fitness bucket list

Hi guys

I recently came across a number of blogs which have 'fitness bucket lists' - basically the idea is to come up with a list of fit things you'd like to do before you die. I'd be interested in hearing what others would put on their fitness bucket list. I've blogged mine:



  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I want to run a marathon!
  • Wuggums
    Wuggums Posts: 339 Member
    I want to do a triathlon! Give me another year and I'll be there!!
  • Broken_
    Broken_ Posts: 172 Member
    I want to post an inappropriately clothed picture, just because I finally have a body worth showing off.

  • Amandamccl
    Amandamccl Posts: 380
    there's bunch I want to do before I die
    1get to my goal weight
    2move out of my mothers house
    3run a 5k
    4become a mother
    5swim with the sharks
    6fly in a airplane
    7jump out of the airplane
    8do every hardcore thing I can think of
    9become a wrestler

    there's more but that's all I can think of
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    I want to be able to do at least 8 consecutive pull-ups... an I'd like to compete in a figure competition.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I did this list the other day but it is a pre 30 list (1.5 years for me)
    200kg deadlift
    140kg squat
    125kg bench
    bodyweight overhead press
    bodyweight power clean

    20 muscle ups
    kip up
    back flip
    human flag
    100 burpees in under 7 mins.
  • youngmum
    youngmum Posts: 114
    awesome to see such exciting goals!! onward & upwards life is short
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I want to be able to squat and bench press my body weight (145lbs). I don't care if it is only once - I want to do it. Considering my back, hip and shoulder issues - it will be a HUGE accomplishment when I get to it. :)
  • demonNIИ
    demonNIИ Posts: 187
    not fitness bucket list but a personal thing.. I always wanted to try snowboarding
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Improve my swimming and get a bike, ultimate goal is a triathlon. I'll probably start with a mini, leaving the option to do a real one someday.

    Run a 10K. That's about as far as I think I want to run.

    Scuba diving! Not so much of a fitness goal. I have no idea how much fitness is required. But it's something I really want to do someday.
  • katherines2230
    katherines2230 Posts: 276 Member
    I too, want to run a marathon!
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    Never thought I would have a list like this:

    1. Run the half marathon at Disneyland with my son
    2. Surf
    3. Parasail
    4. Hike Mt. Rainer
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    Flip over a Geo Metro.
  • audweaver
    audweaver Posts: 23
    I want to run a marathon and do a triathalon but my knee is not cooperating. I cannot run at this current time. So I will settle for doing at least one unassisted pull up! More would be great but one is my goal right now. I have never ever been able to do one!
  • dHowe4406
    dHowe4406 Posts: 114
    Run a marathon (I've wanted to do this for a long time)
    Run a triathlon (I want to run this after I do a marathon)
    Do 20 pull-ups (I never did that many when I was in the Marines so I would love to do it now that I'm out)
    Run a Mile in under 6:00 minutes (I was there when I was in the Marines I would just like to get back to it)
    Run 3 miles in 18:00 minutes
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    get back to a 7:30 mile (fastest I've ever done).
    participate in the "fight for air climb" (climbing stairs to help raise money for lung disease)
    numerous 5Ks for disease of people I know
    go Mt. Climbing
    do 2 pull ups (or more!)
  • kellybones
    kellybones Posts: 281 Member
    I've already completed some of my list:

    Run a half marathon - done several - 6? or maybe 7...
    Run a full marathon - Jan 2012!
    Do a triathlon - sprint length - Oct 2011
    Do the Spartan Run - March 2012
    Do the Tough Mudder - ??? someday!
    Do P90x - again but with real pull ups this time! Completed my first round in March 2011
  • Cardiomale
    Cardiomale Posts: 20
    I would love to run a marathon and compete in the cross fit games.
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    I want to be the weight on my first driver's license.
    I want to run a 5k, 10k, half marathon, and full marathon
    I just want to be healthy and happy.
  • KayaSamantha
    KayaSamantha Posts: 157 Member
    Once I get to my goal weight I am going to "treat" myself to pole dance lessons! I have always loved how acrobatic they are and would love to be able to hold myself off the ground for longer than a few seconds = ) !