tempest678 Member


  • Good for you! It definitely makes a difference when you know your MFP friends can peek at your food diary. It makes me think twice about some things....
  • Hi Robert. I work a pretty average schedule, but I don't really have time for lunch like I should. I suggest you keep a few 100-150 calorie snacks with you when you work if you can, and try to plan on eating a "dinner" at least two hours before you go to sleep. Also, be sure to eat something before you go to work. I'm a…
  • My husband and I go to spin and boot camp together, and we both try to cook the foods we love, but healthier. It definitely helps if your partner is on board too. But I use MFP more than he does. It's a GREAT way to keep me honest about how much I eat. You can add me as a friend if you'd like. (Were you referring to…
  • Hi! It definitely helps to have people who can see our food diary :-) Now, I always think, "Is this something I want my friends on MFP to know I ate," before I eat things I know I shouldn't. You can add me as a friend.
  • Hi Sian! You can add me. I started back in the summer and hit my goal, but the holiday eating has already started to hit me hard. I've gained back some weight. My favorite way to work out is going to group classes at my gym.
  • Those all sound like great strategies. I try to go to the gym a couple of times a week after work for boot camp and spin, but that's becoming harder and harder to do. I still work out on Saturdays and Sundays regularly. I pack healthy snacks to bring to work and avoid our campus cafeteria as much as possible. I find that…
  • Hi I'm Audrey, and I teach English at a state college. I joined My Fitness Pal this past summer, and since I was only teaching one class, I had a great routine of going to the gym and beach boot camp, and I had the time to try out some healthy recipes. I hit my goal weight, but now I'm SO busy with a full load of classes…
  • You can add me too. I reached my target weight a few months ago, but I'm having a hard time holding on. The holiday gauntlet has begun, and I have a major sweet tooth.
  • There are usually a few Mud Runs in my area each year. Except for the last one I did, I had a BLAST doing those races. Rolling around in the mud, climbing up stuff, rolling down stuff were all just so much fun. My husband and I trained by doing runs and, in the middle, playing on some playground equipment in our…
  • Welcome! I just started over the summer and am AMAZed at how helpful My Fitness Pal has been. I reached my goal weight, but now the pounds are creeping back up. (Stupid buy one get one free Halloween candy!) Feel free to add me! :smile:
  • This is an awesome app, but for me exercise has been the key. and I loooooove group fitness classes. I do an occasional run and I have three dogs that need walking twice a day, but there's just nothing to burn up those calories like a good bootcamp or spinning classes. Find ones that you like and just add them to your…
  • I am a huge sugar junkie, and before I joined My Fitness Pal I didn't realize how much a nibble here and there could add up. I actually make several Halloween treats last week to take camping with some friends, and I just finished eating the leftovers. :sad: I try to keep low calorie sweet snacks available, but the last…