not really. Why! Because my head was filled with excuses- 1. I was content. 2 I didn't care what others thought of me. 3 I liked myself. 4 Why…
  • If I see it, I will eat it! I took all the chips and cookies that my daughter and husband have and put them out of sight. :love:
  • I hate that restaurants don't carry but one light dressing for salads.
  • Hi! Count me in! I don't know how to work these challenges, so if something isn't right let me know. My name is Marge and Im starting the NY at 285lbs. I've walked three miles today, but usually do one or less. Good luck to all of us. My screen name is Margiewar, I'm 60 years old this month and I am tired of being heavy.…
  • You hit it on the head. I've walked my mile and that is all I'm going to commit to. If I do more that will be great.
  • Welcome, it is a great site, and everyone is in the same boat. Good Luck.
  • The chicken wrap.
  • I eat them and have just realized that is why I'm not losing much weight. Today I vow to stop.
  • I slice the eggplant into rounds than put them in a plastic bag. Pour olive oil on top of them and make sure they all get coated. I then place them on the grill, slightly browning one side and then I turn them and while the bottom is browning a place a thin slice of asiago cheese on esch piece. Enjoy.