

  • Make it a night to treat yourself?? I know personally if I go without sweets during my diet I fail, but when I reward myself every now and then (within reason) it helps because I am not totally depriving myself.
  • I dont know that this will really help or not but just a suggestion. I made MFP my homepage for my computer, that way everytime i log on to check my mail I have to come to this page first. I have found that it really makes me want to stay on track and it's a constant reminder of how many calories I have left for the day.…
  • Maybe treat yourself a little each night until it is gone? Idk how long those actually stay good for, but your getting a little bit of a treat and pleasing your hubby?
  • Hi, I'm Jess and Im addicted to chocolate:) Seriously tho, sometimes when I am really craving chocolate I will eat a meal replacement bar from Special K. They are pretty good and it makes me think I am still getting my sweets. Just a suggestion:)
  • I know this is not exactly what you are looking for, but I have recently been using resistance bands and they are a great alternative. There are a lot of different exercises available with them and really do work!!:glasses:
  • In my opinion I think everything we eat that time of the month should not be counted against us and shouldn't stay on our bodies.. just sayin :laugh:
  • Thanks that helped! Thank you both so much:bigsmile:
  • Youve done great so far im sure you will catch right back up!!! I have been on vacation from school for 2 weeks but go back monday so now i am worried about how to eat properly at clinical sites...Hope i can stay on board as well!!
  • Nope no kids for me yet.. Thank you all for all the great suggestions. Im sure these will all work to help make my core stronger.
    in Sit-ups Comment by radtech July 2009
  • Thanks! I am goin to def. try this.
    in Sit-ups Comment by radtech July 2009
  • Dont worry about it you can start eating good again tomorrow. Hope everyone is ok!!
    in blah day Comment by radtech July 2009
  • I have tried a lot of things to lose weight but never followed thru. I am trying something new. I have this old pair of shorts that i loved wearing however i just got too thick for them so now those are my first goal shorts. I loved how i felt wearing them and i know getting back into them would give me that same feeling.…
  • TOOT AWAY!!! Thats great!:laugh:
  • Good Luck!! I just have to say, I have only been using this site for a few days and have not yet lost much weight but just having something to go to, to find my calorie intake is great! I always laughed when people said use a food journal but i have to say i get pretty dissapointed in myself puttin down unheathly food in…
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