

  • Well people don't usually have a mental illness by choice, and they don't usually choose to go through emotional and psychological pain that may result in certain disorders. I'm just trying to say that while yes, for some of us (myself included) we just let ourselves go and we chose to not take care of ourselves. But I…
  • Hmmm... that is a difficult question. I guess you have to ask is it a choice to be anoerexic or bulemic? or an alcoholic or a drug addict? I don't think so. For a lot of people there are a lot of psychological and emotional reasons for why they became obese and to just say, well it was your choice to put that food in your…
  • I am so sorry for your loss. I have been down the emotional eating road as well. When my mom was diagnosed with leukemia I think my whole family jumped into comfort foods and we all put on weight. You are going through a stressful time. Don't beat yourself up.
  • Mostly I just want to be able to shop in regular stores (not the plus size section) and I would like to try tights and high boots and a cute long t-shirt. Also a bikini. And I want to be able to buy cute lingerie, and a sexy halloween costume. Hahaha, I gues there are a lot of things I want. :)
  • I love swimming as well. I hate myself in a bathing suit. But I still force myself to get over it and get in the water. I used to go to this gym when I lived in Japan. Everyone was thin!!! I really stood out. I was the only white person and I was overweight. That was a hard place to walk into. But everyone was pretty nice.…
  • Nivea is pretty good and its inexpensive. My friend used it and her skin never looked better. I used it and then switched, bad idea. I will be switching back. Also, I saw this thing on pinterest where you take 2 tbsp of baking soda, add a couple drops of water and make it into a past and massage the past into you skin.…
  • I am actually curious about this as well. I was doing really well throughout the week but kind of fell off the wagon this weekend. I would also like to know what people sayabout how to recover and get back on track.
  • I have had experiences like that. I used to teach English in Japan where most of the population is thin, so being a big girl there I looked very out of place. People would think I couldn't understand the language and make comments about me as I was sitting right next to them....look at that fat girl etc. Some of my…
  • Sounds like you are in a tough situation. My former roommate also was in a situation that sounds like yours. her boyfriend would accuse her of being cold and he would always say she acted like a ***** and never listened to him. I lived with them for 2 months and I heard their fights so I can tell you, she always listened…
  • I am having the same issue. I want to get up earlier and every night I make this pact that I'm going to and every morning I hit the snooze. I wish I had some advice but I would love to hear what others have done because this is something I need help with as well. :(
  • Thats one of the factors that is motivating me as well. Plus size clothes just ins't cute! And if you do find something cute it usually is gonna cost you an arm and a leg. I always envy my friends who can go into the "regular" stores and buy cute dresses and boots! Good luck, I am right there with you :)
  • Great Post! I have unfortuantely done many of the things on the fail list. I think I will try the success list this time ;)
  • Ugh!!! I so understand what you are going through. Why do men think they have the right to give any advice about our bodies. I have had the same experience on online dating sites and I would have a really cute head shot but when they would meet me in person and see I was overweight, they wouldn't call again. These men were…
  • Thanks for sharing! I'm at the very beginning of my journey. Stories like yours really help motivate me. :)