Too embarrased to go swimming



  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,173 Member
    I was...except I have seen women bigger than myself at the pool in swimsuits. I figure if THEY can do it, why cant I? So I did...all summer, several times a week to do water jogging. Glad I did. You should, too! :)
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    My kids haven't learned how to swim (they're 7 and 4) because of my low self esteem in a swimsuit. I know I just need to get over it, but I have so far found every excuse in the book to avoid taking them to a pool.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    A swim shirt might help you. Just shorts and a shirt.
  • csolo634
    csolo634 Posts: 14 Member
    Just go do it! This is for you and nobody else and you will feel so much better for having done the exercise. I swim regularily and to be honest I hardly notice other people because my focus is on meeting my goals when I go. I'm no romance novel cover guy, but vanity is a state of mind we can control..... so take your trunks and your towel and get in the water!
  • BrownEyedGrrl
    BrownEyedGrrl Posts: 144 Member
    Does anyone do laps in the pool even though they can't swim properly? I'm terribly uncoordinated and though I can swim alright I"ve never been able to put my head in the water and then bring it up to breath as I'm swimming. Tried again a few weeks ago and just ended up sucking in water and
  • i cant really help you get over the horror that is swimming in public. i can offer this. i too am alarmed to be seen swimming (no shirt) BUT i do it anyway because IT IS SO WORTH IT. in fact i would be doing as well as i am if i hadnt started swimming again this summer. im 300 pounds (big frame man) and i cringe when there are slender people at the pool, sometimes i turn around and come back later BUT i come back. try going early or late when people tend to avoid swimming. jjust remember you are worth it and swimming is worth doing.
  • L122321
    L122321 Posts: 2 Member
    Don't be!!!

    I set out to lose 100 lbs at the start of the year. Around March I started swimming. Since I began swimming I have reached my halfway goal and I would have never been able to do it without the swimming. I swim with an adult masters program in my area. I am definitely the biggest girl and probably boy on the team but it is what I enjoy doing and it is helping me reach my goal. Don't let your insecurities get the best of you. No matter what your body looks like you will always find something wrong with it. I have found most people to be highly encouraging of my swimming. My time has improved dramatically and I feel so much stronger. If you really like to swim go out and do it.
  • I hate the way I look in a swimsuit but who cares! (think beached whale)

    I will go and swim my laps. Do whatever I want to do. I am not there for a beauty pageant!!!!
  • JessieMaeH82
    JessieMaeH82 Posts: 79 Member
    I am that way about the gym-but I have to get over it.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Does anyone do laps in the pool even though they can't swim properly? I'm terribly uncoordinated and though I can swim alright I"ve never been able to put my head in the water and then bring it up to breath as I'm swimming. Tried again a few weeks ago and just ended up sucking in water and

    take a couple of lessons.

    i can only do breaststroke, fwiw.
  • BrownEyedGrrl
    BrownEyedGrrl Posts: 144 Member
    Does anyone do laps in the pool even though they can't swim properly? I'm terribly uncoordinated and though I can swim alright I"ve never been able to put my head in the water and then bring it up to breath as I'm swimming. Tried again a few weeks ago and just ended up sucking in water and

    take a couple of lessons.

    i can only do breaststroke, fwiw.

    I have taken I'm just terribly uncoordinated
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    I am such a strong swimmer even being fat so I don't usually care I just go anyway
  • I totally understand. I used to love being in a bathing suit and now there is no question. I am so happy that I didn't go to Cuba for my vacation cause I was dreading stepping into my bathing suit. However, one thing that helped me (I no longer do it cause I changed paces to go to the gym) is to enroll in a water aerobis class. It's an older crowd and you are so comfortable cause no one in those classes are there to judge. Everyone is different sizes. It's good to force yourself but don't do it to the point that you'll never go back. Also I must add that it's totally true what people have answered....most of the time, people r not even looking. Sometimes it's all in our head :)
  • Fat2Fit4Life
    Fat2Fit4Life Posts: 599 Member
    Your story is so much like my own...

