

  • Down 0.6 lbs from two Fridays ago. Not bad, after a couple of sketchy weekends. I'll take it. Sitting at 144.4 lbs. Goal of 140 is in sight!!
  • Great job! You sound focused and on-track. Free access to a great gym - take full advantage!
  • I've decided I'm not going to weigh in today. I had a rough few eating days this past week (my birthday, another birthday party, a work trip, got sick, deadlines...all factoring in...but no real excuse, I know!). I dread the number, and know it will make me feel bad. So I'm just not going there this week. I'll be back next…
  • Great progress!
  • You've got this. Keep the focus!
  • Great job on not bingeing. I've been struggling with what call I binging too, over the last year or so. Oddly, since I got fit and lean, this new behaviour came. Like every 3 or 4 days I'd sort of snap. I've been working with a nutrition coach, and it's been helping. What sort of techniques do you know of?
  • Down 1.0 lb from last Friday (now at 145.0). Great work everyone.
  • Way to go. That's fantastic progress!
  • Down 0.4 lbs from last Friday (to 146.0 lbs). "Feel" like it should be more, I feel good and have had a good week. That's all that counts. Keep it up, everyone. You've got this!
  • Down 1.4 lbs from last Friday. I'm pretty happy with that! - Susan
  • I hear you on the carpet issue. For that reason, we got two of those office-chair-mat things -- and put them side by side on the carpeted area where we workout at home. Presto - it's a mini, portable gym floor! Plus they save the carpet from taking a beating day in and day out.
  • I did the full 60-day Insantiy program for the first time about two years ago. I credit them for getting me in the best shape of my life. For the first few weeks I almost puked/fainted in each workout and had to take lots of breaks (and I was in pretty good shape - I thought - when I started them!). I still use the DVDs…
  • No, when we shorten it's typically "Belle"!
  • My six-year old daughter is I have a "little Isa" too!
  • I'm Susan!
  • Fantastic! What did you do differently this past week, from the week before? Because it seemed to work! Without know your particular situaiton, my general thoughts on keeping it going are: drink your water, avoid salt and artificial sweetners, keep carbs in check, lift some weights! You've got this! Something about seeing…
  • Down 1.2 lbs from last Friday. I'll take it! Good job everyone; keep the focus!
  • Try not to get down on yourself! Out of curiousity, how many carbs are you eating daily? Sometimes a different mix of nutrient macros can make a big difference, depending in your body type and biochemistry
  • 149.0 this morning. A drop of 0.6 lbs from Tuesday. I'll take it! Great job on your progress this week, ladies. Let's keep it up!
  • The best ones I've found are Elevate Me bars. Just dates, fruits, nuts etc., and whey protein powder. Not coated in all the chocolate. A good option if you are totally stuck for real food.
  • Hi - I love lifting, pulling and pushing heavy things. I did a figure competition earlier this spring. It was quite the experience! While I don't think I'll compete again (the make-up and spray tan and high-heels part of it is def. not for me!!), I love the effect the training has had on my physique. And my nmproved…
  • All this discussion is really helpful. I started occasionally binge-eating about two years ago. I hate it, and I am trying so hard to break the cycle. I am quite fit, work-out vigorously six days a week, and am not overweight. I eat really healthy for 4 or 5 days. Then, on day 4 or 5, I tend to be overcome by cravings.…