

  • i could always use more support. im still learning a lot about weight loss. i find myself to be hungry after i eat. how can i fight this naturally without eating too many calories? i dont want to take an appetite supressant.
  • I'm with you! I don't have the same past, but my goal is the same. 40lbs by May! We can do this! I know we can. We just have to remember that in order to succeed it's a lifestyle change not a "diet" or temporary fix. I know I have found those thoughts to be my downfalls in the past. I look forward to encouraging you and…
  • I think if its for motivation then it's fine, but it bugs me when I know a guy is just showing off because he can. Just my opinion.
  • I don't have any real good suggestions except for you to speak to your doctor about what work outs you can do and what kind of foods you need to eat and ones to avoid. I am new to this whole weight lost thing but one thing I know for sure is that when you have been injured you need to consult with a professional before…
  • I am looking into do zumba as well. I keep hearing from everyone who has tried it that they love it.
  • I love it! Bringing back the sexy is brilliant! Add me if you wanna! I want my sexy back too! :) )
  • Eat what you can when you can. When I feel sick I don't force food down, but I will try to drink broth or something like that just to make sure I have something on my stomach. Crackers are also my buddies when I am just not wanting food, but need something on my stomach. I hope you get well soon!
  • Ya know I would ask the resturaunt anyway. I would get their recipe...if they will give it or ask what are the ingridients or see if they have nutrutional info for that(which sounds super good btw). If they raise an eyebrow who cares. You have a goal to reach and anyway more places are trying to give out nutr. info to…
  • Hey there! This is exactly what I need! I am 24 and a mom of two little ones! My oldest is 3 and my youngest is almost 17months old. It's so hard trying to eat right with all of the yummy things I buy for the kids to eat and for my husband! He isn't exactly on the whole exercising with wifey bandwagon and exercises with…