Support... please?

Looking for a few more people on here to have as friends! I'm on every day but just need a few people to help to give me that extra motivation and I'll gladly do the same in return! :)

I'm a 23 y/o happily married mother of a 20 month old son. My mom told me (constantly) that I was growing up my entire life. Looking back now I really wasn't overweight in my school years at all! (However my mom is about 5'10, 115 lbs, and CONVINCED she needs to lose weight.) I'm not looking to be that super skinny super model. I would however like to be lean, healthy, and able to wear at least a modest bikini next summer!


  • daisyvan
    daisyvan Posts: 2 Member
    Good job on the buterfly moving.. Keep up the good work!
  • SarahElittlebit
    SarahElittlebit Posts: 66 Member
    You've almost reached your first goal. Good job.
  • purplespeckle
    I'm on almost everyday too. I don't know what I'd do without MFP.
  • NadiaStropich
    I'm on every day as well. if you're looking for friends to help motivate (and vice-versa) I'd be glad to be one. I could use some help too!
  • SharonsJetSet
    You're doing really good. I think you're going to reach your labor day goal easily.

    There's a great group I belong to. Its called something like "Day to Day Challenges" We make 3 challenges to complete each day. They can be the same challenge or different, that's your choice. Then we come back and report on how we did.

    I love it because I CAN commit to this on a day to day basis

  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    You have my support. And you are doing great. I see the butterfly flying it's way to your goal!
  • missy0709
    Hey there! This is exactly what I need! I am 24 and a mom of two little ones! My oldest is 3 and my youngest is almost 17months old. It's so hard trying to eat right with all of the yummy things I buy for the kids to eat and for my husband! He isn't exactly on the whole exercising with wifey bandwagon and exercises with the guys and I need someone who is trying to lose weight but can also be a friend who understands where I come from with kids and all. I have some gf's who are married and exercise but they are already pretty healthy and our schedules conflict where we can't really get together to work out. It would be great to have some who can be my exercise buddy and I haven't logged on here in 3 months so it would be even better to have a buddy on here whom I can lose weight with!
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Daisyvan - Thanks for noticing the signature lol, I was so excited when I saw that poor butterfly finally getting out of the torrential downpour! lol.

    Slucinda28 - I'm almost there. I only need like .2 lbs and have a while to get it there, I'm glad I set that first goal a little easier so I didn't get disappointed!

    Purplespeckle - Me too! MFP has overtaken my facebook addiction it seems.

    NadiaStropich - Always looking to make new friends and a mutual goal is a great reason to start a friendship! Good luck on your goals!

    SharonsJetSet - Can you somehow point me in the direction of that group? It sounds like a great idea!

    Mommaski4 - Thank you! You're off to a good start as well!

    Missy0709 - Children make losing weight so so so difficult! But then again the husband isn't much help either! I'm always happy to have friends who are in the same area of life as myself!