Hypothyroidism - Can't lose weight!!!



  • 1802go
    1802go Posts: 77 Member
    The treatment of hypothyroidism with levothyroxine is effective and simple; however, recommendations for the starting dose vary considerably. To our knowledge, the levothyroxine starting dose has never been studied prospectively. So you need to retest and retest over several month to determine the best dose. If your dr does not retest on a reg. intervals you should get another point of view........Yes I am have the same issue for 45 years and it took two Dr. to find one that tested and retested until I was regulated there are other problems with being hypo ...
  • hannah0912
    Hey everyone

    So pleased to have found this thread!

    I was diagnosed with hashimotos aged 19 and have had it for almost 7 years now. It took a long time to diagnose and I'm on 125 mcg of levothyroxine.

    I've always struggled more than others to keep weight off, despite a healthy diet and exercise regime. I'm actually writing this from Malaysia. I've been backpacking for 2 months and am concerned that my levels are off - the tell tale signs are back: tiredness, confusion, constipation, bloating, missed periods, including a massive amount of weight gain, which is very noticeable when you're 5 ft tall. Maybe my tablets are damaged from the heat (despite using an insulin cooling pack), or maybe I just need a higher dose.

    I had a blood test yesterday and am waiting for the results. Does anyone have any advice on dealing with the Asian diet with underactive thyroid? Or even healthy options? Everything seems to be drenched in oil, soy and/salt. It's carb based too, so my options are limited! the trip of a lifetime has turned into an obsession over what I'm eating - its like being trapped.

    I actually really hope my leveks are off as it would explain a lot, although this has happened before and blood tests have come back normal. Have you guys had that? It's like I'm out of touch with my own body if that makes sense!

    Another thing: when I saw a doctor in KL yesterday, he checked my heart rate and said it was low. Never had that checked in the UK before. He also said blood tests should be done every 3 months. Mine have been once a year. Does anyone else using the nhs get this treatment?

    Its so Inspiring to see everyone's success stories, or progress stories...thanks for giving hope that we can get control over the condition.
  • annemama
    annemama Posts: 245 Member
    I'm guessing that a diet high in soy and carbs has wrecked your usual balance. If you can cut out the soy and cut back on carbs maybe that would help. Just a guess! Enjoy your trip....it sounds amazing!
  • Kymwho
    Kymwho Posts: 183 Member
    BUMP for later
  • tiedyeluvr
    I have been using a Fitbit One pedometer for a month now and have found it very encouraging. It counts my steps (daily goal 10,000 steps.) It cheers me on! It offers awards for stepping goals, weight loss and a few other creative encouraging items. I have lost 4 pounds so far while monitoring my calories and exercising. I was diagnosed after my second daughter was born, 11 years ago. I am encouraged by the others who are doing myfitnesspal to make a difference. Happy New Year and hoping this is an encouraging year for you all!
  • goldendarden
    Ok so I am 26, a full time student and stay at home mom. I have hypothyroidism. However I also had 3 csections in 4 years at the same time hypothyroidism appeared so did chronic urticaria and angiodema. I read that thyroids can act up because immune issues. I been to many doctors, im tired all the time. I currently have a 5yo, 3yo, 1yo. I push all the time, im on levo 100mg daily, still feel bad all the time. However I lost 50lbs last year to gain it ALL back, and still gaining. Anyone else feel like its all stacked against them, but still want to fight, and can help with some advice and motivation.
  • susiesanchez32
    I have had hypothyroid for 10 years with many ups and downs...was on levothyroxine for years and ended up losing my hair...ugh...switched 1 1/2 years ago to armour and at first I finally lost 10 pounds...now I weigh more than I ever have at 156...I exercise 5 days a week and eat SO WELL...no cheating and in the last 3 weeks I have gained 8 pounds...so frustrating and DEPRESSING. I am at a loss...
  • susiesanchez32
    I understand your frustration as I have fought your same battle for so long...lose with work and then gain with the exact same diet and exercise...sometimes it is so discouraging...hypothyroid is so depressing...I wish how I saw myself didn't get spoiled by the scale and the mirror
  • iballin
    iballin Posts: 21
    why do people think if you have hypothyroidism you cant lose weight.. thats so far from the truth.. its only responsible for an extra maybe 300-500 cal difference a day.. your thyroid even untreated cannot change the laws of thermodynamics... you guys make it sound like your body can sit at a stand still, not use food for energy nor use bodyfat?? thats impossible you would be dead... study's are showing even untreated hypothyroidism is only responsible for a slower metabolism not an impossibility to lose weight... thats just non sense.
  • iballin
    iballin Posts: 21
    you relies thats an amazing amount of progress... not slow at all =/ ... just goes to show hypothyroidism is to an extent an excuse... its not possible to change the laws of thermodynamics..yes it slows metabolism.. but if your not losing weight at a calorie number,, you need to try dropping it ever so slightly, yes to lose weight youll have to eat abit less then the average.. but for ppl saying you cannot lose weight with hypothyroidism is non sense.. studys show its only a difference of 10 lbs on people , or a couple hundred calories a day difference that doesn't get burned..
  • Epolstyle80
    Epolstyle80 Posts: 13 Member
    I read thru all the replies. I know that everyone is different. I know that. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism Dec 2006. I jumped from an active size 12 to a size 18/20 in less then 2 months. I gave up that first year. Between 2006-2013 I maintained the weight 238lbs. It didnt matter how much I exercised or dieted. My numbers have been checked a million times I sweat and it stays the same. Discouraged. HELL YES. In June of 2013, I began religiously getting my big butt on the treadmill or on the bike trail for 60 minutes for 5 to 6 days a week, mild lifting and I cut back to a 12-1400 diet. NOTHING WORKED. NOTHING. I kicked up my excersize and managed to lost 16 pounds in a year and a half~! I am so frutrated. I have been on the same dose of levothyroxin for 5 years and nothing is "balancing out" and I am the most patient person I know! This morning I decided to keep exercizing, but instead of calorie counting I am cutting out all sugars and carbs to see if that works. I am also going to see a blood doctor. I really cant take much more of not being able to lose the weight I need. The only positive is, I am the healthiest fat girl you will ever meet!
  • Epolstyle80
    Epolstyle80 Posts: 13 Member
    why do people think if you have hypothyroidism you cant lose weight.. thats so far from the truth.. its only responsible for an extra maybe 300-500 cal difference a day.. your thyroid even untreated cannot change the laws of thermodynamics... you guys make it sound like your body can sit at a stand still, not use food for energy nor use bodyfat?? thats impossible you would be dead... study's are showing even untreated hypothyroidism is only responsible for a slower metabolism not an impossibility to lose weight... thats just non sense.

