Too embarrased to go swimming



  • SteveT59
    SteveT59 Posts: 47 Member
    Who gives a (insert appropriate profanity here) what others think, what matters is that you want to change things for you and the pool is where you will do it best. I'm far from skinny at 280 lbs, and yes, it can be a little embarrassing on the pool side. If you go to your local gym you will see people of all sizes in there, yes of course Adonis will be there, but so will Jabba the Hutt! I'm more like Jabba than Adonis, but I want to change for a reason and that reason is my kids, NOTHING stands between me and my kids.

    Be positive, realise who you are doing this for (yourself) flip the bird at anyone who mocks and make a big splash in that pool.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    I think alot more people that you could know feel this way, in shape or not. But if you are confident and walk around with swag no one is gonna notice!
    Just make sure that your trunks or swim suit, etc fits and go with it!
  • TheNEWMonicaB
    TheNEWMonicaB Posts: 129 Member
    I had the same feeling! I started going to the local Aquatic Center and was taking evening water aerobics 3 times a week. There were people in that class that were 100 pounds to 450 pounds, men and women, and all age ranges. I never once felt uncomfortable, When the nightime water aerobics ended, I was forced to find something to replace it and I was LOVING the water, so decided to try out lap swimming. The 1st time I left the locker room to walk to the pool and look for a lane, I was petrified. After a few moments, I realized that absolutely no one was looking at me and was into their own workout. And, as some others have mentioned, there are people of all ages, weights, and fitness levels walking around and I did not feel the least bit judged.

    If you can swallow your fears and insecurities and just do it the very 1st time, I promise it will never be that hard again and you will feel so incredibly good working out in the water.

    Good luck to you! You can do it! :)
  • simplyeater
    simplyeater Posts: 270 Member
    Nope. I saw screw 'em and get my fat *kitten* in the pool. This is about ME!
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    Sometimes that first step is the hardest. I remember the day I finally stopped wearing a t-shirt over my swim suit and just accepted who I was, I love working out in the water and if you do you really shouldn't pass up a chance. Be proud of who you are and the hard work you are putting in to be healthy and fit, to the best of my knowledge no human being ever died from embarrassment.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    C'mon, Take my cyber hand and follow me into the pool! Look, If you don't go, you arent hurting anyone but yourself because the truth is nobody cares how fat or thin you are. You just miss out. JUST YOU misses out. Get over it and be good to yourself!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    You have to make a decision as to what's more important, your health or your ego. It sounds like swimming is something that you enjoy(ed), just get your butt in the water and get going.
  • gwduker
    gwduker Posts: 293
    The kids like it when I swin because I raise the water level! :laugh: Yeah, not proud of my gut hanging out, but swimming is fun and great excercise. Who cares what other people think. Get out there and enjoy yourself.
  • Nicole_Altieri
    Nicole_Altieri Posts: 28 Member
    I did the same thing, so I figured out the pools schedule and started going at 5 am, put on my suit under my sweats and when straight to the pool area, stripped down real quick and jumped in before anyone saw me. I friend of mine said something to be about it cause she thought what I was doing was funny......"theyre your insecurities not anyone elses" you are there to be better and feel better - so just ignore other people if they look. Whats kept me going (cause Im obviously the biggest person getting into the pool) is that I can see my body change and other people have commented. Stay motivated for you thats all that matters and keep the haters on the sideline. Hell if you want put a shirt on, they even have swim shirts for men. Do whatever you have to do to make yourself comfortable so you're determined to stay out there!

    They also look when I lap thier *kitten* too!

  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Go to a few different sessions to see who goes when. At my pool, there are nights/times that attract grannies and families*. (Can be frustrating if you swim at an intermediate or fast pace, though, no offence to older people and families. And there are a couple of older swimmers who are like bloody torpedoes, to be fair.)

    My swim 'uniform' helps me feel inconspicuous - basic black Speedo, swim cap, goggles. The way I think of it is, with the last two, no one can really see your face, and your body's there to work anyway :)

    *Friday and Monday nights, usually; weekend mornings.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Yeah I have this issue too. I used to go few years back regularly but now my hairy back & chest is stopping me!!! Should this be an issue guys?

    You'd be surprised how many women think man hair is sexy!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I never ever swim in public. ): It's something I wish I could get over but I don't even wear SHORTS or short sleeved shirts so I really don't think this is something I will be able to overcome.
  • lilacsun
    lilacsun Posts: 204 Member
    Yeah I have this issue too. I used to go few years back regularly but now my hairy back & chest is stopping me!!! Should this be an issue guys?

    I'm not a guy but I can answer this one. No, hair should not be an issue. My hubby is a hairy guy and he looks great! Men are hairy naturally and it is okay. All this metro shaving/hair removal is nuts. Some of us ladies do not mind guy hair. Just go and have fun.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Going to Hawaii has totally cured me of swimsuit self-consciousness. In fact, after probably a decade of not wearing a bikini I finally decided to go buy one after being there. And I wore it and I totally rocked it in my own head even though I really don't have the body to be rockin' it in anyone else's head. It's all in the attitude. Those gorgeous beaches are full of very large girls and women in very tiny bikinis and they just looked so beautiful because they were absolutely not the slightest bit uncomfortable with themselves. They are absolute works of art simply because they know they are beautiful. I'm guessing they have a culture where 'skinny' is not in, because they were big and happy to be big and saw absolutely nothing wrong with being big. And they all looked totally healthy and happy. Sometimes you just have to embrace the body you have. You can love yourself and still work to improve yourself.
  • Simplyeater has got it right, Just keep saying 'screw'em' and think about the results. Before you know it, you will be walking in there with confidence and feeling & looking great!!!!

    "The only one who can tell you "you can't" is you. And you don't have to listen" ~ Nike
  • I love swimming as well. I hate myself in a bathing suit. But I still force myself to get over it and get in the water. I used to go to this gym when I lived in Japan. Everyone was thin!!! I really stood out. I was the only white person and I was overweight. That was a hard place to walk into. But everyone was pretty nice. People would ask me where I was from, I started to make friends and eventually I didn't worry so much about how I looked and I concentrated more on how I felt about doing something that I love. Is there anyone you could go with? It might be easier with a buddy.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Most people are too focused on themselves and how their fat (real or imagined) looks in a bathing suit to notice you.
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    Just do it! You are there to get healthy. Who really cares what others are thinking and honestly most people aren't gonna give it a second thought. If it makes you feel better then go at non peak hours and once you are in the water they can't even see you. It will get easier each time you go. You have just as much right to go there, don't sell yourself short. I love to swim (and I am not even very good) and I go for me :) Live like a fit person and soon you will be one!
  • SheilaN1976
    SheilaN1976 Posts: 266 Member
    i used to love swimming growing wont even put on a one piece bathing suit. I haven't been swimming in years now. I hate the way i look in clothes so i am not about to put on a swimsuit.
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member

    I've been having lessons with my friend. He's teaching me to improve my stroke :wink: . Seriously. He's helping me to improve the breaststroke and I've just started the front crawl. I never look in the mirrors at the pool and just concentrate on improving. I don't think anyone is really taking any notice of us getting in and out but we do have a tendency to worry what people think. These days I feel more of a twit because I have to wear a swim hat! Makes me look like a roll on deoderant! Concentrate on the reason you're at the pool. Let us know when you've been.