The pie chart

This may sound very dumb but I am guessing that when you are staying within the 1200 calorie range you are then supposed to stay within that percentage of carbs, fats and protein on the chart....I notice my percentages are all higher than what is given but my calories are under 1200 and could that be a reason I am not losing?


  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I came here looking for pie????? Disappointing. OP, do a little research and you will find your sweet spot with macros. However, if you are just starting out, focus on calories and more or less ignore macros. You will figure it out in time.
  • gandydancer
    gandydancer Posts: 171 Member
    Well I have given up as I haven't lost any weight on 1200 calories a day that was why I was interested in the chart trying to see where the problem could be.
  • getnfit87
    getnfit87 Posts: 34 Member
    ok, im just a newbie so beware anything I say, but as I understand it the pie chart simply breaks your caloric intake down into the fat intake, protein intake and carbohydrate intakes, and suggests a "healthy" ratio of these 3 categories, so if 2 are over at least one must be under, they ought not all be over as then u'd have more than 100%
    also if u r taking in just 1200 calories per your log, are you weighing things to be sure you are getting just that much, I know b4 I got a scale and checked my estimates and the reality of what I was ingesting could vary by 3-400 cals over a day, just saying if u don't weigh u might try it for a bit just to be sure
    again im new and just learning so take it with a grain of salt :)
  • gandydancer
    gandydancer Posts: 171 Member
    Hi, thanks for the info and yes I am weighing everything, as I am a weight watcher from way back and in fact am on the plan now, but so discouraged as I had my gallbladder out last year and have found it impossible to lose any weight even on the 1200 calories per day, so not sure what the deal is very depressed with it, never ever get your gallbladder removed.