deviantcupcake Member


  • Brazil nuts are my favourites. 4 of those as a snack makes me ever so happy.
  • Stress led to me overeating and drinking too much. Chronic illness and injuries whenever I pushed my limits with activity, be it exercise or just being in a job that was too much for me, also contributed. But mostly it was comfort eating and drinking beer to try to relax and forget. That's the trap I have to be very…
  • A million times yes. If you have the correct bra for you and at the right level of support you should not need to wear two bras. You wouldn't wear two normal bras to work to get the right support, you'd simply wear the correct bra. Shock Absorber are great - I've always bought from them. I'm a 36D and I need the maximum…
  • I find it really difficult. I've tried buying a filter bottle for work, which helped a little, but even using that I still find it difficult to choke down water. My latest trick at home is putting a slice of lemon (and squeezing out loads of juice) in the glass and drinking with a straw. The straw helps me get it down…
  • Only once. I didn't flip anyone off but did walk out of a stats exam. Never was any good at maths. But back to the point - not berating myself for slipping up or not doing something perfectly is a daily struggle. I have to keep reminding myself that it's not the end of the world. I can keep the rest of my day on track if…
  • I've just added you. I'm from South Wales, will be 30 in June. I don't have a lot to lose, but I'm trying to eat healthier meals and increase my activity with Fitbit and working out. Had a bit of a blip lately thanks to a flu bug, but I'm back on track as of today!
  • I have a Flex. Had it about 2 months, really pleased with it. I've had no problems, it's comfy on my wrist and very discreet. It feels totally secure, never had any issue with it coming loose even during strenuous activity. It's accurate enough for my needs - getting an idea of my steps and activity level is more important…
  • The Fitbit forums advise not to - it's 'shower proof' but not ideal to wear it for showering. I'd hate to get water or shower gel in it somehow, so I use shower times to give my skin a breather and charge the Flex. I definitely wouldn't submerge it for swimming or anything like that. Too expensive to risk having to replace…
  • I've always used Shock Absorber - they're great for high support levels. Most of them do result in the uni-boob look, but the support is worth it. No one really makes cute styles for D+ (curse these big boobs!). I've also read really good things about Moving Comfort, specifically the Juno bra. That one has moulded inner…
  • That's a good idea! I actually started 30DS on Tuesday, so I'm jumping on board with this. I've never completed the whole thing (for various reasons) but I'm really into it this time around.
  • I just use Sainsbury's own brand spray. Works well, doesn't leave white marks and it's certified cruelty-free. Inexpensive, too.
  • I have mushroom, garlic & almond soup with a couple of chunks off a loaf of brown bread. Cannot wait. Is it lunchtime yet?
  • As long as I can work it into my daily or weekly calories, I won't deprive myself of anything. Doing that just leads to me being miserable and it isn't worth that. A little bit (or sometimes a lot) of what I'm craving makes the cravings go away and doesn't harm my weight loss. Life is too short to deny myself something…
  • Yesterday was pretty good. Brrakfast: black pepper cottage cheese with soy roasted seeds. Lunch: pancakes stuffed with kale & three cheeses (not the most photogenic!). Dinner: Asian-inspired turkey meatballs with sesame soy dressing.
  • Musicals. Mostly when I'm working out I'll listen to a cast recording of some musical. Especially for cardio, because it helps take my mind away from the 'ohgodithurts' and the feeling that I can't breathe. But then sometimes I like a bit of electronic and indie rock, or some '70s music.
  • The guys who lift weights too heavy for them so they can't maintain good form. And their grunts and occasional yells of effort.
  • On a work day it usually takes me a couple of hours before I can eat anything without retching. On days when I can wake up when I'm ready and rested, I can often eat about half an hour after getting up.
  • For things like chocolate or veggie spread I tend to get it out of the jar with a knife and weigh it as I put it onto the bread or whatever. I put the plate & bread on the scale, zero it and then add the spread. It works, and you soon get used to how 10g (or whatever weight a portion is) looks, so you don't have to mess…
  • I managed to inhale a gnat yesterday. I've had them fly into my mouth before, which is disgusting, but actually going up my nose was so much worse! As for chafing, I've never had that problem. A friend who does have issues just uses Vaseline and gets on fine with that. Cheap and cheerful.
  • I just eat whenever I'm hungry. Fortunately, I've been able to eat whenever I like at work, so that's been a great help. I find it a waste of calories to eat when I'm not hungry, and I don't enjoy the food.
  • Chicken & sweetcorn soup tonight. I'm on a mostly liquid diet at the moment, since smashing my top cental incisors at the start of the week. Temporarily built up teeth are not good for biting food. Biiiig sigh for my clumsiness! Good thing I like soup!
  • Honestly, counting calories makes me miserable and dread eating. I do better and enjoy food more when I know it's healthy, I suppose. And eating healthy food the majority of the time makes me REALLY enjoy the junk food I have the rest of the time.
  • It's a weight and body size that I was reasonably comfortable with a couple of years ago. I realise I'm never going to be satisfied with my weight or how I look, but my goal weight is one I remember being ok with.
  • Salad with ham, hard boiled eggs, cress and cheese. Salmon & prawn salad with home-made Marie Rose sauce. Mini omelettes with spinach and whatever veg I had left in the fridge. They look like swamps but tasted good. Lunch in work on a day when I had no appetite. Mini Cheddars, yogurt and berries.
  • I exercise in my kitchen. It's the only place we can fit the exercise bike. Also in the spare bedroom when I'm doing pilates. We're very pushed for space in this house! But I walk along the canal and cycle paths near here, and I'm very lucky to have mountains and a nice park close by. If your partner doesn't want you to…
  • You'll laugh... The Phantom of the Opera. That song never fails to get my blood pumping and make me work harder.
  • I generally use olive-based spreads. I find butter far too heavy and rich, it makes me queasy now. Weird, because as a child I loved the stuff.
  • I'm 5'11" - didn't realise there were so many of us!
  • If I do strength before cardio, I haven't enough energy to really go for it and I phone in the cardio workout. If I do cardio before strength, I can really go for it and get a good cardio session in. I think getting my heart pumping and adrenaline flowing helps me, because I feel great and motivated to go into the strength…
  • Now there's something I'll regret not trying once in my life.