

  • Thanks guys for all the encouragment! It really does mean a lot!
  • I belong to the YMCA and it is not as expensive as I thought it would be. If you buy one session at a time it is $44. I bought 5 sessions and it turned out to be $38 a session for an hour!
  • He is introducing new exercises I have never tried before and I am being pushed! I have never worked with a personal trainer before and I am loving every bit of it. It makes me realize that I am stronger than I thought! I guess I never really challenged myself. I am glad I am being challenged now!
  • When I first started I was trying 1200 calories and found that I binged more. So I changed it to 1500 cal and did fine. In about 2-3 weeks I bumped it down to 1400 again did fine. Now I am down to 1300 cal and am finding myself feeling full and not deprived. In about a couple of weeks I will go back down to 1200! So…
  • I want to run a marathon and do a triathalon but my knee is not cooperating. I cannot run at this current time. So I will settle for doing at least one unassisted pull up! More would be great but one is my goal right now. I have never ever been able to do one!
  • Congrats! Keep it up!:smile:
  • We are very much alike! I do the same thing. After a cheat I say oh I can pick right back up tomorrow. Fat chance! It usually takes a week or so to get myself back to where I was. I love food and it is my addiction! Once I have that addiction under control I am ok, but it only takes one cheat and i loose it! I am going to…
  • Thanks. I am the same way once I am determined to loose the weight if I cant count it I dont want to eat it. If I do eat something I cannot count I end up go hog wild and have to start from square one. Its hard being around people who totaly do not understand how hard it is to keep your weight under control. They are all…
  • Can I join too? I will log my starting weight this am when I get home from work. My motivation is an up coming cruise and Disney . Leaving for this trip the end of Sept. Me and my husband will be celebrating our 5yr anniversary and his 40th b-day and I want to look sexy for him.:tongue:
  • Thanks guys!
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