HeatherD Member


  • Girl, you look FABULOUS!!!! You are an inspiration! Heather
  • I do what you just did.... Ask for help. Call a friend, post a message....whatever. Reach out. you do not have to do this alone. and the good news is you are not!!:flowerforyou: Also, shake off the mistakes. There is much more power, emotionally and physically (it's true, studies show!!), in positive attitudes and…
  • Go purple! Go purple! (this cheer goes with a rockin' dance move I picked up in the early 90's and can't shake!....your doing it too now, aren't you? ) Thanks Skittles and Familygirl!!
  • welcome! good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • Good Stuff! Celebrate the victories big and small! Heather
  • I think Fitness_chick is absolutely right. Of course we are all wanting to see those numbers on the scale go down, but if it causes too much stress and anxiety to see those numbers, take a break from the scale. If we know that we are eating well and moving our bodies, it will happen. Quick story: Ten years ago, before I…
  • Sounds great! Thanks for the recipe....I am going to try it tomorrow! Heather D
  • OK here goes: To be down to pre SECOND baby weight by or before June 26 (our son turns three then, so I figure it might be time to get the "baby weight" off - 35lbs) To be down to pre FIRST baby weight by or before October 3 (our daughter turns 5, so I figure, what that heck, might as well get that "baby weight" off too!!…
  • Love those inspiring stories!! Thanks for sharing it.
  • Thanks for organizing! :flowerforyou: I looking forward to making it happen with the purple team!! HeatherD
  • Can I play too? I'm not on a team, but would love to either join one, or start one. Any idea how to do this? I am planning to, literally, work my butt off!!:bigsmile: Heather
  • That is so frustrating!! How has your salt intake been? Hidden salts can cause water retention (and therefore added weight)....alternatively is it coming to your time of the month? Sometimes that one sneaks up on me..... Hang in there, it sounds like you are doing all the right things. Heather
  • ...and I am appalled:cry: How could I let this happen? How could I let this go on for so long? How can I take this moment of shame and USE IT to motivate myself to make the necessary changes. I am worried I will become so overwhelmed (by how much I have weight I have to lose) and ashamed that I will not move forward…
  • We women are such an incredible support to each other in all aspects of our lives. if you have a minute (an a box of kleenex near by) watch this short clip. I friend sent it to me today and it is very powerful. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_4qwVLqt9Q We shall transcend our weight weight issues!! XO heather
  • We women are such an incredible support to each other in all aspects of our lives. if you have a minute (an a box of kleenex near by) watch this short clip. I friend sent it to me today and it is very powerful. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_4qwVLqt9Q We shall transcend our weight weight issues!! XO heather
  • Thank you for the tips.. I really need to somehow get the idea out of my head that food is a REWARD for having had a tough or busy day, or that food (bad food or too much food) is something I DESERVE because of some kind of celebration - even if it is just a private one. I need to get the idea that EATING IS PART OF…
  • I'm a smart person, I know what I have to do to lose the weight and gain fitness. I could teach a course on how to lose weight and feel great. The problem? I am at least 95 pounds overweight and I can't seem to break the cycle of binge eating. Nearly every day I start out with the best of intentions for eating well and…
  • Tomorrow IS a new day. Don't beat yourself up, girl! Life happens. :flowerforyou:
  • I stay within my calories, but I nearly always seem to go over my protein. Is this a problem? I not exactly losing weight in a fast and furious manner so maybe it is a problem.... Any thoughts? Suggestions? Heather
  • Niiiiice! Small steps over the course of a long journey get us where we want to go. Awesome!:smile: Can I share my recent small victory? No more cream in my coffee or tea. None. In the last few days I have switched to black and, as they say, I've never looked back! They're talking about coffee right?? :wink:
  • So sorry to hear about your friend. But what a reminder not to take things -like our health, for one -for granted. Thanks for the reminder that we only have one go round in this life and we need to make the most of it. This site is a great place to start. Your kids and family will thank you...and so will mine. Good luck on…
  • You ROCK!! That is fantastic and really inspiring! Keep on doing what you do!! Heather
  • You can do it! all the best on your journey... just remember to be kind to yourself. Your three kids (especially your little one -congratulations by the way!) can make it hard to find time for yourself some days...on the days when you have not been able to work out, or get to the gym, do a few sets of lunges, a few sit ups…
  • Welcome! Good luck on your journey!
  • Way to go!! A very good reminder for all of us!:flowerforyou:
  • I agree with Bob. Forgive yourself and put it behind you. :smile: We ALL have days and weekends like that....If we can learn anything, like maybe what is behind these lapses in our control, then perhaps we can stop them before they start (or at least take control before things get too our of hand). I read this some where…
  • When similar thing happened to me, a friend reminded me that is is not always about what the scales says. It's about making those life choices we all know are better for us to live our lives in a happy healthy way. And it's about sticking to the commitment I have made to myself ESPECIALLY when I'm feeling frustrated, bored…
  • Thanks for this! It is totally helpful to think of these portions when away from the measuring cups or scales.
  • My kids had me up and down all night. I'm exhausted and feeling stressed out. I know that when I'm feeling this way I tend to use food as away to make me feel better and stay energized just so I can get through the day (I'm a stay home mom of two children under 4). I really want to find a way to break that habit. Any…