briansurv Member


  • I love my Vitamix but tend to go more with Falx Seed, what do the Chia Seeds taste like? I'll have to give them a shot. Love the Vitamix as it is a staple of my kitchen.
  • I to am a cheapskate along with 4 kids under 12 makes it hard to go anywhere on a regular basis so bought a great eliptical and loving it. Once its paid I will look for another piece to add. Thought about Planet Fitness on County Line also and the Y but the Y was a bit much right now and started to join PF but just can't…
  • I am prior military and put on ummmm, 1 or 2 pounds and didn't feel I wanted to try to run anymore so I finally bought a Recumbent bike which is a Schwinn 240 and I have dropped right ast 40 lbs and no pain on the ankles and you can literally sit and peddle. now I'm motivated and going to start the P90X soon and drop 40…
  • Good luck, you'll find everyone here to be motivating, get some friends on here to help you along. The little comments by everyone helps keep you going.
  • Good Luck Fred!!
  • Good luck Crystal and while you may not be able to change your husband you can change yourself for your lucky child. Maybe when he see's the difference he to will want a change.
  • I'm afraid I'm not one to offer advice on what to loose but just wanted to say good luck and stick with it.
  • I'm starting tonight hopefully but trying to get the food menu in place to make this successful. Motivation is the key, so that my 4 kids won't kill me. lol
  • Gee, can a guy get in on this fun? Don't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable though. If so, I'm in.
  • Yes, welcome. I'm new and still trying to figure it out and need to get better about bloggoing each day and I really like writing down what I eat, last night I wanted a 2d Silver mint Bar from Schwanns and then I decided against because I thought if I was honost I would have to put it up here.......sounds crazy but thats…
    in New! Comment by briansurv July 2009
  • You should try the Steel cut oats, so much healthier but I still buy regular oatmel at times, with 4 little ones....not much choice. Also try making the scrambled eggs in the oven, use a small muffin pan and put eggs and then add peppers or turkey baco, or just Bacon and whtever you feel like. very good although may be…