lisahiner Member


  • Hey there girl. I've been gone a while but here I am, trying again. I'll try not to go off the wagon again. :-( Hope you find work soon. I'm teaching at the community college, but only one class. My other one got cancelled - I was hoping for that extra money, but oh well. I'm with you - I like to munch after 9:00 too. Hang…
  • I, on the other hand, love sodas.... but now that you made that post on Facebook, Catherine, I guess I'll be drinking them even less than I am right now, which is "not much". We really have cut back on both regular and diet sodas in the past month, though I must admit I had one today. But this is the first time in over a…
  • Caroline - have you read the Jan Karon books? Your scripture reference made me smile! :-) See? Smile!
  • My "little goals" are that I'm losing 5 pound bags of potatoes at a time. :-) It's a pretty good visual image for me! I'm ALMOST done with my second five pound bag!!!!!!!!! (I'm working toward losing EIGHT, count them, EIGHT 5 pound bags of potatoes)
  • I've been giving myself one day a week to not worry so much about the calories. But I find that even then I'm thinking about it, and counting what I'm putting in my mouth. (bummer - it's becoming a habit!) Hope you have a great weekend too. We've got kids coming in for birthday celebrations and father's day celebrations,…
  • I check my email and facebook accounts a couple of times a day, and I've just been putting this in my loop of things I do. I'm sharing a computer with my husband right now, so it's not as easy as it was when it was just "my" laptop. Amazing how dependent I've become on having a computer right where I'm sitting on the…
  • Thanks, Mary! I don't know about the icon...I'm so new to all this. But I appreciate any friends. :-)
  • Scales, mostly. This time I am absolutely determined to lose this weight! But I do agree that how your clothes fit is important. But that hasn't worked for me in the past.... it almost seemed like an excuse not to look at the scales. I've got such a long way to go...
  • I've gotten to where I really like using the internet for finding recipes. In all other cases, for reading purposes, I really prefer a book in my hands, but I really like being able to type in an ingredient and be able to see so many recipes using that particular thing! I've been very good at experimenting lately, and am…
  • That's not a bad idea. Thanks! I suppose better would be just to not buy it. It generally doesn't tempt me, but for some reason when I really hurt, I feel like I need that! Not sure why. That picture was taken on our vacation, at Ruby Falls. We've never been there, and a nice young couple offered to take our picture. :-)…
    in Goals Comment by lisahiner May 2012
  • My goal is to not actually diet, but to eat healthier and to exercise daily. That may not sound like a lot, but I have a lot of weight to lose and I've tried dieting so many times just to fail that I need to think about it differently. One of my problems is that I have fibromyalgia, and some days are awful, and I have…
    in Goals Comment by lisahiner May 2012