Where did I go wrong?

In September 2013, I had finally made up my mind that I was going to make a change physically. I began eating healthier foods, working out at least 5 days a week, and consuming plenty of water daily. I said NO to fast food, soda, anything fried, and just about anything that wasn't good for me. By December 2013, I had lost a total of 30 pounds. I have since, gained some of that weight back. at least 10 pounds. I get upset with myself because I had come so far but once I had hit 30 lbs, it was like I hit a plateau. I wasn't losing any more weight. Well not this time. I'm more driven than ever to get back on the right track and stay on it. I love Chipotle, but have tried to eliminate that as well.. I just hope that I will one day see the scale under the 200 lb mark. I don't log my exercise because I have trouble keeping an accurate count of calories, but I am considering purchasing a POLAR Fitness watch