    Swimming was all I did during the summer when I was growing up. I would be at the pool from open until close - took all the swim lesson classes I could and joined the swim team at a young age. Loved it and kept it up year-round for several years, but then I started to put on some weight.

    As a kid, I didn't care that I was a little big. It was actually kind of a great psych out for the skinny kids I would compete against. This is a little weird, but I would pretend like it was my first meet while they felt even more confident to swimming against a beginner who was also fat. Then I would destroy them in the water.

    Long story short, that confidence failed me as I got older and I stopped swimming. I spent years without going to the pool. My skin did not see the sun for more than 3 years. The whole time, I wanted to be in the water, bould not force myself to go. I have gone through this internal struggle for more than half my life.

    The good news? I have gotten over myself. The way I see it - everyone at the pool (swimming laps) is doing so for the purpose of getting healthy. I just go out there and put on my mirrored goggles and forget everyone else is there. Focus on my technique and my breathing and just swim.

    The people at the pool are supportive and if you get back in there you will not regret it. PLEASE trust me! :happy:
  • draco706
    draco706 Posts: 174 Member 5ft3 and over 200 I still go swimming. In a swimsuit, a speedo. If your self conscious wear a rash guard but I doubt anyone will care.
  • clarajean123
    clarajean123 Posts: 22 Member
    Many people feel that way. Your feelings have nothing to do with swimming of any kind. I love to swim, but I had to get over the fact that I wasn't comfortable with my own body and stop worrying about people staring or what others think. Take a breath!,,,,,,, It so true. What I found is that most people are more worried about how they, themselves, look more then anyone else. And for those who want to snicker or make inappropiate comments are showing there own insecurity and probably have bigger problems then me. I also found that other people who are genuine actually admire those who go swimming for enjoyment and exercise with a good attitude. So GO FOR IT. IT'S YOUR LIFE!
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    Does anyone do laps in the pool even though they can't swim properly? I'm terribly uncoordinated and though I can swim alright I"ve never been able to put my head in the water and then bring it up to breath as I'm swimming. Tried again a few weeks ago and just ended up sucking in water and

    I'm very uncoordinated. I swim laps. It's the only way I can guarantee I don't bump into anyone. I can barely see a thing without my glasses on, but at least in the swimming lanes everyone is going in the same direction, so I'm not going to swim into someone who's swimming towards me. (Incidentally, it's amazing how people don't move out the way - I'll be inches from them before I see them and then I am the one who has to swim rapidly to the side to avoid a collision! You'd think people would use their common sense and get out of the way if someone is swimming towards them with no apparent awareness of their presence!)
  • ahlin699
    ahlin699 Posts: 3 Member
    Funny you should post this. Today I am going Lap Swimming for the 1st time in years. I have looked for 300 excuses today NOT to go, but I am putting on a brave front and just doing it! At the very least, I hope others there look at me and say, "Wow, look at her. At least she is here trying to do something." You can do this! Believe in yourself. You are depriving yourself of something that will bring you joy, satisfaction, and good health!
  • murmuration
    murmuration Posts: 21 Member
    This thread has been quite encouraging! I haven't been swimming for about 15 years, but in the last month the idea has become very appealing. I even bought a swimsuit. I just haven't had the nerve to go yet. Without my glasses, my eyesight is terrible, so I worry I'll get lost from the changing rooms to the pool :laugh: Thinking about it, I'd be too concerned about walking in the right direction to worry about people looking at me.

    To cloney87 and others who are nervous about swimming... I think we can do this! Let's all jump in together :smile:
  • katescurios
    katescurios Posts: 224 Member
    It is a lot more scary in your head than it is in reality. I'm blind as a bat without my glasses and look like a beached whale in my swimsuit. I started goind swimming again a few months ago after about 15 yrs break. Once you get there you realise that most of the people don't have great bodies. Ages range from very young to very old, sizes from tiny to huge, ability from barely swimming to athlete and most importantly everyone is so busy worrying about how they look they don't have time to look at you!

    Swimming is great fun and a good workout. Oh for the glasses weareea you can get prescription goggles online for about £15 or just wear your glasses like I do :D