ugh!! okay so this whole week i've been extremely dedicated and motivated to lose weight. everyday i've stuck to a strict 1200 cal. a day diet. i have been staying active. i'm taking my vitamins. and this is all drastic change from what my bad habits were not long ago. within the first 3 days i could feel myself more energized and my bowel movements were regulated which had been an issue for me for some time now. i know that's a little personal and gross, but i need to get the whole picture in order to understand what's going on.... anyway... so i had lost 1 pound within the first 3 days. pretty normal... then, i went home for the holidays just for the past 4 days, and we don't have a scale here. i stopped by my apartment today and i weighed myself and.... 158!!! i was 154 like 3 days ago!! i don't understand! can someone please tell me what i'm doing wrong?? like i said, 1200 cal diet, staying active, vitamins.... my sleeping habits are way off, but i'm working on it. but why would i can 4 pounds at all, none the less this quickly??


  • lemondropdreams
    ugh!! okay so this whole week i've been extremely dedicated and motivated to lose weight. everyday i've stuck to a strict 1200 cal. a day diet. i have been staying active. i'm taking my vitamins. and this is all drastic change from what my bad habits were not long ago. within the first 3 days i could feel myself more energized and my bowel movements were regulated which had been an issue for me for some time now. i know that's a little personal and gross, but i need to get the whole picture in order to understand what's going on.... anyway... so i had lost 1 pound within the first 3 days. pretty normal... then, i went home for the holidays just for the past 4 days, and we don't have a scale here. i stopped by my apartment today and i weighed myself and.... 158!!! i was 154 like 3 days ago!! i don't understand! can someone please tell me what i'm doing wrong?? like i said, 1200 cal diet, staying active, vitamins.... my sleeping habits are way off, but i'm working on it. but why would i can 4 pounds at all, none the less this quickly??
  • HeatherD
    HeatherD Posts: 75 Member
    That is so frustrating!!

    How has your salt intake been? Hidden salts can cause water retention (and therefore added weight)....alternatively is it coming to your time of the month? Sometimes that one sneaks up on me.....

    Hang in there, it sounds like you are doing all the right things.

  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    I remember when I was eating 1200 cals a day plus exercise and my exercise cals... if I would just eat a bag of chips my weight would go up about that much... If I ate more than 1200 my weight seemed to jump.

    I started to get discouraged and ate how I pleased... About 1600cals a day and at first my weight was going up a bit and then started to go back down... i realized I was starving my body... 1200 was not enough at all. I now eat 1400cals a day and if I have a little treat here and there my weight doesnt jump about 5lbs. maybe a few ounces and then levels again.
  • mkatzb3
    mkatzb3 Posts: 31 Member
    I read an article in SHAPE saying that your body fluctuates about 5 lbs a day! When did you wiegh yourself? your "true weight" is right after doing your business in the morning completely nude. Also make sure 1200 calories is the correct intake... sometimes when your body doesn't have enough calories it goes into starvation mode and you end up getting "the starvation belly" or a pooch stomach. I totally went through the same thing so I hope this helps!
  • lemondropdreams
    hmmm... maybe i'm not eating enough?? because i've made sure that i don't go over 1200 which means that there have been a couple days where i have been under, which i'm sure means it's not enough.. but those are days where i know i'm not going to have time to go to the gym so i feel guilty if i eat too much. also, i was thinking about it, and i haven't been eating breakfast everyday.. that might have something to do with it. i dont know... it's the holidays and my whole schedule is all screwed up and different from the norm, so maybe i should continue trying my best but not stress out about it and then in a week when i get back to my normal schedule, i can really start monitoring my habits better. because right now i'm at home and the food in the house is not diet friendly, and my mom cooks and its so hard to calculate the calories sometimes so i end up skipping meals in fear that i'll eat too much of the wrong thing. and the gym and dance studios i go to are closed for the holidays. i just think that it's really hard for me truly calculate what's going on right now. but i have to say it's still quite frustrating because i'm trying so hard and i thought i was doing well. it was just one of those moments where you're feeling really good and you're actually excited to weigh yourself because you're just sure that you've lost at least a couple pounds... and then it's that slap in the face. ahh... i don't know.... we'll see...