1200 calories too low?



  • audweaver
    When I first started I was trying 1200 calories and found that I binged more. So I changed it to 1500 cal and did fine. In about 2-3 weeks I bumped it down to 1400 again did fine. Now I am down to 1300 cal and am finding myself feeling full and not deprived. In about a couple of weeks I will go back down to 1200! So sometimes you have to taper yourself down so your body can get used to it and your stomach will shrink. Good luck!
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    Is 1200 calories what MFP recommends for your goal weight or is it an arbitrary number you've picked up from people saying on here it's the minimum? Go back to your settings and go with what MFP recommends for you for a 1lb a week weight loss. Bet it's more than 1200! Oh, and eat most of your exercise calories!

    From what I've noticed from a LOT of people on this site, many women want to lose as much weight as possible so they put the max hoped for weight loss and MFP gives the 1200 goal as a sort of default. I had that goal for over 2 weeks before I actually looked at my goal page and saw my calorie deficit was way over 500. 500 calories a day = 3500 a week = 1lb. It isn't really good for your body to try to lose more than that. If you eat properly and exercise regularly you may very well lose more than that 1lb but you shouldn't *try* to.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I was meant to lose 1 lb a week on 1200 but always lost more. Now I find my maintenance calories are around 2350, so I had a 1000+ deficit daily!

    I survived by counting all the exercise I got, even hanging out the clothes. Strangely enough, it never made me feel bad, just hungry, which I didn't mind. I do wonder though whether it caused the anaemia I'm now suffering from...

    I will never be on 1200 again! I hope to have baby weight to lose again some day, but I know 1200 is not for me. Listen to your body. Mostly it's right!