Hi I'm Crystal

Well I could really use some support with losing weight. I have strep and went to the doc to find out my weight is at 173 lbs. Heaviest I have ever been except when I was 9 months pregnant which was a close 190. I am so unhappy with how I look and my heart rate and blood pressure are high. I have no energy. Ever. I could sleep all day If I didnt have my daughter to take care of. I do have a very happy life. A wonderful husband and daughter. The big problem is my husband is obese and he doesnt realize it. He has put on almost 75 lbs since we were married 4 years ago. The majority of it when i got pregnant. I guess because I put on weight he did too. I know It is going to be really difficult to try and lose weight with him around. He says he works out he says he doesnt eat alot but he does. He refuses to count calories or join this site. I made an account for him and am going to try and record his meals without him knowing. I am worried about his health. He has severe asthma. Im just not sure how to convince him that even though he "only" eats 3 slices of pizza and 4 slices of cheeseticks thats half his calories for the day. He sees amount and not calories and then drinks soda on top of that. I take full blame for the weight I have gained but he has definitely been a factor in it. He is a pizza addict. he would eat it every meal if he could! I try to make healthy meals but hes soooo picky and I dont want to buy and make food for one. He wont eat salad, barely likes beans unless theyre in a burrito, and he is almost never open to trying new things. Guess I needed to just vent about how difficult this is going to be by myself with the temptation of someone eating pizza sitting right next to me ugh. I cook very healthy for my 2 year old and she almost never has any junk food or anything proccessed. Its so much easier to make her eat healthy than to make myself.


  • briansurv
    briansurv Posts: 12 Member
    Good luck Crystal and while you may not be able to change your husband you can change yourself for your lucky child. Maybe when he see's the difference he to will want a change.
  • crystal84rose
    crystal84rose Posts: 53 Member
    I'm Crystal too! I'm in the same boat. My fiancee is overweight and he knows it, but he isn't to the obese stage yet so I think he doesn't really see it as a problem. He will eat whatever I cook but doesn't usually have nice compliments after I try a new "healthy" recipe so that kind of hurts my feelings a bit. When I say anything about me needing to lose weight he doesn't really say anything either way I think because he doesn't want to hurt my feelings and I think he gets a little bummed because he knows he will be affected by what I cooked and he's not real thrilled about that.