gandydancer Member


  • People talk about digestive enzymes but why won't they name them as they are all not created equal
  • I cannot believe people say the weight gain comes from over eating or eating the wrong foods, so not true, t is a nightmare and makes losing weight almost impossible. I watch everything I eat and it just doesn't matter the weight slowly piles on and it is because you just threw a bomb at your digestive system
  • Its just awful, wish I would have known what I know now and I would have tried harder with my food.....don't eat much fat but carbs are my downfall......noticing little fat pads on sides of my hips like the food has no where to go..scream.
  • Love the fitbitzip, I find it is great to track my food on MFP and it downloads with the Fitbit, I had used WeightWatchers database and it couldn't comparer to MFP database...I track on my iphone and it couldn't be easier, just set it up and you are good to go.
  • Wish I could say that I found something that worked but nothing....started taking digestive enzymes but all it does is upset my stomach....have been researching so much on this topic and did find a very interesting article that said when you have a bad gallbladder that that in itself often does not allow you to digest fats…
  • Why on earth would you want a big *kitten*???
  • Hi, thanks for the info and yes I am weighing everything, as I am a weight watcher from way back and in fact am on the plan now, but so discouraged as I had my gallbladder out last year and have found it impossible to lose any weight even on the 1200 calories per day, so not sure what the deal is very depressed with it,…
  • Great news for you, would you please tell me the name of the products that you used as I am so discouraged..
  • Well I have given up as I haven't lost any weight on 1200 calories a day that was why I was interested in the chart trying to see where the problem could be.
  • Food scale is good but wish they would post in ounces as many things you don't have to weigh come in ounces, would be so helpful if ounces were used....good luck the plateaus are the worst and can be very frustrating but keep on trying, lots of help on this site.
  • Wanted to say that I have been on very similar med as that and at first it works and then the weight pretty much came back and it got to be so ineffective there was no difference taking it or not, so for me definitely not the answer....good luck
  • NOT TRUE......I eat 1200 calories a day and have tracked my food since March 09 and once my gallbladder came out it was game over no matter what, I never eat fatty food and exercise, so it just isn't true about eating too much, some people have these problems and almost impossible to lose.
  • I have the same problem and wondered if you are doing any better, and if so what has helped you?
  • Does anyone know what a bile replacer is in reference to gallbladder removal? After reading this posters reply I asked at my health food store and they had no clue what it was, thanks in advance for any help.
  • The problem is when I am eating out I can see what a cup is as in measuring chicken and broccoli but then come back to check in on my diary and find that food in a "G" so am lost on it.
  • I have the same problem and sometimes I didn't log in here but have logged daily in WW booklets so I know my caalories also and keep them under 1200 usually, so I am at a loss also but I am slowly gaining which is worse...wish I could help you but I needed to vent also and perhaps their are different ideas out there...I…
  • Not sure what you mean by trying to hard...You notice weight gain for no reason so then you must try to see why, when there isn't any reason for it it is very depressing....1200 calories per day and exercising can you only imagine what it would be if one were to eat more and not exercise?
  • You are definitely not alone there is such a pattern it is so depressing and I don't think there is anything that can be done, I think the surgery messes up your body function and for what ever reason everything you eat is getting stored as fat, that is the only thing that makes any sense.
  • Hi, I haven't tried the oxbile yet but am getting desperate also...You could try digestive enzymes which some have recommended and I have tried them also but they didn't help at all, in fact I wonder if they help with breaking food down and storing more, so not sure.....It is crazy but I understand what you are going thru…
  • What is TDEE?
  • Hi, I am wondering like you are as I can't lose any weight either, I eat under 1200 calories per day and have 8 to 10 pounds and can't budge, down one up one very frustrating, hope you find an answer and share with me, good luck wish I had answers.
  • Hi, it was removed in July 2012.......I would weigh between 144 and 147 when I had it, after removal I have gone p to 158 and cannot lose it no matter what, I have had numerous blood work for thyroid and I am hypothyroid but have been for 12 years and my numbers are good so not sure what it can be.....I never have eaten a…
  • Just read your post and good for you on your weight loss...I posted a question as to why I can't seem to lose an ounce...I weigh 157 and am 5ft 4 1/2 and need to weigh 145, I pretty much stay at 1200 and rarely go over it, any advice? Thanks in advance Sally
  • Thank so much for the reply and help...Here is a question I can't figure out, my goal is 1200 sort of set by me, and I rarely go over it and cannot lose an ounce, I am 5ft 4 1/2 weigh 157 and see where people on the site lose weight but wonder why I can't get to 145, would appreciate any help, thank you.
  • Hmmm not sure either but some people said it helped with digestion of food so it wasn't all stored as fat because it seems like once the gallbladder is removed digestion is affected, oh well just thought maybe some of the people who were talking about trying it had actually done so..thanks for the reply.
  • Still at it and not much luck, ask any Dr. and they will say it has nothing with weight gain HA!!! Al you need to do is understand the function of the gallbladder and the liver and now the constant storage of what you eat and there you have it. :(
  • Even tho it wasn't working it actually was working, maybe not as it should, but it was helping.
  • Wow glad to see you had a weight loss, you are about the only one...I eat low fat all of the time and can't imagine what I can cut out, even tried Weight Watchers, nothing!!.....Glad you had success tho, good luck.
  • Hi, I see you have tried digestive enzymes also and no luck, same here, they did nothing...I have even tried diet pills and nothing, so this is a big problem, feel like throwing the towel in...I actually have little fat pads on my stomach and hips which I never had, the doctors think I am crazy but they don't want to admit…