    Unless you have an ongoing battle with it, you can NOT understand it. You can do everything right and have nothing work. It, however, takes the right combo to kick some results in.
  • yebonet
    I too have an under active thyroid and have been struggling to loose weight, I have been on slimming world since October 13 and have managed to have lost 2 stone, the process is very slow but I believe I should loose my 5 st eventually.
  • yebonet
    I think everyone is different, I have heard that many people with an under active thyroid struggle to loose weight, I for one are one of them however I have last 2st over 4 months but it is a very slow process.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I agree with the poster who said go get your levels checked. Once your hormone levels are fine, you shouldn't have any problem losing weight. In fact, I'm hypothyroid and managed to lose weight even before I was diagnosed.
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    why do people think if you have hypothyroidism you cant lose weight.. thats so far from the truth.. its only responsible for an extra maybe 300-500 cal difference a day.. your thyroid even untreated cannot change the laws of thermodynamics... you guys make it sound like your body can sit at a stand still, not use food for energy nor use bodyfat?? thats impossible you would be dead... study's are showing even untreated hypothyroidism is only responsible for a slower metabolism not an impossibility to lose weight... thats just non sense.

    Unless you have an ongoing battle with it, you can NOT understand it. You can do everything right and have nothing work. It, however, takes the right combo to kick some results in.

    I FEEL DEAD! Enough said!

    But, no, really I feel your pain. And I believe everyone feels a little different and has different issues with hypothyroidism. I had thyroid cancer 2 years ago and gained 30 pounds in 3 months after having my thyroid removed....I hate my body now, I hate how I feel but I have decided not to let that define who I am. I do feel better watching what I eat and working out even if it's just a little. And I am determind not to give up - sometimes I think that is all we can do.

    I love hearing success stories on here from people that have done well. Though that is not to say I do not get more frustrated or maybe even a little jealous. It still helps knowning there is hope and people have done.
    Long store short - Keep your head up :)
  • Margiewar
    Margiewar Posts: 15 Member
    I know how you feel. I ,also take a low dose of meds. for this condition. I felt the same way you do. I asked my doc to recheck and they said the dose was fine. Then I read an article from an specialist and they said that they numbers might vary for different people. Research for articles and go to the specialist. There is a diet for thyroid conditions. Good Luck
  • PrairieRunner2015
    PrairieRunner2015 Posts: 126 Member
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 6 years ago. It took about a year, year and a half, to get my levels in the acceptable range (I take Levothyroxine). Since my levels are stable and in a normal range, most symptoms have improved.

    In regards to diet, I try to eat fewer carbs and more protein. When I do this, weight loss seems easier. Perhaps it's because I am eating fewer calories and more conscious of every little thing I eat, or it's due to how my body processes the different sources of nutrition. I don't know, but it seems to work for me. When I don't try to keep the carbs down, weight loss seems impossible.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    MFP has "Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism" group: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/770-hypothyroidism-and-hyperthyroidism
  • ecotten
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 2 days ago. I am 28 years old and as of right now I weight 143 lbs at 5'4. For myself I do understand that the majority of my weight is muscle. About a year and half ago I started training for fitness competitions as I have always been a very atheletic individual. I have put on muslce mass but I noticed even when I switched my diet and exercise to start the "cutting" phase for competitions that I would not shed any excess weight and even gain a little. This is when I knew something was out of whack. Since college I have always been very sluggish and never thought that had anything to do with my thyroid. I was wrong! My TSH levels came back at an 11 even though my T3 and T4 where in the "normal" range or at least that is what the doctor said. My journey has just now begun. The doctor put me on levothyroxine and I go back in 6 weeks to check my levels. I would like to drop around 10 lbs for that would be a healthy range for my body type. We shall see how this goes! :smile: :smile: :smile: