

  • OK. I am now forced to share one of my deepest secrets. Sometimes, I shop in the MEN's department - not for shirts or tops, but for jeans and other pants. First, they come in a much larger variety of sizes and lengths, they are usually better made AND they usually cost less. I kid you not, ladies, the men's department at…
  • I'd have to go with Madonna. She's as hard as a rock, nearly 50 and sexy as heck!
  • OK - Get ready for a bit of simple MATH! I know people generally hate it, but I think it is totally necessary in order to understand how much weight you will lose and how quickly it will be acccomplished!! Then again, some people may be freaks (like me) who cannot proceed without understanding the numbers . . . From all I…
  • Aha! I remember now that when I filled out the initial profile it asked me to choose a term that best described my lifestyle/level of activity and I left it at the default "sedentary" ( as you mention, I have a desk job). That is how my "lifestyle" was picked. When I say "net calories", it is really my own term (too much…
  • So I am assuming that the site has estimated for me what my lifestyle is like, because I do not recall adding in any of that sort of data. Is that correct? Also, it appears then that "net calories" really is just calories consumed, less calories burned through activities OTHER THAN normal daily activities, right?
  • Hi. I'd appreciate if someone could explain to me the figure listed in the chart referenced above (it's in the My Profile section). The chart lists my Target Daily Calories Burned through normal activites as 1620. I would have thought this number was the sum of my BMR (1330) and daily calories burned through exercise, but…
  • Try using half ground beef and half ground turkey. Make burgers on the grill, meatloaf, chili, pasta sauce, etc. I am telling you that the husband and the kids will NEVER know the difference and you'll be doing them a favor by getting some of the fat out of their lives, too. Best of luck!
  • Thanks to all who commented. Please know that I also cross my fingers for you and will cheer for your inevitable progress!:smile:
  • Hi, everyone. I joined a few days ago but did not post a hello because I had no idea if I'd like what this site had to offer and if it would be helpful to me. I am excited to report that I have now stuck with it for 5 days and I feel awesome about it. Your stories have inspired me to take control of my chunky parts before…
  • Hello! I am curious to know how all of you out there deal with having gone over your calorie count for any particular day. Last night I went to hibachi with my family. I certainly did not go hog wild and I ate only the healthier items (salad, chicken and filet combo, some fried rice, veggies). Nonetheless, the meal put me…
  • Well, counting calories is easy when I am eating ready-made food. The nutritional information is right there on the box! It is also relatively easy if I stick to single item/ingredient foods (i.e., one 4 oz. baked skinless chicken breast - a snap!). What happens when I make a complete dish, however? How is everyone…
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